flutter: How to remove mapbox logo - flutter

I am using mapbox on my application, When Map is shown, the mapbox logo is shown :
How can I remove logo?
accessToken: MAPBOX_TOKEN,
initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
target: controller.center.value,
zoom: 8.0,
onMapCreated: (ctl) => controller.mapController = ctl,

As per their website
The Mapbox logo is a small image containing the stylized word "Mapbox". It typically resides on the bottom left corner of a map. While you may move the logo to a different corner of the map, we require the Mapbox logo to appear on our maps so that Mapbox and its maps get proper credit.
So no, you should not remove the Mapbox logo. This is the same for Google maps aswell.

You can't hide the logo and option button from mapbox but you can do a trick.. Set the logoViewMargins to your comfort which will hide the logo and settings button from the screen... Its will be there but you can't see it
logoViewMargins: const Point<num>(-100, -100),


White screen in InappWebView with QGIS in option Google maps (Flutter)

I used the QGIS for show all the options in the maps, but when I try to show google satellite maps it shows me a blank screen.
My code of InappWebView
View of the app
View of the browser "Chrome"
I try change the version and use other package "flutter_webview_plugin" but in this package cannot be take screenshot.

Google Maps widget in Flutter, how to move or remove zoom button

So basically I was wondering if there's any way to move the position of this button, or even remove it.
I need to move/remove it because when using extendBody: true in order to show the map even behind of the FBA, the button stays in the middle of the BottomNavBar.
You can change the visibility of the zoom control buttons by setting the zoomControlsEnabled property (docs) when displaying the Google Maps widget:
zoomControlsEnabled: false,

Flutter: How to always show google map toolbar buttons without even selecting marker?

In flutter app i've created map with google_maps_flutter package, and placed a Marker, selecting marker shows two buttons at the bottom right of map, but i want those buttons to be shown always by defauld even without clicking on marker, (basically i only need navigation button of toolbar so that i can show routs between marker and current location of user), is this possible?

Google Maps Flutter disable center Marker after onTap()

I use flutter_google_maps and after tapping on a Marker the Marker is centered automatically on the map.
Is there a way to disable this?
At the time of creating the marker make sure you are passing consumeTapEvents to true, and it will do the magic.
Follow the below line of code:
Marker marker = Marker(markerId: markerId, consumeTapEvents: true)

Unable to view all the information in the window on viewport

I've Tabpanel in viewport layout, In tabpanel panel I want to display Extjs Window. This popup window may contains large data.If the popup height exceeds the viewport height I'm unable to view all the information in the window. So when the popup height is more then the viewport height I should view the popup content by viewport scrolling(not by popup window scrolling).
Check these screens shots to understand my issues.
A. When the popup information is less it looks like this
B. When the popup information is too large it looks like this
Sample popup code
var my_popup = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
autoHeight: true,
//id: 'my_popup ',
closeAction: 'hide',
y: 50,
frame: false,
border: false,
modal: true,
bodyPadding: 10,
plain: true,
layout: 'fit',
maximizable: true,
items: content_form
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried giving that center panel (area to the right of the tree) a layout of it's own, other than the default viewport layout? Something like anchor layout with an anchorSize config specified.
If that wont work you could always make the center an iframe which does not contain a viewport. And then make your pop-up show from the iframe page - as long as using iframes doesn't rest too heavily on your conscience.