Flutter application suddenly has no internet connection at all - flutter

I am running my application on Android emulator.
I verified the emulator itself has internet connection. I could browse via Google Chrome.
2 months ago everything worked as expected, and I didn't touch the code.
Suddenly, when I run it I have no internet access via the application.
What I did:
I verified I have the internet permission: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> in: android/app/src/[main|debug|profile]/AndroidManifest.xml.
flutter doctor - everything is fine.
Any advice? observe? I cannot understand why would I lost the internet connectivity

Reposting my comment, since it seemed to solve your issue.
In the past, I've faced such errors. In my case, it was caused by the antivirus software (namely, Kaspersky Antivirus) that ran on the host machine. Disabling it temporarily solved the issue entirely. Try disabling any antivirus software and see how it goes.

From the information you have shared, it's very difficult to give an exact answer. However you could try to troubleshoot the error. Try below thigs:
Create a Webview inside your app and launch to any URL may be www.youtube.com
Try fetching data from a public REST server API e.g. https://api.covidtracking.com/v1/us/daily.json
If youare able to receive the data from the above 2, then the problem is with your server else you should look into your app code.

I am not sure if I understood your question correctly, please consider adding some additional info.
However, I had a similar problem a while ago, for me it helped to delete the emulator device and simply add a new one. Alternatively, you can try wiping the emulator´s data (right click > wipe data).
I don´t know how you verified that the emulator itself has internet connection, but maybe it helps.


Can't use cloud debugging to test my apk for Huawei

I'm trying to test an apk with cloud debugging and I'm getting the following error when I tried to upload an apk:
I also added HMS plugin to my Android Studio but devices are not displayed in the device list when I opened one and it doesn't end or give any feedback(other than files are being pushed) when I drag an apk onto device.
Devices that I tried:
The apk you uploaded does not have an icon. Plz check and add an icon for it and try again. This message will be modified later to make it clearer. :)
It is a network error. Make sure that no proxy is used and your network is working. Then plz try to retransmit the apk.
Yeah I have encountered the same issue in the past and that could be frustrating. One thing you have to know though, for Cloud debugging, the backend servers are on maintenance from time to time. Please try to upload your APK again and see if your issue gets resolved by itself. If not, please let me know, I will see if more trouble shooting can be done.

Sandbox loading with many errors net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

After logging in on sandbox.paypal.com, the site is loading with many errors and looks horribly broken.
This seems to be localized to me as my coworkers do not seem to have the same issue, nor have I found any reports of others sharing the same issue.
I'm running OS X Yosemite, and have tried viewing this in Chrome, & Firefox as well as using Incognito mode, but I still get the same thing.
My system is fairly stock with regard to the networking configuration. I do not have any extra firewall configured that may be blocking these connections.
I have no trouble with the normal live paypal site.
Where to even begin troubleshooting this? Any help is much appreciated.
Safari 8.0 (10600.1.25) works.
I was using Chrome Beta (39). My coworker was using stable and after uninstalling and reinstalling the current stable Chrome 38.0.2125.111, it is now working in Chrome as well.
The current stable version of Firefox 33.0.2 is still not working.
Looks like paypall sandbox is broken since 3 days. Before everything was ok, now it serwes 144 empty lines before HTML tag and lost css and other resources.

android emulator net access stopped after some minutes of working

While working with my app that require network access...
The Android 2.2 emulator's network connection stop working...
The net was working properly but after some time it did not respond on emulator,
while it was working f9 on my system...
I have cross checked the net connections and restarted with the emulator(even created a new avd ). But the problem remains same my net is not working on emulator..
I have also checked the connection with F8 key on emulator...
My app manifest net permission is enabled....
Finally After all I have myself found the solution of to the problem:
It's very common problem that must have been faced by most of android developers....
Recently, while developing an Android Application, I was faced with a situation that wasted 2 hours of my time. The issue was simple, my app was not able to access internet from the Android Emulator.
Initially I thought fixing the issue should have been straight forward, but life is not always that simple.
So what was the real issue because of which my app was not able to access internet? There are multiple reasons because of which this issue could occur. Hence, I decided to document my findings so that other could benefit from it.
There are two main symptoms of no internet connection on android emulator.....
**Only your app is not able to access the internet
**None of the apps are able to access the internet
Lets look at what are the reasons behind each of them.
Only your app is not able to access the internet
If only your app is not able to access the internet on the emulator, check if any other apps are able to access the internet or not. For e.g. you could open up the browser application, visit http://news.google.com/. If the page opens up correctly then problem lies in your app itself and its simple to fix.
Basically, your app needs the Permission to access the internet. This can be done by adding the following line just before the end of tag in AndroidManifest.xml file of your application.
Compile and re-install the app in the emulator and try to access the internet from your app. It should work!
What is the use of uses-permission tag:
Android application can request certain permissions so that they can function properly. Some examples of permissions are, get users location, make a call, access the internet etc. App has to explicitly specify this in the AndroidManifest.xml.
When end users install such an app on their device, the android OS will notify the user that, app is requesting certain permissions. If users are fine with that, then only the app will be installed. Else users can deny the permission and the app will not be installed.
This mechanism is Androids way of implementing security and users privacy!
This is the more tricky situation:
None of the apps are able to access the internet
Now this situation is tricky. There are two reasons because of which this could happen
Proxy server is not configured on the emulator
Incorrect DNS used by the emulator
Setting Up the DNS Server:
emulator.exe -avd 'android1.6' -dns-server
The android1.6 is your avd name I created an avd with name android1.6
So just replace android1.6 with your avd name.
Run this code in command prompt after setting the path to tools & platform tools of your android sdk

Visual Studio/WPConnect Unable to Connect to WP7 Device

For some reason, I'm no longer able to connect and deploy to my wp7 device. Zune does not show the phone as being connected, despite the fact that it is connected and the phone shows that it's being charged ... and the wpconnect tool gives the following error:
Failed to connect to the device.
Ensure that the device is completely
booted and is connected to the PC.
I rebooted the phone, and I've deployed to it before, so it's definitely developer unlocked. I verified that my computer has internet access. Any other troubleshooting thoughts?
Hey, I run into this all the time. Simply restart your phone and connect again. Make sure you plug in and unplug the phone several times, waiting at least a minute if it doesn't work.
In short, it's temperamental, Keep trying.
Make sure that you have switched off WiFi and Bluetooth on your phone.
I have found that I cannot deploy when Wifi and Bluetooth are switched on - even though Zune is syncing music and other content in the usual fashion. The error messages are frustratingly unhelpful!
As a short term workaround try using the Application Deployment utility to deploy the xap file.
I had the same issue. When I changed the Project properties target OS to 7.1 it worked.
I had the same issue. Only restoring to the previous OS version helped me.
Also I would that it usually happens when internet sharing is turned on.
I think I finally found the problem!
When I had this problem a few days ago, I had been charging my phone (Lumia 900) using a faulty charger which keeps on getting disconnected. And now that I've changed the cable and charger, it started working again!
I had the same problem with my previous phone as well (HTC Mozart), and I had a bad cable back then, but never made the connection (geddit?) between the problem and the cable...
My theory is that when the phone is running on bad power supply/not getting enough power, it sets a flag in the registry, which throws that error.
Also, bizarrely I just found that if you have internet sharing turned on then it won't let you connect.
Any of above mentioned did not work for me. I had many different error messages (included the 0x80070103)
What did is this:
Go to https://dev.windowsphone.com, uregister your phone.
Launch registration tool ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\Phone Registration\PhoneReg.exe")
Unregister in tool from 2) too (if it is showing still as
Now disconnect phone and connect it again
Register phone in tool from 2)

Re-installation failed due to different application signatures

I moved my Android project to a laptop and now I get this when I hit Debug. Sounds like this is a bug? This shouldn't happen via Eclipse as far as I know.
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
The weirdest thing is this happened after I upgraded sdk/adt and Eclipse to support SDK 2.2 It was working fine earlier, and now it doesn't, so it might be a bug.
It happens because keystores on your laptop and original pc are different. it's called debug.keystrore
and located in %USER_HOME%/.android/ folder. TO be more specific it happens because eclipse tries to push apk with reinstall key. So you have two options
Share debug.keystore between various development pc's
Manually uninstall your apk from device ( using adb )
I also got the same problem and fixed it. you should do the following to fix it,
Uninstall the application from your mobile if you load it
To uninstall goto settings->application->manage application.
Run the application again and choose the mobile
Hope this will help you
After you copy debug.keystore to your PC, you need to rebuild project on PC.
I had the same issue using the Droid emulator. I solved it by uninstalling the package from the application settings in the emulator as you would a normal device. On the next run, it reinstalled and the error went away.
I got the same problem and fixed it by just wiping the user data on the emulator. My guess is that the emulator keeps the project installed unless you wipe the data, so if your new project doesn't match some internal parameters it doesn't like it and won't reinstall it.
I also had the same problem and fixed it by uninstalling the app and reinstall it again.
ah i think i found your answer:
Why does the app signature change in Android after a classpath change?
its changed if you change the classpath
After searching and checking the phone, i came to know that i am currently developing 2nd version of this application which is already downloaded from android market in my phone, now as this app is signed and having different signatures this is throwing the above error.
Now, to resolve this issue, i had just uninstalled the app from mobile and run/install the application again.
I had the same issue with the emulator and i ran the command "adb uninstall TheNameOfPackage". Of course you must first go to the directory where the adb.exe has been installed, usually C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools, and then run the above command.
For me after I copied all of my keystore files from my machine at home, I had to do a Project->clean. After that it worked perfectly.
When i tried to uninstall the application from my device after this issue occurs, i cannot able to find the app in my device. I don know where it gone. Then i uninstalled using adb,
adb -d uninstall <app package name>
This is the answer who are facing the issue similar to my problem.
I had the same issue.
To fix it I uninstalled the old .apk of the project from my device.
Go to device/emulator Settings -> Apps, find your app and uninstall it.
In Android Studio open tab "Gradle" (on the right side), open:
and click twice on this task to execute it.
Important note:
If you still get this error after uninstalling, try to Build->Clean Project.
If you still get this error, even if in your device Settings->Apps list you have no this app already, try to Build->Clean Project