Google Maps widget in Flutter, how to move or remove zoom button - flutter

So basically I was wondering if there's any way to move the position of this button, or even remove it.
I need to move/remove it because when using extendBody: true in order to show the map even behind of the FBA, the button stays in the middle of the BottomNavBar.

You can change the visibility of the zoom control buttons by setting the zoomControlsEnabled property (docs) when displaying the Google Maps widget:
zoomControlsEnabled: false,


I'm having a problem when I press the keyboard in Flutter

When I touch the keyboard it has such a height. This also gives an overflowed error
Well if you need the Scrolling effect in your screen, It's best to adjust all the elements inside a SingleChildScrollView() widget. But if you think you won't need that. All you want is to get rid of the jumping from bottom, the easiest way you can achieve this is by enabling this
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true,
in your Scaffold() widget.

Flutter overlay with unclickable background

i am using overlay in flutter and if the overlay pop up i want to prevent the user from clicking the buttons behind it like this
before click
after click
try to use ignorePointer like this Ignore pointer demo
or you can use Boolean like isShow = true, when alert popup make it isShow =false

Programmatically make modalBottomSheet dismissable in Flutter

I use showModalBottomSheet to render a bottom sheet with buttons (StatefulWidgetWithButtons). Once a button is pressed the state of the sheet changes and it gets re-rendered with different content.
I would like that depending on a certain state the sheet becomes not dismissable. I can achieve this using
isDismissable: false
builder: (context) => StatefulWidgetWithButtons()
however what I want to achieve is that depending on a certain button pressed within StatefulWidgetWithButtons the isDismissable property changes to true (or false).
I don't know how to achieve this since I know I can change the StatefulWidgetWithButtons but that won't rebuild the bottom sheet.
I also don't want to close and show again the bottom sheet but change its dismissable behaviour while it is rendered
I was able to get this behaviour by wrapping the non-dismissible layout variant of the bottom sheet in a GestureDetector with vertical drag handler like so:
onVerticalDragUpdate: (_) {},
child: ...
This prevents the default modal bottom sheet drag handlers from taking action
If you want to learn more about this solution and how it works you can read about it here:
It definitely seems more like a workaround/hack but it looks like the only alternative is to implement a completely custom showModalBottomSheet from scratch

Flutter: How to show content behind bottomNavigationBar

I have an app that has a bottomNavigationBar() wrapped in a clipRRect() but the content doesn't show behind it. The same behaviour also happens with transparent SliverAppBar()s in NestedScrollView()s. How can I achieve this?
Edit: Here is an example of the SliverAppBar() problem. The shadow is being hidden by the app bar.
you can try this:
extendBody: true,
extendBodyBehindAppBar: true,
and give a little padding to the top and bottom of you body content for overlapping at the very top and bottom.

Flutter. ColorFiltered with click through it

I am using this
colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(Colors.black54, BlendMode.srcOut),
In order to create an overlay over my entire screen and then I cut out a section of it in order go highlight a widget which is below this overlay. Something similar to this:
My problem is that the widget behind it, is not clickable. The overlay consumes the click. How can I mark just that particular zone, to be clickable ? Nothing more, nothing less.
I know I could use IgnorePointer but ... if I set it as a parent to ColorFiltered it'll just allow all the widget behind the overlay to be clicked. I need it to work ONLY on the highlighted area.
I'm starting to thing I need to rethink the highlighter, in order to achieve this functionality. Am I right ?