Can't use cloud debugging to test my apk for Huawei - huawei-mobile-services

I'm trying to test an apk with cloud debugging and I'm getting the following error when I tried to upload an apk:
I also added HMS plugin to my Android Studio but devices are not displayed in the device list when I opened one and it doesn't end or give any feedback(other than files are being pushed) when I drag an apk onto device.
Devices that I tried:

The apk you uploaded does not have an icon. Plz check and add an icon for it and try again. This message will be modified later to make it clearer. :)
It is a network error. Make sure that no proxy is used and your network is working. Then plz try to retransmit the apk.

Yeah I have encountered the same issue in the past and that could be frustrating. One thing you have to know though, for Cloud debugging, the backend servers are on maintenance from time to time. Please try to upload your APK again and see if your issue gets resolved by itself. If not, please let me know, I will see if more trouble shooting can be done.


I made a chat app, It worked all fine while connected to debug mode, but when i install through release apk on device, it crash

I get this error message on clicking on send bug report
I have tried everything in my reach.
Please help me if anyone knows how to fix this, for this sole purpose only, i joined this community today. I am new to Flutter and Android and it took me around 2 weeks, i was so excited about this when running in debugging mode until i found it crashes on release apk

flutter not running on real device

I am a beginner and i was try to run Flutter Demo code for the first time just after download it and it did not work i try to check out every thing and it seems fine .and here its some screens shoot, i hope any one can help me.main.Dart,console,build.gradle,enter image description here,flutter doctor
please check can you build apk file?
You will get response from android studio or you can find debug and release version In the following path:
PROJECT PATH\build\app\outputs\apk
If building apk process finished successfully please check your phone storage capacity because I fixed same issue with this solution

Flutter app not working in apk-release but works in debug mode (even after giving internet permissions)

My app works fine in debug mode. I followed all the steps mentioned in flutter docs for making apk-release. I even mentioned the internet permissions for the apk-release in AndroidManifest file. My apk-release builds perfectly fine. But when i install it in my phone and try to use the app(Basically login using phone number cause the first page in my app is the login page), it doesnt respond. I figured there must be some problem with the internet permissions but I rechecked everything. It all works fine when i install the debug apk from Android Studio, but the release apk is somehow unable to communicate with the authentication servers. Please help me.
Btw, I updated all the dependencies in pubspec.yaml like cloudfirestore versions and stuff. Still no change. Also, I guess my SHA1 key is right in firestore. I also had to rename my package name from com.example.pareez to com.rishav.pareez but I am sure I made no mistake in that.
UPDATE - I uninstalled the previously installed apk from my phone and I used flutter install from my pc and then the app ran perfectly well. I guess installing manually is giving me problems. But i installed other apps manually too, and they worked fine.
Build your aab bundle or apk using the below commands.
For aab bundle:
flutter build appbundle --no-shrink
For apk:
flutter build apk --no-shrink
This solution worked for me. I hope, this will also help you. Thanks for asking this question.

Where are the Intel XDK build logs?

When I build XDK for iOS, I get the message 'An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again':
I have searched online and checked the build assets, but can't find anything wrong, so I am stuck.
Is there any way that I can see the log for the build to tell what went wrong? I can't seem to find a link to the logs anywhere, either in the XDK application or the online AppCenter.
OK, I received a reply on the Intel forum to use the Cordova iOS build where there is a link to the build logs.
I was swapping between Cordova and legacy ad-hoc to try to get things working and maybe I got mixed up somewhere along the way. Anyway, I changed two things and it is building OK now with Cordova iOS: -
I found an android setting in the iOS config file that I removed.
I changed the app name, because I read that if it started with the project name that could cause issues.

Re-installation failed due to different application signatures

I moved my Android project to a laptop and now I get this when I hit Debug. Sounds like this is a bug? This shouldn't happen via Eclipse as far as I know.
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
The weirdest thing is this happened after I upgraded sdk/adt and Eclipse to support SDK 2.2 It was working fine earlier, and now it doesn't, so it might be a bug.
It happens because keystores on your laptop and original pc are different. it's called debug.keystrore
and located in %USER_HOME%/.android/ folder. TO be more specific it happens because eclipse tries to push apk with reinstall key. So you have two options
Share debug.keystore between various development pc's
Manually uninstall your apk from device ( using adb )
I also got the same problem and fixed it. you should do the following to fix it,
Uninstall the application from your mobile if you load it
To uninstall goto settings->application->manage application.
Run the application again and choose the mobile
Hope this will help you
After you copy debug.keystore to your PC, you need to rebuild project on PC.
I had the same issue using the Droid emulator. I solved it by uninstalling the package from the application settings in the emulator as you would a normal device. On the next run, it reinstalled and the error went away.
I got the same problem and fixed it by just wiping the user data on the emulator. My guess is that the emulator keeps the project installed unless you wipe the data, so if your new project doesn't match some internal parameters it doesn't like it and won't reinstall it.
I also had the same problem and fixed it by uninstalling the app and reinstall it again.
ah i think i found your answer:
Why does the app signature change in Android after a classpath change?
its changed if you change the classpath
After searching and checking the phone, i came to know that i am currently developing 2nd version of this application which is already downloaded from android market in my phone, now as this app is signed and having different signatures this is throwing the above error.
Now, to resolve this issue, i had just uninstalled the app from mobile and run/install the application again.
I had the same issue with the emulator and i ran the command "adb uninstall TheNameOfPackage". Of course you must first go to the directory where the adb.exe has been installed, usually C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools, and then run the above command.
For me after I copied all of my keystore files from my machine at home, I had to do a Project->clean. After that it worked perfectly.
When i tried to uninstall the application from my device after this issue occurs, i cannot able to find the app in my device. I don know where it gone. Then i uninstalled using adb,
adb -d uninstall <app package name>
This is the answer who are facing the issue similar to my problem.
I had the same issue.
To fix it I uninstalled the old .apk of the project from my device.
Go to device/emulator Settings -> Apps, find your app and uninstall it.
In Android Studio open tab "Gradle" (on the right side), open:
and click twice on this task to execute it.
Important note:
If you still get this error after uninstalling, try to Build->Clean Project.
If you still get this error, even if in your device Settings->Apps list you have no this app already, try to Build->Clean Project