Boost Asio UDP retrieve last packet in socket buffer - sockets

I have been messing around Boost Asio for some days now but I got stuck with this weird behavior. Please let me explain.
Computer A is sending continuos udp packets every 500 ms to computer B, computer B desires to read A's packets with it own velocity but only wants A's last packet, obviously the most updated one.
It has come to my attention that when I do a:
mSocket.receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(mBuffer), mEndPoint);
I can get OLD packets that were not processed (almost everytime).
Does this make any sense? A friend of mine told me that sockets maintain a buffer of packets and therefore If I read with a lower frequency than the sender this could happen. ยก?
So, the first question is how is it possible to receive the last packet and discard the ones I missed?
Later I tried using the async example of the Boost documentation but found it did not do what I wanted.
From what I could tell the async_receive_from should call the method "handle_receive" when a packet arrives, and that works for the first packet after the service was "run".
If I wanted to keep listening the port I should call the async_receive_from again in the handle code. right?
BUT what I found is that I start an infinite loop, it doesn't wait till the next packet, it just enters "handle_receive" again and again.
I'm not doing a server application, a lot of things are going on (its a game), so my second question is, do I have to use threads to use the async receive method properly, is there some example with threads and async receive?

One option is to take advantage of the fact that when the local receive buffer for your UDP socket fills up, subsequently received packets will push older ones out of the buffer. You can set the local receive buffer size to be large enough for one packet, but not two. This will make the newest packet to arrive always cause the previous one to be discarded. When you then ask for the packet using receive_from, you'll get the latest (and only) one.
Here are the API docs for changing the receive buffer size with Boost:
The example appears to be wrong, in that it shows a tcp socket rather than a udp socket, but changing that back to udp should be easy (the trivially obvious change should be the right one).

With Windows (certainly XP, Vista, & 7); if you set your recv buffer size to zero you'll only receive datagrams if you have a recv pending when the datagram arrives. This MAY do what you want but you'll have to sit and wait for the next one if you post your recv just after the last datagram arrives ...
Since you're doing a game, it would be far better, IMHO, is to use something built on UDP rather than UDP itself. Take a look at ENet which supports reliable data over UDP and also unreliable 'sequenced' data over UDP. With unreliable sequenced data you only ever get the 'latest' data. Or something like RakNet might be useful to you as it does a lot of games stuff and also includes stuff similar to ENet's sequenced data.
Something else you should bear in mind is that with raw UDP you may get those datagrams out of order and you may get them more than once. So you're likely gonna need your own sequence number in their anyway if you don't use something which sequences the data for you.

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You're going about it the wrong way. The receiving end has a FIFO queue. Once the queue gets filled new arriving packets are discarded.
So what you need to do on the receiver is just to keep reading the packets as fast as possible and process them as they arrive.
Your receiving end should easily be able to handle receiving a packet every 500ms. I'd say you've got a bug in your code and from what you describe yes you do.
It could be this, make sure in handle_receive that you only call async_receive_from if there is no error.

I think that I have your same problem, to solve the problem I read the bytes_available and compare with packet width until I receive the last package:
boost::asio::socket_base::bytes_readable command(true);
std::size_t bytes_readable = command.get();
Here is the documentation.


C# BeginSend/BeginReceive sometimes send or receive data attatched [duplicate]

I have two apps sending tcp packages, both written in python 2. When client sends tcp packets to server too fast, the packets get concatenated. Is there a way to make python recover only last sent package from socket? I will be sending files with it, so I cannot just use some character as packet terminator, because I don't know the content of the file.
TCP uses packets for transmission, but it is not exposed to the application. Instead, the TCP layer may decide how to break the data into packets, even fragments, and how to deliver them. Often, this happens because of the unterlying network topology.
From an application point of view, you should consider a TCP connection as a stream of octets, i.e. your data unit is the byte, not a packet.
If you want to transmit "packets", use a datagram-oriented protocol such as UDP (but beware, there are size limits for such packets, and with UDP you need to take care of retransmissions yourself), or wrap them manually. For example, you could always send the packet length first, then the payload, over TCP. On the other side, read the size first, then you know how many bytes need to follow (beware, you may need to read more than once to get everything, because of fragmentation). Here, TCP will take care of in-order delivery and retransmission, so this is easier.
TCP is a streaming protocol, which doesn't expose individual packets. While reading from stream and getting packets might work in some configurations, it will break with even minor changes to operating system or networking hardware involved.
To resolve the issue, use a higher-level protocol to mark file boundaries. For example, you can prefix the file with its length in octets (bytes). Or, you can switch to a protocol that already handles this kind of stuff, like http.
First you need to know if the packet is combined before it is sent or after. Use wireshark to check it the sender is sending one packet or two. If it is sending one, then your fix is to call flush() after each write. I do not know the answer if the receiver is combining packets after receiving them.
You could change what you are sending. You could send bytes sent, followed by the bytes. Then the other side would know how many bytes to read.
Normally, TCP_NODELAY prevents that. But there are very few situations where you need to switch that on. One of the few valid ones are telnet style applications.
What you need is a protocol on top of the tcp connection. Think of the TCP connection as a pipe. You put things in one end of the pipe and get them out of the other. You cannot just send a file through this without both ends being coordinated. You have recognised you don't know how big it is and where it ends. This is your problem. Protocols take care of this. You don't have a protocol and so what you're writing is never going to be robust.
You say you don't know the length. Get the length of the file and transmit that in a header, followed by the number of bytes.
For example, if the header is a 64bits which is the length, then when you receive your header at the server end, you read the 64bit number as the length and then keep reading until the end of the file which should be the length.
Of course, this is extremely simplistic but that's the basics of it.
In fact, you don't have to design your own protocol. You could go to the internet and use an existing protocol. Such as HTTP.

tcp or udp for a game server?

I know, I know. This question has been asked many times before. But I've spent an hour googling now without finding what I am looking for so I will ask it again and mention my context along with what makes the decision hard for me:
I am writing the server for a game where the response time is very important and a packet loss every now and then isn't a problem.
Judging by this and the fact that I as a server mostly have to send the same data to many different clients, the obvious answer would be UDP.
I had already started writing the code when I came across this:
In some applications TCP is faster (better throughput) than UDP.
This is the case when doing lots of small writes relative to the MTU size. For example, I read an experiment in which a stream of 300 byte packets was being sent over Ethernet (1500 byte MTU) and TCP was 50% faster than UDP.
In my case the information units I'm sending are <100 bytes, which means each one fits into a single UDP packet (which is quite pleasant for me because I don't have to deal with the fragmentation) and UDP seems much easier to implement for my purpose because I don't have to deal with a huge amount of single connections, but my top priority is to minimize the time between
client sends something to server
client receives response from server
So I am willing to pick TCP if that's the faster way.
Unfortunately I couldn't find more information about the above quoted case, which is why I am asking: Which protocol will be faster in my case?
UDP is still going to be better for your use case.
The main problem with TCP and games is what happens when a packet is dropped. In UDP, that's the end of the story; the packet is dropped and life continues exactly as before with the next packet. With TCP, data transfer across the TCP stream will stop until the dropped packet is successfully retransmitted, which means that not only will the receiver not receive the dropped packet on time, but subsequent packets will be delayed also -- most likely they will all be received in a burst immediately after the resend of the dropped packet is completed.
Another feature of TCP that might work against you is its automatic bandwidth control -- i.e. TCP will interpret dropped packets as an indication of network congestion, and will dial back its transmission rate in response; potentially to the point of dialing it down to near zero, in cases where lots of packets are being lost. That might be useful if the cause really was network congestion, but dropped packets can also happen due to transient network errors (e.g. user pulled out his Ethernet cable for a couple of seconds), and you might not want to handle those problems that way; but with TCP you have no choice.
One downside of UDP is that it often takes special handling to get incoming UDP packets through the user's firewall, as firewalls are often configured to block incoming UDP packets by default. For an action game it's probably worth dealing with that issue, though.
Note that it's not a strict either/or option; you can always write your game to work over both TCP and UDP, and either use them simultaneously, or let the program and/or the user decide which one to use. That way if one method isn't working well, you can simply use the other one, and it only takes twice as much effort to implement. :)
In some applications TCP is faster (better throughput) than UDP. This
is the case when doing lots of small writes relative to the MTU size.
For example, I read an experiment in which a stream of 300 byte
packets was being sent over Ethernet (1500 byte MTU) and TCP was 50%
faster than UDP.
If this turns out to be an issue for you, you can obtain the same efficiency gain in your UDP protocol by placing multiple messages together into a single larger UDP packet. i.e. instead of sending 3 100-byte packets, you'd place those 3 100-byte messages together in 1 300-byte packet. (You'd need to make sure the receiving program is able to correctly intepret this larger packet, of course). That's really all that the TCP layer is doing here, anyway; placing as much data into the outgoing packets as it has available and can fit, before sending them out.

how can I transfer large data over tcp socket

how can I transfer large data without splitting. Am using tcp socket. Its for a game. I cant use udp and there might be 1200 values in an array. Am sending array in json format. But the server receiving it like splitted.
Also is there any option to send http request like tcp? I need the response in order. Also it should be faster.
You can't.
HTTP may chunk it
TCP will segment it
IP will packetize it
routers will fragment it ...
and TCP will reassemble it all at the other end.
There isn't a problem here to solve.
You do not have much control over splitting packets/datagrams. The network decides about this.
In the case of IP, you have the DF (don't fragment) flag, but I doubt it will be of much help here. If you are communicating over Ethernet, then 1200 element array may not fit into an Ethernet frame (payload size is up to the MTU of 1500 octets).
Why does your application depend on the fact that the whole data must arrive in a single unit, and not in a single connection (comprised potentially of multiple units)?
how can I transfer large data without splitting.
I'm interpreting the above to be roughly equivalent to "how can I transfer my data across a TCP connection using as few TCP packets as possible". As others have noted, there is no way to guarantee that your data will be placed into a single TCP packet -- but you can do some things to make it more likely. Here are some things I would do:
Keep a single TCP connection open. (HTTP traditionally opens a separate TCP connection for each request, but for low-latency you can't afford to do that. Instead you need to open a single TCP connection, keep it open, and continue sending/receiving data on it for as long as necessary).
Reduce the amount of data you need to send. (i.e. are there things that you are sending that the receiving program already knows? If so, don't send them)
Reduce the number of bytes you need to send. (The easiest way to do this is to zlib-compress your message-data before you send it, and have the receiving program decompress the message after receiving it. This can give you a size-reduction of 50-90%, depending on the content of your data)
Turn off Nagle's algorithm on your TCP socket. That will reduce latency by 200mS and discourage the TCP stack from playing unnecessary games with your data.
Send each data packet with a single send() call (if that means manually copying all of the data items into a separate memory buffer before calling send(), then so be it).
Note that even after you do all of the above, the TCP layer will still sometimes spread your messages across multiple packets, etc -- that's just the way TCP works. And even if your local TCP stack never did that, the receiving computer's TCP stack would still sometimes merge the data from consecutive TCP packets together inside its receive buffer. So the receiving program is always going to "receive it like splitted" sometimes, because TCP is a stream-based protocol and does not maintain message boundaries. (If you want message boundaries, you'll have to do your own framing -- the easiest way is usually to send a fixed-size (e.g. 1, 2, or 4-byte) integer byte-count field before each message, so the receiver knows how many bytes it needs to read in before it has a full message to parse)
Consider the idea that the issue may be else where or that you may be sending too much unnecessary data. In example with PHP there is the isset() function. If you're creating an internet based turn based game you don't (need to send all 1,200 variables back and forth every single time. Just send what changed and when the other player receives that data only change the variables are are set.

TCP Socket Read Variable Length Data w/o Framing or Size Indicators

I am currently writing code to transfer data to a remote vendor. The transfer will take place over a TCP socket. The problem I have is the data is variable length and there are no framing or size markers. Sending the data is no problem, but I am unsure of the best way to handle the returned data.
The data is comprised of distinct "messages" but they do not have a fixed size. Each message has an 8 or 16 byte bitmap that indicates what components are included in this message. Some components are fixed length and some are variable. Each variable length component has a size prefix for that portion of the overall message.
When I first open the socket I will send over messages and each one should receive a response. When I begin reading data I should be at the start of a message. I will need to interpret the bitmap to know what message fields are included. As the data arrives I will have to validate that each field indicated by the bitmap is present and of the correct size.
Once I have read all of the first message, the next one starts. My concern is if the transmission gets cut partway through a message, how can I recover and correctly find the next message start?
I will have to simulate a connection failure and my code needs to automatically retry a set number of times before canceling that message.
I have no control over the code on the remote end and cannot get framing bytes or size prefixes added to the messages.
Best practices, design patterns, or ideas on the best way to handle this are all welcomed.
From a user's point of view, TCP is a stream of data, just like you might receive over a serial port. There are no packets and no markers.
A non-blocking read/recv call will return you what has currently arrived at which point you can parse that. If, while parsing, you run out of data before reaching the end of the message, read/recv more data and continue parsing. Rinse. Repeat. Note that you could get more bytes than needed for a specific message if another has followed on its heels.
A TCP stream will not lose or re-order bytes. A message will not get truncated unless the connection gets broken or the sender has a bug (e.g. was only able to write/send part and then never tried to write/send the rest). You cannot continue a TCP stream that is broken. You can only open a new one and start fresh.
A TCP stream cannot be "cut" mid-message and then resumed.
If there is a short enough break in transmission then the O/S at each end will cope, and packets retransmitted as necessary, but that is invisible to the end user application - as far as it's concerned the stream is contiguous.
If the TCP connection does drop completely, both ends will have to re-open the connection. At that point, the transmitting system ought to start over at a new message boundary.
For something like this you would probably have a lot easier of a time using a networking framework (like netty), or a different IO mechansim entirely, like Iteratee IO with Play 2.0.

What's the difference between streams and datagrams in network programming?

What's the difference between sockets (stream) vs sockets (datagrams)? Why use one over the other?
A long time ago I read a great analogy for explaining the difference between the two. I don't remember where I read it so unfortunately I can't credit the author for the idea, but I've also added a lot of my own knowledge to the core analogy anyway. So here goes:
A stream socket is like a phone call -- one side places the call, the other answers, you say hello to each other (SYN/ACK in TCP), and then you exchange information. Once you are done, you say goodbye (FIN/ACK in TCP). If one side doesn't hear a goodbye, they will usually call the other back since this is an unexpected event; usually the client will reconnect to the server. There is a guarantee that data will not arrive in a different order than you sent it, and there is a reasonable guarantee that data will not be damaged.
A datagram socket is like passing a note in class. Consider the case where you are not directly next to the person you are passing the note to; the note will travel from person to person. It may not reach its destination, and it may be modified by the time it gets there. If you pass two notes to the same person, they may arrive in an order you didn't intend, since the route the notes take through the classroom may not be the same, one person might not pass a note as fast as another, etc.
So you use a stream socket when having information in order and intact is important. File transfer protocols are a good example here. You don't want to download some file with its contents randomly shuffled around and damaged!
You'd use a datagram socket when order is less important than timely delivery (think VoIP or game protocols), when you don't want the higher overhead of a stream (this is why DNS is primarily a datagram protocol, so that servers can respond to many, many requests at once very quickly), or when you don't care too much if the data ever reaches its destination.
To expand on the VoIP/game case, such protocols include their own data-ordering mechanism. But if one packet is damaged or lost, you don't want to wait on the stream protocol (usually TCP) to issue a re-send request -- you need to recover quickly. TCP can take up to some number of minutes to recover, and for realtime protocols like gaming or VoIP even three seconds may be unacceptable! Using a datagram protocol like UDP allows the software to recover from such an event extremely quickly, by simply ignoring the lost data or re-requesting it sooner than TCP would.
VoIP is a good candidate for simply ignoring the lost data -- one party would just hear a short gap, similar to what happens when talking to someone on a cell phone when they have poor reception. Gaming protocols are often a little more complex, but the actions taken will usually be to either ignore the missing data (if subsequently-received data supercedes the data that was lost), re-request the missing data, or request a complete state update to ensure that the client's state is in sync with the server's.
Stream Socket:
Dedicated & end-to-end channel between server and client.
Use TCP protocol for data transmission.
Reliable and Lossless.
Data sent/received in the similar order.
Long time for recovering lost/mistaken data
Datagram Socket:
Not dedicated & end-to-end channel between server and client.
Use UDP for data transmission.
Not 100% reliable and may lose data.
Data sent/received order might not be the same.
Don't care or rapid recovering lost/mistaken data.
If it is the network programming I think starting from sockets would be a good start.
socket = ip + port
there are three types of sockets
stream (TCP, order and delivery guaranteed,no duplication,no length or char boundaries for data,connection-oriented,reliable, concurrency)
datagram(UDP,packet-based, connectionless, datagram size limit, data can be lost or duplicated, order not guaranteed,not reliable)
raw (direct access to lower layer protocols IP,ICMP)
I do not see any strict rule for transport protocol type as to what socket has to use what transport protocol and reliability should not be mistaken because UDP is realiable in case both ends are active.
Reliability refers to more like reliability of delivery since there are sequence number checks by using TCP as transport protocol which do not exist in UDP.It is better using network protocol analyzer like wireshark tcpdump etc to see what your software is exactly doing; kind of verification or merging theory on the paper with your work in action.