Possible to Connect Netbeans with GitHub? - netbeans

I know the Git integration is Netbeans 7.0 is new and under development, but has anyone had success on pushing/pulling to GitHub?
When I click Git->Push the remote repository url shows up correctly under Step 1. Configured Repository.
But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
If instead I choose "Specify Git Repository Location" I eventually get an error, "Cannot connect to the remote repository at git#github.com:username/..."
ps. I am aware of the other similar stack questions but they are confusing, one person mentions that he was able to do this, while others mention is not yet possible to use a remote Git connection.

I have had the same issue.
And now it works fine for me.
I have done this:
1 With CLI ( Terminal for me) Define your remote repo :
cd yourlocalfolder
git remote add origin git#github.com:username/repo.git
2 Open Netbeans (7.1 for me)
Go to Team > Git > Remote > Push
3 You should see your remote repo preselected
4 in Private /public key browse to your rsa file
5 Click on Next
6 Done

You need check 'Specify Git Repository Location:'
'Repository URL:' https://github.com/<your username>/<yourGitFile>.git
'User:' <your username>

But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
I faced the exact same issue and after I did some research I found that the problem was with the password.
GitHub isn’t accepting passwords for Git operations anymore.
So instead of using a password, Github suggests using Personal Access Token.
Go to your Github account settings.
Go to Developer settings in the sidebar.
Go to Personal access tokens.
Generate new token.
Make sure to check repo scope checkbox to access your repositories.
After you get your access token you can copy it and past it in the password field in the "Specify Git repository location" window and try to push your project.


Netbeans JGit github password authentication deprecated,. how to reset?

I am using netbeans 8.2 to push to github but now get messages saying
You recently used a password to access the repository at XXX with git using JGit/
Basic authentication using a password to Git is deprecated and will soon no longer work. Visit > https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more > information around suggested workarounds and removal dates.
The GitHub Team
How can I reset my authentication to enter a github token (https://github.com/settings/tokens) instead of my password?
I've just faced with it.
Just generate token and use inplace of password.
See also https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-5252
To reset the password, I followed the instructions at Change Git remote password used by NetBeans, and entered my new github token to the password field. Copied from that answer:
Right click your project and go to Git -> Remote -> Push... Select 'Specify Git Repository Location', update your password, click Next. It may give you error again. Close the popup and try pushing again. You should be able to push now.
For my new token, since I only want to pull and push to the project, I used the default repo options.

github desktop error “The repository does not seem to exist anymore. You may not have access, or it may have been deleted or renamed.”

I have installed GitHub Desktop as the uploaded local project tool, I uploaded a project "F:/test", and it could show successful in my GitHub homepage, then I delete this repository.
But I re-publish this project to GitHub.
Github Desktop shows this history of the repository, and prompt error
The repository does not seem to exist anymore.
You may not have [enter access, or it may have been deleted or renamed
How can I get past this error message?
This error was keeps on occurring to me. Turn out I was not added as the Contributor on the GitHub project.
The repo owner should be able to see and list of Contributor for the project. You can request him to add you in contributor list and this error will disappear.
I was facing the same issue, I simply sign out from Github Desktop app in File > options > Signout
In my case I accidentally changed the push Url, so I executed:
git remote set-url --push origin https://github.com/username/repo.git
After that I checked with:
git remote show origin
your Fetch Url and Push Url must look like the same URL where you cloned the project.
As shown in this error, it is the result of an invalid local path. Either because it includes invalid characters, or because you don't have write/admin access to it (read access is not enough).
If you can, clone again that repo in a different path and open it with GitHub Desktop, and see if the issue persists.
I had the same issue. I deleted my repository from remote as well and then recreated.
If you aren't worried about the change trace being lost, then you can simply remove the .git folder (you will need to enable hidden files in windows) and then re-initialize the repository in the project folder.
This resolved the problem for me!
In my case I have used more than one account. Just sign out from GitHub Desktop and sign in back to the specific account. You might sign out any logged GitHub session on the default web browser if the account is not what you want.
Since I had a forked repository, I had spelled my url wrong in
github desktop -> repository -> repository settings...
I had a link called github.com/myname/myproject.it
but instead of it I hade to write git.
I was logged in with the wrong account! I had to sign out of Github in the browser first, then sign out in Github Desktop and re-sign in

Issue with SourceTree while cloning a GitHub repository

I know that similar questions have already been posted here. However, I think my scenario is a bit different. Here is what I have.
I downloaded and installed the latest official version of the SourceTree software. Also, I have a GitHub account with permissions to clone and push the repository. In order to manage a local copy, I need to clone the online version. Here are the steps that I take:
Start the SourceTree and navigate to File -> Clone / New ...
In the opened window I paste the HTTPS clone URL. I copied it from the browser after I logged in to my GitHub account so the link is correct.
The nest step is to specify a local folder where the repository will be copied. However, when I click to enter Destination Path, the window shows an error:
This is not a valid source path / URL
Clicking the error may give the following details:
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/org/repo.git/' not found
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/org/repo.git/' not found
Or the details may be empty. SourceTree does not tell me the reason for the error or anything else.
I tried to re-install SourceTree but the error still exists. I asked the Administration of the GitHub repository for any other permissions but my account has all of them. I am able to push changes to the online repository using the Terminal console but I would like to use a UI (that SourceTree provides) to manage and compare changes in the code.
One think I did not try is to clone the repository using another GtHub account. However, I don't want to do that because I need to commit any changes to the repository on my behalf.
Does anybody know how can this error be fixed or worked around?
I was facing the same issue in Sourcetree for macOS:
This is not a valid source path / URL
The following solution worked for me:
Sourcetree > Preferences > Advanced
Remove the Host name
Clone the project again in Sourcetree
A prompt will pop up; enter your git credentials.
That's it, it resolved my issue.
Lastly on Mac I went to
Sourcetree->Preferences->Git->Git version->Use System Git
and it works... puf!
The exact error message is (as illustrated here):
This is not a valid source path / URL
Possible cause:
proxy settings (as in this thread)
setup steps, with Git disabled (as in here)
When SourceTree started for the first time, I skipped setting up Git & Mercurial in the wizard. Then I reran the wizard and chose to download and install the embedded packages.
But it seems installing those didn't actually enable them - in the Tools -> Options dialogue they were both disabled!
Enabling Mercurial (or Git in your case) allowed the clone dialogue to correctly identify the repo.
credential issues (as in here, from my old answwer)
So I'm here in 2021. Previous answers didn't work for me. There is an issue with a SourceTree (to be honest a lot of issues actually) and as a workaround you can use a token as a password to connect to GitHub.
Use this url to create it: https://github.com/settings/tokens
I hope it helps! 🙂
I was facing the same issue with windows 10 and source tree. After bit research following solution worked for me.
I needed to download or enable the git support in source tree.
1) Go to Tools -> Options -> Git -> Enable git support
That's it it resolved my issue. Happy coding :)
I was facing the same issue in mac. The following solution worked for me :
Generate personal access token in Github using the following steps :
Login to Github account -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal
access tokens -> Generate new token -> Enter token name -> Generate
Sourcetree > Preferences > Advanced
Remove the Host name
Clone the project again in Sourcetree
A prompt will pop up; enter your git credentials. (enter username and in
password enter newly generated access token)
After following this steps, Clone option will get enabled
May I also just add that I resolved this issue by installing Git through SourceTree from [SourceTree]>Tools>Options>Git.
As I'd been using mercurial exclusively on that system till then it had never been installed, and so was presenting the above described error when trying to clone.
Hopefully this helps someone with the same issue! If not, good luck!
I was facing the same issue with windows 10 and source tree. After bit research following solution worked for me. I needed to download or enable the git support in source tree.
Steps 1) Go to Tools -> Options -> Git -> Enable git support
That's it it resolved my issue. Happy coding :)
Even tried all the options above, It quite dint work for me.
I disable the option of ssl certificate
steps :
Go to Tools -> Options -> Git. check the box of "Disable SSL certificate validation"
It worked for me.
Open source tree Tools -> Options -> Git -> Update Embedded. While updating it will ask your gitlab account for linking. After that restart your system.
Adding my scenario and solution:
I have two factor authentication turned on. I couldn't see some private repositories, and couldn't clone from URL. The error I saw was:
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/bizzabo/web-common.git/' not found
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/bizzabo/web-common.git/' not found
Supposedly newer versions of SourceTree don't need a personal access token because they can authenticate directly with github, but I couldn't get this to work.
Apparently OAuth and 2FA don't mix well together -- so I changed the authentication method from oauth to basic and used the access token I generated. That did it.
Just in case someone who has multiple git accounts connected and faces this issue, I solved it by going to Tools > Options > Authentication and marking the account which has access to the repo you are trying to clone as default.
Install git to your system by browser and then go to the source tree, click on
Tools -> Options -> Git
then scroll down and click on system.
It works for me, I hope for you too.
I had to uninstall and reinstall SourceTree before it would work. I think my antivirus (Comodo ) was blocking/sandboxing some stuff on the initial install so I disabled it for the reinstall.
I had also same issue This is not a valid source path / URL and it got resolved by updating the Embedded Git of Source Tree.
This issue also manifested itself where I couldn't push or pull from previously cloned and working repositories in source tree. I complained about authentication username and password but clearly that was not the case.
Steps to resolve:
Open source tree, Tools -> Options -> Click on Git Tab -> Update Embedded Git.
I had the same problem. My resolution was to commit an initial file into the repo. After that, I could clone the repo to my desktop.
options -->Tools--->disable ssh worked for me in Mac
The issue might be because of SourceTree didn't have all private access from Github
I have answered here please check to avoid the duplicate answer posting reference link
If you are using Mac and there is Keychain access handling all your authentication, then delete the entry for stash/git url. Now try to checkout in sourcetree and it will ask to enter the password again.
That will solve your problem.
I face this issue on Windows 11 and following are the steps worked for me :
Click on Open with GitHub Desktop option [Refer below image]
Download & install
Launch and click on Open in browser with Github.com
Enter your credentials & validate
Now, Open SourceTree
Click on Tools > Options > Authentication
You will see your Git credentials were successfully added in SourceTree & you can proceed with any option like clone repo etc
I was trying to clone a project from gitlab. However, I have cloned gitlab projects earlier with an account/user credentials which is different from the new account I want to use. In this case, I had deleted the credentials for the old account and then I was able to clone the project by entering credentials for the new gitlab account. To delete the account on MAC go to Preferences > Advanced > Select the account to remove > Click remove.
In my case i was doing new Mac book setup.
Without installing Xcode i was trying to clone branch using SourceTree.
After Xcode installation done, branch cloned successfully.
SourceTree asked for system password for cloning.
I'm posting another possible solution, as I just helped a colleague who couldn't clone a private repo belonging to a GitHub organization even though he had been given the correct level of access.
Check the Windows Credential Manager, especially if you've been using the same machine for some time or have connected to different accounts.
Git may be picking up the wrong credentials without you realizing it, and that's why it can't find the repo.
To be on the safe side, delete all the credentials that have to do with git/github. You'll know you have done it properly and are starting from a fresh state when you will try cloning again and git will ask you to authorize it through your browser.
probably you try the wrong account only add this
account.name# to link
you can learn it from your GitLab account
In my specific case (setting up a new mac) the root cause was a "missing xcrun" meaning the local dev tools wasn't activated, and the local git client can't run properly.
that was my fix
xcode-select --install
In my case I had used SourceTree's "Add account" setting to add my Bitbucket and GitHub accounts to SourceTree under the SSH protocol. SourceTree did everything correctly to generate SSH keys and add them to my machine but it made a slight mess of the entries that it added to my ~/.ssh/config file. It created entries as follows:
Host username-Bitbucket
HostName bitbucket.org
User username
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile /Users/adil/.ssh/username-Bitbucket
UseKeychain yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
Host username-GitHub
HostName github.com
User username
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile /Users/adil/.ssh/username-GitHub
UseKeychain yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
The Host values it generated are incorrect. I changed the entries in my ~/.ssh/config file to the following:
Host bitbucket.org
User username
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile /Users/adil/.ssh/username-Bitbucket
UseKeychain yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
Host github.com
User username
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile /Users/adil/.ssh/username-GitHub
UseKeychain yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
After making this change, the "This is not a valid source path / URL" error went away and I was able to clone repositories from my Bitbucket and GitHub accounts without problem.
I removed and added my account again using the HTTPS rather than SSH URL.

invalid username/password in egit when pushing changes to googlecode

I have a project hosted in googlecode with Git.
I'm using STS (SpringSource Tool Suite) with eGit.
I cloned the repository at home and I could commit & push the changes successfully.
I did the same thing at work and when I try to push the changes after commiting them, it shows the following error:
https://myuser#code.google.com/p/myproject/: Invalid username/password.
You may need to use your generated googlecode.com password; see https://code.google.com/hosting/settings
I entered the googlecode generated password when I first cloned the repository (as I did at home, and this error never showed up). I try entering it again and nothing changes.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Do as following:
Open Git repositories view, open "Remotes > origin > " and click "Change Credentials..."
Further reference: http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/209017/
I resolved it by going to Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contens tab and deleting default secure storage for repository.

How to link Smartgit to GitHub

I have a public GitHub account for the last year or so. Yesterday I installed SmartGit on my Windows 7 PC. SmartGit works fine locally but I'd like to push to a remote repo on GitHub.
When I look at SmartGit -> Preferences -> Authentication I have selected to use SmartGit as SSH Client. The 'Known Credentials' area is empty.
Under Hosting Providers I have added my github account [username+password] and Clicking on 'Login at GitHub...' it opens the browser and I am logged in successfully.
I would have assumed there would be something populating the Known Credentials area? I tried in vain in see if I had some key-pair stored somewhere that SmartGit could use. Eventually I downloaded PuttyGen and created a pair of keys. I gave them silly names to begin with but after some reading renamed them to *id_rsa* and "id_rsa.pub" and dropped them into my c:\users\MYNAME.ssh directory.
Still no sign of any credentials in SmartGit.
When I run the 'Remote -> Manage Remotes -> Add I enter the git name (based on the link I get from the github repo. I get the "Provide Credentials for authenticating to the SSH Server 'github.com' as user 'git'. The dialog box has pre-populated the Private Key File with the id_rsa I dropped into the .ss directory.
I even went onto github and added this key to the list of SSH keys. Still no joy.
Anyone any suggestions ?
Assuming it works similar on github and bitbucket.
Today I got Smartgit 3.0.10 running with bitbucket by the following steps:
To upload local code
1) Created the repository in bitbucket manually through the website
2) Add your ssh key to the website ( PuttyGen > Conversions > Export OpenSSH )
3) In your local repos check the contents of reposDir.hg\hgrc , should look like
default = ssh://hg#bitbucket.org/user123/reposXYZ
if not change it manually. You can also clone your empty repos and the check in the
local copy for this line.
Restart SmartGit and you should be able to push and pull.
If you use the "HTTPS clone URL" on github, it makes a link that requires no SSH keys.
These 2 articles explain it: