Understanding Indy Socket timeouts - sockets

I want to understand how Indy socket timeouts works, because I want to use them in the following way.
I have an application (TCP server/client) that transfers a file over the Internet. When I start the transfer, I want to be able to stop it fast enough (let's say, 1500 ms) if I decide that. If some socket is reading data, and something happens on the wire that makes it late, I won't be able to stop the transfer, because the socket is hung reading data. So I need to set some short timeouts, that in normal operation will not be triggered. But if something happens and data is running late, the control will be passed to the main proc and I'll be able to check for the abort request.
Now, I don't know what to do next... If a socket read times out, what do that mean? The socket did not receive any data for that period of time... Or, the socket received some data in the buffer but doesn't have time to finish? I have a feeling that those timeouts are the waiting periods for something to happen (start a read or a write operation). But (let's say a read), once started, what happens if the socket receives half of the data (which he was asked to read) and then nothing comes? Will that call block the program execution forever? Because if that happens, then again I will not be able to check for abort request.
Anyway... when the timeout occurs, it will raise an exception? I can catch it and try again, in the same connection, like nothing happened? Will the in/out buffer be modified after a timeout?
I am using this to set the Read and Write timeouts:
Socket.ReadTimeout:= WorkingRTimeOut;
Socket.Binding.SetSockOpt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, WorkingWTimeOut);

Socket timeouts are applied on a per-byte basis.
If you ask a socket to read N number of bytes, it will return as many bytes as it can, up to N bytes max, from the socket's receive buffer. It can (and frequently does) return fewer bytes, requiring another read to receive the remaining bytes. If a timeout error occurs, it means no bytes at all arrived in time for the current read. There is no way to know why, or whether they ever will arrive.
If you ask a socket to send N number of bytes, it will accept as many bytes as it can, up to N bytes max, into the socket's write buffer. It can (and sometimes does) buffer fewer bytes, requiring another send to buffer the remaining bytes. If a timeout occurs, it means the socket's write buffer has filled up, the receiver is not reading fast enough (or at all) to clear space in the sender's write buffer in time.
If you ask Indy to read/send N number of bytes, it may perform multiple socket reads/sends internally, waiting for all of the expected bytes to be received/sent. So it may have read/sent X number of bytes, where X < N, before the timeout occured. Sure, you could try another read/send again, asking for only the remaining bytes you haven't received/sent yet (N - X), but don't ask for the bytes you already received/sent (X). You might receive/send more bytes, or you might get another timeout, there is no way to know until you try. However, depending on context, it may not be easy/possible to know how many bytes were received/sent before the timeout, so you might not know how many remaining bytes to ask for again. In which case, about all you can sensibly do is just close the TCP connection, reconnect, and resume/start over.
As for your ability to abort a connection quickly, you could move your read/send code to a worker thread, and then Disconnect() the socket from your main proc when needed. That will generally abort any blocking read/send in progress.


What happens when a process tries to read more bytes than the one that sent it

If Two processes communicate via sockets and Process A sends Process B 100 bytes.
Process B tries to read 150 bytes. Later Process A sends 50 bytes.
What is the result of Process B's read?
Will the process B read wait until it receives 150 bytes?
That is dependent on many factors, especially related to the type of socket, but also to the timing.
Generally, however, the receive buffer size is considered a maximum. So, if a process executes a recv with a buffer size of 150, but the operating system has only received 100 bytes so far from the peer socket, usually the available 100 are delivered to the receiving process (and the return value of the system call will reflect that). It is the responsibility of the receiving application to go back and execute recv again if it is expecting more data.
Another related factor (which will not generally be the case with a short transfer like 150 bytes but definitely will if you're sending a megabyte, say) is that the sender's apparently "atomic" send of 1000000 bytes will not all be delivered in one packet to the receiving peer, so if the receiver has a corresponding recv with a 1000000 byte buffer, it's very unlikely that all the data will be received in one call. Again, it's the receiver's responsibility to continue calling recv until it has received all the data sent.
And it's generally the responsibility of the sender and receiver to somehow coordinate what the expected size is. One common way to do so is by including a fixed-length header at the beginning of each logical transmission telling the receiver how many bytes are to be expected.
Depends on what kind of socket it is. For a STREAM socket, the read will return either the amount of data currently available or the amount requested (whichever is less) and will only ever block (wait) if there is no data available.
So in this example, assuming the 100 bytes have (all) been transmitted and received into the receive buffer when B reads from the socket and the additional 50 bytes have not yet been transmitted, the read will return those 100 bytes and will not wait.
Note also, the dependency of all the data being transmitted and received -- when process A writes data to a socket it will not necessarily be sent immediately or all at once. Depending on the underlying transport, there's an MTU size and any write larger than that will be broken up. Smaller writes may also be delayed and combined with later writes to make up the MTU. So in your case the send of 100 bytes might be too large (and broken up), or might be too small and not be transmitted immediately.

TCP connection for real time

I want to use a real time TCP connection, I have a streaming of data from server , and I receive it by a client, but this client is too slow to receive as fast as the sender is, so the server buffer the data until it's reach the destination, for example if I "produce" data at time t, and suppose that the client are 10 time slower, then the data produced at time t, will arrive at time 10t.
I want to make the server "drop" the data that can't reach the client at the present time, and send the new data which is expected to arrive at the time?
B.S : I know that UDP protocol do this, but I want to do this by TCP.
I've done this sort of thing in the past, and got reasonably good results. Here's how I did it:
1) On the sending side, use setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF) to make the server's TCP socket's send buffer as small as you can get away with (since you can't drop data once it's already in the socket's send buffer, you want to keep as little data there as possible)
2) On the sending side, never proactively send() any outgoing data into the socket at all. Instead, write a function (we'll call it DumpCurrentStateToBuffer()) that writes the "current state" bytes (that you want to send to the client) into an in-memory buffer.
3) When the client's socket select()'s (or poll()'s, or whatever mechanism you use) as ready-for-write, call DumpCurrentStateToBuffer() to create a memory-buffer of bytes that are to be sent to the client. Now send that data to the client (if you're using blocking I/O you can do it synchronously, at the cost of potentially stalling your server until the data can be sent; OTOH if you're using non-blocking I/O, you may need to keep the memory-buffer and your current sent-bytes index into the buffer around as state variables, so you can keep sending more sub-chunks of the memory buffer over time, whenever the socket indicates that it can receive more bytes)
4) Once the memory-buffer's contents have been fully sent, you can free the memory buffer, and then wait for the socket to select as ready-for-write again; when it does, goto (3).
This technique doesn't solve all of TCP's non-real-time issues; for example, a dropped TCP packet will still have to be resent to the client. What it does do is guarantee that the client-to-server data backlog will never be more than one or two "states" long, because you never generate any new data unless/until there is at least some room in the socket's output buffer.

Is a successful send() "atomic"?

Does a successful call to send() with the number returned equal to the amount specified in the size parameter guarantee that no "partial sends" will occur?
Or is there some way that the OS might be interrupted while servicing the system call, send part of the data, wait for a possibly long time, then send the rest and return without notifying me with a smaller return value?
I'm not talking about a case where there is not enough room in the kernel buffer; I realize that I would then get a smaller return value and have to try again.
Based on the answers so far, my question could be rephrased as follows:
Is there any way for packets/data to be sent over the wire before the call to send() returns?
Does a successful call to send() with the number returned equal to the amount specified in >the size parameter guarantee that no "partial sends" will occur?
No, it's possible that parts of your data gets passed over the wire, and another part only goes as far as being copied into the internal buffers of the local TCP stack. send() will return the no. of bytes passed to the local TCP stack, not the no. of bytes that gets passed onto the wire (and even if the data reaches the wire, it might not reach the peer).
Or is there some way that the OS might be interrupted while servicing the system call, send part of the data, wait for a possibly long time, then send the rest and return without notifying me with a smaller return value?
As send() only returns the no. of bytes passed into the local TCP stack, not whether send() actually sends anything, you can't really distinguish these two cases anyway. But yes, it's possibly only some data makes it over the wire. Even if there's enough space in the local buffer, the peer might not have enough space. If you send 2 bytes, but the peer only has room for 1 more byte, 1 byte might be sent, the other will reside in the local tcp stack until the peer has enough room again.
(That's an extreme example, most TCP stacks protects against sending such small segments of data at a time, but the same applies if you try to send 4k of data but the peer only have room for 3k).
I'm not talking about a case where there is not enough room in the kernel buffer; I realize that I would then get a smaller return value and have to try again
That will only happen if your socket is non-blocking. If it's blocking and the local buffers are full, send() will wait until there's room in the local buffers again (or, it might return
a short count if parts of the data was delivered, but an error occured in the mean time.)
Edit to answer:
Is there any way for packets/data to be sent over the wire before the call to send() returns?
Yes. That might happen for many reasons.
The local buffers gets filled up by that recent send() call, and you use blocking I/O.
The TCP stack sends your data over the wire but decides to schedule other processes to
run before that sending process returns from send().
Though this depends on the protocol you are using, the general question is no.
For TCP the data gets buffered inside the kernel and then sent out at the discretion of the TCP packetization algorithm, which is pretty hairy - it keeps multiple timers, minds path MTU trying to avoid IP fragmentation.
For UDP you can only assume this kind of "atomicity" if your datagram does not exceed link frame size (usual value is 1472 = 1500 of ethernet frame - 20 bytes of IP header - 8 bytes of UDP header). Otherwise your sending host will have to IP-fragment the datagram.
Then intermediate routers can still IP-fragment the passing packet if their outgoing link MTU is less then the packet size.

C# socket receive buffer size cost

I am receiving some data over socket (with some start and end character). I can use a byte receiving mechanism that should receive one byte at a time, add it to some queue kind of thing and receive next until ending character found. Or i can make a chunk receiver and find an ending character to terminate my message...
My question is, what is cost of increasing / decreasing buffer size?? in my perception, decreasing buffer size should increase memory io but does increasing buffer verify that I'll be increasing IO performance as well?
Never re-size a buffer in a socket application. It might not matter for a socket application where there aren't that many simultaneous operations. But it's a bad habit that's easy to get used to.
Handling a buffer larger than the actual data isn't that hard to work with. Just check all Stream methods. They have a offset and count property which tells where you should start processing and how many bytes you can process. Same thing here.
And to answer your question: The cost is that .NET need to allocate a new memory "slot" and that the memory gets more fragmented for each request.
Simply allocate a 15kb buffer directly when the socket is connected. Create a buffer pool if you can handle multiple (asynchronous) receives per connection.

Boost Asio UDP retrieve last packet in socket buffer

I have been messing around Boost Asio for some days now but I got stuck with this weird behavior. Please let me explain.
Computer A is sending continuos udp packets every 500 ms to computer B, computer B desires to read A's packets with it own velocity but only wants A's last packet, obviously the most updated one.
It has come to my attention that when I do a:
mSocket.receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(mBuffer), mEndPoint);
I can get OLD packets that were not processed (almost everytime).
Does this make any sense? A friend of mine told me that sockets maintain a buffer of packets and therefore If I read with a lower frequency than the sender this could happen. ยก?
So, the first question is how is it possible to receive the last packet and discard the ones I missed?
Later I tried using the async example of the Boost documentation but found it did not do what I wanted.
From what I could tell the async_receive_from should call the method "handle_receive" when a packet arrives, and that works for the first packet after the service was "run".
If I wanted to keep listening the port I should call the async_receive_from again in the handle code. right?
BUT what I found is that I start an infinite loop, it doesn't wait till the next packet, it just enters "handle_receive" again and again.
I'm not doing a server application, a lot of things are going on (its a game), so my second question is, do I have to use threads to use the async receive method properly, is there some example with threads and async receive?
One option is to take advantage of the fact that when the local receive buffer for your UDP socket fills up, subsequently received packets will push older ones out of the buffer. You can set the local receive buffer size to be large enough for one packet, but not two. This will make the newest packet to arrive always cause the previous one to be discarded. When you then ask for the packet using receive_from, you'll get the latest (and only) one.
Here are the API docs for changing the receive buffer size with Boost:
The example appears to be wrong, in that it shows a tcp socket rather than a udp socket, but changing that back to udp should be easy (the trivially obvious change should be the right one).
With Windows (certainly XP, Vista, & 7); if you set your recv buffer size to zero you'll only receive datagrams if you have a recv pending when the datagram arrives. This MAY do what you want but you'll have to sit and wait for the next one if you post your recv just after the last datagram arrives ...
Since you're doing a game, it would be far better, IMHO, is to use something built on UDP rather than UDP itself. Take a look at ENet which supports reliable data over UDP and also unreliable 'sequenced' data over UDP. With unreliable sequenced data you only ever get the 'latest' data. Or something like RakNet might be useful to you as it does a lot of games stuff and also includes stuff similar to ENet's sequenced data.
Something else you should bear in mind is that with raw UDP you may get those datagrams out of order and you may get them more than once. So you're likely gonna need your own sequence number in their anyway if you don't use something which sequences the data for you.
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You're going about it the wrong way. The receiving end has a FIFO queue. Once the queue gets filled new arriving packets are discarded.
So what you need to do on the receiver is just to keep reading the packets as fast as possible and process them as they arrive.
Your receiving end should easily be able to handle receiving a packet every 500ms. I'd say you've got a bug in your code and from what you describe yes you do.
It could be this, make sure in handle_receive that you only call async_receive_from if there is no error.
I think that I have your same problem, to solve the problem I read the bytes_available and compare with packet width until I receive the last package:
boost::asio::socket_base::bytes_readable command(true);
std::size_t bytes_readable = command.get();
Here is the documentation.