Every time I clone the url from bitbuket I have to add "app password" after "use name" to succeed. How to fix it?
https://(use name):(app password#)bitbucket.org/levandong120896/demo.git
You can try to clone it via terminal first and then add it to SourceTree later.
I am having issues when I am trying to clone a Repo from my Remote GitHub to local device into Eclipse. After I paste in the URL and enter the User Id and Password into the Authentication dialogue box, and when I hit next button, I am getting this dialogue box where it asks me to enter my UserID and password again and again and I am not able to clone the Repo into my Eclipse. Can anyone help me with this problem. Is there anything that I am doing wrong or any other ways to do it?
I am using netbeans 8.2 to push to github but now get messages saying
You recently used a password to access the repository at XXX with git using JGit/
Basic authentication using a password to Git is deprecated and will soon no longer work. Visit > https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more > information around suggested workarounds and removal dates.
The GitHub Team
How can I reset my authentication to enter a github token (https://github.com/settings/tokens) instead of my password?
I've just faced with it.
Just generate token and use inplace of password.
See also https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-5252
To reset the password, I followed the instructions at Change Git remote password used by NetBeans, and entered my new github token to the password field. Copied from that answer:
Right click your project and go to Git -> Remote -> Push... Select 'Specify Git Repository Location', update your password, click Next. It may give you error again. Close the popup and try pushing again. You should be able to push now.
For my new token, since I only want to pull and push to the project, I used the default repo options.
I use Eclipse with GIT plugin. I try to add a new GitHub repository, by copying the GitHub URL to the clipboard, then going to the "Git Repositories" view and right-clicking "Paste Repository Path or URL".
I get the following error:
https://github.com/rothariel/aimnegochat: https://github.com/rothariel/aimnegochat/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack not found
This is strange, because I already have some repositories in this view...
From Erel's answer to my question in the comment section, it turned out the mistake was the copy of the wrong url. So, instead of copying the url provided by github, Erel copied the url in the navigation bar. The solution was to change the repository address to https://github.com/rothariel/aimnegochat.git
For users of EGit/Eclipse who get the same error when clone from Visual Studio Online, be careful
the repo URL is not:
- https://[alt-name].visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/[your_repo]
the correct one is:
- https://[alt-name].visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_git/[your_repo]
I had this message before
service=git-upload-pack not found
Seems the gitlab user & password I used for that git was wrong.
I changed it to the right one and it worked just fine.
Yosi Lev
I have a project hosted in googlecode with Git.
I'm using STS (SpringSource Tool Suite) with eGit.
I cloned the repository at home and I could commit & push the changes successfully.
I did the same thing at work and when I try to push the changes after commiting them, it shows the following error:
https://myuser#code.google.com/p/myproject/: Invalid username/password.
You may need to use your generated googlecode.com password; see https://code.google.com/hosting/settings
I entered the googlecode generated password when I first cloned the repository (as I did at home, and this error never showed up). I try entering it again and nothing changes.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Do as following:
Open Git repositories view, open "Remotes > origin > " and click "Change Credentials..."
Further reference: http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/209017/
I resolved it by going to Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contens tab and deleting default secure storage for repository.
I know the Git integration is Netbeans 7.0 is new and under development, but has anyone had success on pushing/pulling to GitHub?
When I click Git->Push the remote repository url shows up correctly under Step 1. Configured Repository.
But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
If instead I choose "Specify Git Repository Location" I eventually get an error, "Cannot connect to the remote repository at git#github.com:username/..."
ps. I am aware of the other similar stack questions but they are confusing, one person mentions that he was able to do this, while others mention is not yet possible to use a remote Git connection.
I have had the same issue.
And now it works fine for me.
I have done this:
1 With CLI ( Terminal for me) Define your remote repo :
cd yourlocalfolder
git remote add origin git#github.com:username/repo.git
2 Open Netbeans (7.1 for me)
Go to Team > Git > Remote > Push
3 You should see your remote repo preselected
4 in Private /public key browse to your rsa file
5 Click on Next
6 Done
You need check 'Specify Git Repository Location:'
'Repository URL:' https://github.com/<your username>/<yourGitFile>.git
'User:' <your username>
But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
I faced the exact same issue and after I did some research I found that the problem was with the password.
GitHub isn’t accepting passwords for Git operations anymore.
So instead of using a password, Github suggests using Personal Access Token.
Go to your Github account settings.
Go to Developer settings in the sidebar.
Go to Personal access tokens.
Generate new token.
Make sure to check repo scope checkbox to access your repositories.
After you get your access token you can copy it and past it in the password field in the "Specify Git repository location" window and try to push your project.