Changing MySQL Workbench Editor to Dark Mode ( installed from Ubuntu Software ) - mysql-workbench

I have found many questions here answer this same topic, such as in:
MySQL Workbench Dark Theme and
MySQL Workbench Dark Theme
However they all work under the premise that my SQL Workbench folder has said code_editor.xml or even a data folder to begin with. I'm not that surprised since I wasn't able to install it with the .deb since it kept insisting it lacked dependencies, so I found it in the Ubuntu Software and got it from there. However, there are no such folders or files like in those answers. For one, its directory seems to be:
With a which command from my terminal I get this, however:
$~ which mysql
$~ which mysql-workbench
mysql-workbench not found
$~ which mysql-workbench-community
So yeah, it's not even named just " mysql-workbench " in the first place. And inside said folder I have three other folders: "9", "common" and "current". Using the Ubuntu search bar from there yields no results for either "data" folder or "code_editor.xml" file.
I have no idea how to proceed and am still pretty new to Ubuntu in general, so any help would be more than welcome!

The file is located under
but since is a snap package, is a read-only system, so is not possible overwrite that file.
I think you can't have a Mysql Workbench with dark theme in unbutu 2204, because there's no way to install the deb package.
I just installed another sql client, is a snap but has a dark theme, is called Antares.


How to install a NetBeans plugin via CLI?

Is there a way to install a downloaded NBM (Netbeans Module) into an already installed Netbeans IDE via CLI?
Current setup
Netbeans 12.3 with Windows 10
Netbeans 12.3 with Linux Mint 20.1
Relevant scenario
If the question comes to your mind 'why aren't you just using the GUI?' or anything like that. Think of the following scenario. When working on an air gapped network with 50 computers you're the one having to install Netbeans plugins on all of that PCs. You're able to put files on those PCs and execute a command via console and you don't want to run around all the buildings and clicking through the process.
Thank you very much in advance.
I think I found a solution. I'll post it here to reflect my research because I've never found a answer on stackoverflow.
When Netbeans is already installed you can use the --help parameter like:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans\netbeans\bin\netbeans64.exe --help
This lists lot of available parameters (which I haven't found a list of on the web) like (shortened):
General options:
--help show this help
--jdkhome <path> path to JDK
--console new open new console for output
Module reload options:
--reload /path/to/module.jar install or reinstall a module JAR file
Additional module options:
--refresh Refresh all catalogs
--list Prints the list of all modules, their versions and enablement status
--install <arg1>...<argN> Installs provided JAR files as modules
--disable <arg1>...<argN> Disable modules for specified codebase names
--enable <arg1>...<argN> Enable modules for specified codebase names
--update <arg1>...<argN> Updates all or specified modules
--update-all Updates all modules
Core options:
--fontsize <size> set the base font size of the user interface, in points
--userdir <path> use specified directory to store user settings
--nosplash do not show the splash screen
In my case the solution was to use the --install parameter pointing to the jar file to install.Be aware that the NBM files are just containers containing the jar file and some more meta data files like config xml files. You're able to open it via 7zip for example. And you'll have to take care of all the dependencies yourself.

RStudio Connections Pane: PostgreSQL Unicode(x64) does not appear in the list anymore

I'm using the Connections Pane in RStudio to connect to a PostgresSQL Database. A while ago, I started this post Link and finally managed to set it up.
After installing my System new (Win10, R3.5.0, RStudio1.1.453), I tried to retrace my steps to set it up again, but couldn't do so. After opening the Connections Pane the only existing sources I see are "Livy" and "Spark". Postgres and all other connections are missing.
What I tried so far is to install PostgresSQL on my Computer. I also installed the RPostgres, odbc and DBI Packages in the hope that the Postgres option would appear in the list agian, but to no end.
There is this Troubleshooting Post on RStudio, but it didnt help me so far.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Thanks :)
I found the answer! The odbc Driver was not installed when I installed PostgreSQL on my system. Here a couple of hints for others who might have the same problem:
Open RStudio and type in:
If postgres is not listed, you can, at least thats what I did, go tot the PostgresSQL page and download the newest Version and install it. If for whatever reason, the driver is not installed, open the
Application Stack Builder (it comes with the postgres installation)
navigate to the folder Database Drivers and select "psqlODBC 32 and/or 64". Install them. It will just do the trick!

Cannot install Qt postgreSQL driver

I'm posting here with the hopes that someone will be kind enough to help me. Just to clarify, I'm sort of a newb, so I'd be really grateful if you give more details to your explanations.
I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, QT 5.9.1, PostgreSQL is 9.6.3 version.
I'm working on a project, where I need to get a postgresql database running and connect it to the code I'm doing right now. Unfortunately, when I try to install the driver, I run into all kinds of problems. I've been reading on threads on sites, but they are outdated and some folders do not match, which my first problem arises. For some reason I cannot get qmake to work, even though I edit the path in the variables.
I tried running the commands from here.
cd %QTDIR%\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\ps
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:/psql/include" "LIBS+=C:/psql/lib/ms/libpq.lib"
Basically my folders don't aren't 100% as the guide, also I don't have a libpq.lib file
On my final attempt I tried the following:
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:/PostgreSQL/pg96/include" "LIBS+=C:/PostgreSQL/pg96/lib/libpq.lib"
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'cl'. Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?
You'll need to have PostgreSQL installed so you have libpq.lib and libpq.dll. You cannot compile the Qt PostgreSQL driver without these. You'll also need to find the include directory for your PostgreSQL install, the one that contains libpq-fe.h.
Then determine the paths to those. Set the PATH to include the directory with libpq.dll. Set LIBS to include the directory with libpq.lib. And set the INCLUDEPATH to include the directory with libpq-fe.h.
You'll probably need to do this within a "Visual Studio Command Prompt" or run vcvarsall.bat fist, too, so qmake can find Visual Studio.

Eclipse not recognising express/node

I have been using Linux for less than 24 hours, so please, if there is anymore information I should provide, do be quite specific about how to get that information.
I've been trying to install Node.js, express.js and eclipse. As you can see, ubuntu does recognise both node.js and express as installed on my system (I think!) and I got the Nodeclipse-extension for eclipse, but still Eclipse doesn't seem to recognise either node.js or express (see my image below). I also want to add that the time occurrence of the error, I was trying to build a Node.js Express Project.
At this point, how do I go about debugging the situation? The folder location shown in the image does not fully exist. I can only go as far as [...]/bin/ - I have been looking at error messages similar to mine, and it seems like people are getting such errors because they're lacking an installation, however, from my screenshot provided, I would think everything is installed as needed.
I am using a native 64-bit windows laptop with Linux (Ubuntu) installed through a virtualbox. Ubuntu is 14.04 LTS and just 32-bit, as I don't have spare 2 gb ram to give the 64-bit version. Sadness.
I'd appreciate any help!
In Eclipse Windows -> Preferences -> Nodeclipse
check what is configured for Node and Express
I found a solution, which worked for me:
I did double installations of the needed modules. They were both located in C:/Users/X/AppData/Roaming, in the Eclipse directories and finally in C:/Program Files/nodejs. When I deleted all the node_modules, besides critical ones for nodejs to function and then ran Eclipse with Nodeclipse, it seemed to function and Eclipse automaticly defined folders in its own subdirectory, in which Express were located.
Delete all node_modules files and run Eclipse with Nodeclipse. See the windows explanation for a more detailed overview. Same problem and solution seemed to be present for both systems. Do note that the file directories are of course not completely interchangeable. You'll need to locate your instances of node_module.

Shared configuration for Eclipse on Debian server

I've manually installed the latest Eclipse on our debian server and wanted to configure it so all users share the same configuration. It turned out less obvious than I thought: I don't seem to be able to install packages for all users. If I run it myself, all configuration data is saved under my own home directory. If I run Eclipse using sudo, everything is saved under the root directory but is not accessible for other users when they run Eclipse.
I've been browsing the manual of Eclipse and some forums, but apart from a "yes, you can" I couldn't find any information on how that should be done. The biggest problem is installing plugins for all users to be found. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Eclipse : 3.6.1 classic, installed using this procedure.
Server uname: GNU/Linux *** 2.6.26-2-amd64
Server is accessed using Putty, and Gnome desktop through realVNC. Just mentioning it if that is of any importance. Our sysadmin is on "prolonged leave" (working in Spain and never replaced), so I'm stuck without help here.
I've found a list of variables that could be set in the launcher.ini or config.ini regarding configuration : osgi.configuration.area, osgi.configuration.area.default, osgi.sharedConfiguration.area, osgi.configuration.cascaded, ... But I can't figure out exaclty how to set these correctly.
-- I asked this question also on Serverfault, but I am far from certain where this belongs. Feel free to merge both questions in the appropriate place. --
For plugins, you could add in eclipse.ini (for all Eclispe you install) a common path for "shared dropins directory".
All plugins copied in that directory will be detected when Eclipse is launched.