I am having issues when I am trying to clone a Repo from my Remote GitHub to local device into Eclipse. After I paste in the URL and enter the User Id and Password into the Authentication dialogue box, and when I hit next button, I am getting this dialogue box where it asks me to enter my UserID and password again and again and I am not able to clone the Repo into my Eclipse. Can anyone help me with this problem. Is there anything that I am doing wrong or any other ways to do it?
I am using netbeans 8.2 to push to github but now get messages saying
You recently used a password to access the repository at XXX with git using JGit/
Basic authentication using a password to Git is deprecated and will soon no longer work. Visit > https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more > information around suggested workarounds and removal dates.
The GitHub Team
How can I reset my authentication to enter a github token (https://github.com/settings/tokens) instead of my password?
I've just faced with it.
Just generate token and use inplace of password.
See also https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-5252
To reset the password, I followed the instructions at Change Git remote password used by NetBeans, and entered my new github token to the password field. Copied from that answer:
Right click your project and go to Git -> Remote -> Push... Select 'Specify Git Repository Location', update your password, click Next. It may give you error again. Close the popup and try pushing again. You should be able to push now.
For my new token, since I only want to pull and push to the project, I used the default repo options.
I am using Visual Studio Code and working locally in a repository that is in Gitlab, but every time I use the command git push origin master I get a pop window to enter my Gitlab account and password. My question is there any form to configure my Gitlab account so I do not need to enter my credentials every time?
You can refer to this answer to know how to save your username and password for git in a secure way so that it doesn't ask you again and again.
How to save username and password in Git?
Also as you mentioned about VSCode, there are many extensions that helps you with handling git but one of those which I will recommend is GitLens. As it will also let you know who changed which part of code.
I have two GitHub accounts: a main account and a rarely-used account.
If I remember correctly, I have used both of them with the copy of Sourcetree on my laptop.
I currently have just my main GitHub account listed in my Sourcetree's Tools-->Options-->Authentication settings page.
When I try to push a branch from my laptop to my GitHub remote for my main account, it fails, with the git error message indicating that I had actually tried to push with my rarely-used account, even though it's nowhere to be found in my Sourcetree settings pages.
The Atlassian team provided a solution for this (here):
Open the repo
Click "Settings"
Double click on the "origin" item in the listing
Edit the url to add your username before the URL of the repo. Here are some examples:
You should be prompted for a password the next time you try to push or pull
I was able to solve the problem by opening up my Sourcetree userhosts file, located at (on Windows 10): C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\userhosts, as hinted at in Atlassian's documentation for how to reset your Sourctree settings.
The file only contained these lines:
I deleted that second line which referenced my rarely-used account, restarted Sourcetree, tried to push again, and this time it prompted me for my GitHub password, and I could see that the username was (correctly) my main GitHub username. I entered my password and the push succeeded.
I have a public GitHub account for the last year or so. Yesterday I installed SmartGit on my Windows 7 PC. SmartGit works fine locally but I'd like to push to a remote repo on GitHub.
When I look at SmartGit -> Preferences -> Authentication I have selected to use SmartGit as SSH Client. The 'Known Credentials' area is empty.
Under Hosting Providers I have added my github account [username+password] and Clicking on 'Login at GitHub...' it opens the browser and I am logged in successfully.
I would have assumed there would be something populating the Known Credentials area? I tried in vain in see if I had some key-pair stored somewhere that SmartGit could use. Eventually I downloaded PuttyGen and created a pair of keys. I gave them silly names to begin with but after some reading renamed them to *id_rsa* and "id_rsa.pub" and dropped them into my c:\users\MYNAME.ssh directory.
Still no sign of any credentials in SmartGit.
When I run the 'Remote -> Manage Remotes -> Add I enter the git name (based on the link I get from the github repo. I get the "Provide Credentials for authenticating to the SSH Server 'github.com' as user 'git'. The dialog box has pre-populated the Private Key File with the id_rsa I dropped into the .ss directory.
I even went onto github and added this key to the list of SSH keys. Still no joy.
Anyone any suggestions ?
Assuming it works similar on github and bitbucket.
Today I got Smartgit 3.0.10 running with bitbucket by the following steps:
To upload local code
1) Created the repository in bitbucket manually through the website
2) Add your ssh key to the website ( PuttyGen > Conversions > Export OpenSSH )
3) In your local repos check the contents of reposDir.hg\hgrc , should look like
default = ssh://hg#bitbucket.org/user123/reposXYZ
if not change it manually. You can also clone your empty repos and the check in the
local copy for this line.
Restart SmartGit and you should be able to push and pull.
If you use the "HTTPS clone URL" on github, it makes a link that requires no SSH keys.
These 2 articles explain it:
I know the Git integration is Netbeans 7.0 is new and under development, but has anyone had success on pushing/pulling to GitHub?
When I click Git->Push the remote repository url shows up correctly under Step 1. Configured Repository.
But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
If instead I choose "Specify Git Repository Location" I eventually get an error, "Cannot connect to the remote repository at git#github.com:username/..."
ps. I am aware of the other similar stack questions but they are confusing, one person mentions that he was able to do this, while others mention is not yet possible to use a remote Git connection.
I have had the same issue.
And now it works fine for me.
I have done this:
1 With CLI ( Terminal for me) Define your remote repo :
cd yourlocalfolder
git remote add origin git#github.com:username/repo.git
2 Open Netbeans (7.1 for me)
Go to Team > Git > Remote > Push
3 You should see your remote repo preselected
4 in Private /public key browse to your rsa file
5 Click on Next
6 Done
You need check 'Specify Git Repository Location:'
'Repository URL:' https://github.com/<your username>/<yourGitFile>.git
'User:' <your username>
But is just stays stuck on " Connecting to repository". It also pops up a box saying "Specify Git repository location" with the exact same url , clicking OK does nothing.
I faced the exact same issue and after I did some research I found that the problem was with the password.
GitHub isn’t accepting passwords for Git operations anymore.
So instead of using a password, Github suggests using Personal Access Token.
Go to your Github account settings.
Go to Developer settings in the sidebar.
Go to Personal access tokens.
Generate new token.
Make sure to check repo scope checkbox to access your repositories.
After you get your access token you can copy it and past it in the password field in the "Specify Git repository location" window and try to push your project.