How to install a NetBeans plugin via CLI? - netbeans

Is there a way to install a downloaded NBM (Netbeans Module) into an already installed Netbeans IDE via CLI?
Current setup
Netbeans 12.3 with Windows 10
Netbeans 12.3 with Linux Mint 20.1
Relevant scenario
If the question comes to your mind 'why aren't you just using the GUI?' or anything like that. Think of the following scenario. When working on an air gapped network with 50 computers you're the one having to install Netbeans plugins on all of that PCs. You're able to put files on those PCs and execute a command via console and you don't want to run around all the buildings and clicking through the process.
Thank you very much in advance.

I think I found a solution. I'll post it here to reflect my research because I've never found a answer on stackoverflow.
When Netbeans is already installed you can use the --help parameter like:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans\netbeans\bin\netbeans64.exe --help
This lists lot of available parameters (which I haven't found a list of on the web) like (shortened):
General options:
--help show this help
--jdkhome <path> path to JDK
--console new open new console for output
Module reload options:
--reload /path/to/module.jar install or reinstall a module JAR file
Additional module options:
--refresh Refresh all catalogs
--list Prints the list of all modules, their versions and enablement status
--install <arg1>...<argN> Installs provided JAR files as modules
--disable <arg1>...<argN> Disable modules for specified codebase names
--enable <arg1>...<argN> Enable modules for specified codebase names
--update <arg1>...<argN> Updates all or specified modules
--update-all Updates all modules
Core options:
--fontsize <size> set the base font size of the user interface, in points
--userdir <path> use specified directory to store user settings
--nosplash do not show the splash screen
In my case the solution was to use the --install parameter pointing to the jar file to install.Be aware that the NBM files are just containers containing the jar file and some more meta data files like config xml files. You're able to open it via 7zip for example. And you'll have to take care of all the dependencies yourself.


Some beginner questions about Centreon

I am new to Centreon and I have a few questions I need to figure out. I have these services:
I just want to know how can I have these services like this.
2nd question
on Github, I find that the plugin is end with .pm not .pl, which is I wonder why, and how to use the plugin on Github, because I already put it in on a folder on Centreon and restart it on the poller, but I do not see the plugin I downloaded.
3rd question
For interfaces:
--plugin=os::linux::snmp::plugin --mode=interfaces --add-status --add-traffic
For services (if it's windows):
Is this just command or I have to modify it on a plugin ?
You must have create a new host and link to this host an host template. This host template is linked to services and this why you have services created. Do not hesitate to check this documentation
To use our centreon plugin you have two different way to do:
Clone our GitHub repository Here, and manage your script file by file use the to call the .pm file through the --plugin option, through the following command line you can download the repo:
git clone
Use the Centreon RPM packages, who they correspond to the GitHub script, but all build per kind of devices (one .pl script per devices). You can install them with the following command line:
yum install --nogpgcheck centreon-plugins\*
By default all nagios plugins are stored in "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/" and the centreon plugins are stored in "/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/"
'--plugin' option is related to a command and it just indicate the plugin that will be used, you don't need to modify any plugin just the command unless you want to change something inside the plugin.

Eclipse IDE and Sass

I've recently started using the Eclipse IDE for web development.
In the past when I've used Scout to complie my Sass.
Is there a way in Eclispe to automatically compile my Sass.
Is this the best option -
I've tried this but I get a BUILD FAILED becuase of
<apply dest="css" executable="/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin/sass">
I realise that executable needs to point to sass on my system but how do I find where sass is on my system?
I posted about this recently here:
My post refers to OS X but it should be easy enough to adapt the process to other setups.
Here's the text from my post:
1. Make sure Ruby is installed. You’re going to need this as SASS is a ruby app. OS X should have Ruby installed by default. To check, open a terminal window and enter:
ruby -v
This should display the version information, something like:
ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin14]
If you don’t have Ruby, install it now. Come back once you’ve figured it out.
If you develop using Ruby at times, you are likely to be using RVM to manage different Ruby versions. If you’re using RVM we need to take some precautions. Don’t worry – we don’t need to get rid of RVM. We just need to make sure we install SASS to the system version of Ruby.
Let’s check to see if we have RVM installed:
rvm -v
If we get version information back, then we have RVM. (If we don’t we can just move on to step 2 below.) Let’s see which versions of Ruby we have installed:
rvm list
This should show you a list of Ruby versions, along with info. about which one is the default and which is the current version. We want to install SASS to the OS X default version of Ruby, not the RVM-installed versions, so enter this:
rvm use system
And now check again on our current Ruby version:
ruby -v
OK, if we’re happy that we have Ruby and that we’re using the OS X default Ruby, let’s proceed.
2. Install SASS
Do we have SASS?
sass -v
If that doesn’t return version information, you will need to install SASS:
gem install sass
If you get permission errors, use sudo:
sudo gem install sass
Once you have installed SASS, let’s check on its location:
which sass
That should return:
If a different path was returned, look again at the information above about RVM.
OK, now that we have SASS installed in the OS X default version of Ruby, we can now switch back to a different version of Ruby via RVM, if required.
Set up a Builder in your Eclipse project
In Eclipse, we’re going to use a Builder to set up SASS auto-compilation.
Ctrl-click on the title of your project in the Explorer view (I’m working on a PHP project in this case, so I’m using the PHP Explorer view.)
Select Properties.
Click on Builders, then on New… to make a new Builder.
Select the Program option and click OK.
Now we can give our Builder a name, e.g. sass.compiler
In the Main tab we need to put in the path to the installed sass application:
N.B. If you were using SASS with an RVM-installed Ruby, at this point you might have tried putting in something like:
However that gives problems as SASS then tries to find required resources but they're not in the path, and so the operation fails with the error:
sass env: ruby_executable_hooks: No such file or director
Hence the need to install SASS into the OS X default version of Ruby.
Now we need to pass the appropriate arguments to SASS, so that it knows what to do and what files to do it with. If we were running SASS from the command line, we would probably do something like this at the start of our development session:
sass --watch sourcefolder:destinationfolder
In a real project that might look something like this:
sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets
This is a one-off command which forces compilation of any scss files in app/sass, into css files in public/stylesheets, whenever changes are made to the scss files. However, we want our Builder to trigger the compile process each time we save our scss files, so --watch is inappropriate.
If we enter:
sass --help
we discover that the option we want is --update. Luckily this works just like --watch in that it checks the designated folder recursively – so if we have many folders with scss files, we just specify a common parent folder.
You may have some scss files which you want to include into other scss files, and should not be compiled into their own css files. If that is the case, rename those files with an underscore at the beginning, e.g. rename mixins.scss to _mixins.scss Sass will still recognise those files for inclusion, but won’t compile css equivalents.
In my Arguments field I have this:
--update ${workspace_loc:/project1/htdocs/theme}:${workspace_loc:/project1/htdocs/theme} --sourcemap=none --style compressed
In my case, the scss files are in the same folder as the compiled css files, so my source folder and destination folder are the same. I used the Browse Workspace button in one of the form fields to generate the ${workspace_loc} placeholder values for my source folders and destination folders.
I also added a few more SASS options – one to turn off the generation of .map files, the other to output css in a compressed style.
Under the Build Options tab I have Allocate Console and During auto builds ticked, but nothing else.
Click on OK to finish.
Now, when I edit one of the scss files in my project1/htdocs/theme folder, in the Eclipse console view I see that SASS is doing its work, compiling the scss into css. Success!
Alternative method
Use Webstorm ; )
An easy solution would be to use Eclipse Wild Web Developer:
The editor will simplify developing with web technologies. Besides automatically compiling SCSS files to CSS files it provides many more features. Check them out, I think you will like them.

how do I run doxywizard?

I have successfully downloaded and installed doxygen. I am trying to run doxygen but am a little overwhelmed by the configuration file. I see that there is a utility called doxywizard that guides you through the creation of a configuration file. How do I run this wizard? I see that there is a folder called Doxywizard. Do I run one of the files in this folder?
brew install doxygen --with-graphviz --with-qt --with-llvm
The command used to be:
brew install doxygen --with-dot --with-doxywizard --with-libclang
If you successfully installed doxygen, then you can run Doxywizard by typing doxywizard in terminal. I think, by default it goes into /usr/local/bin/.
EDIT: The official .dmg file for MacOS from the doxygen download page does contain the GUI front-end (doxywizard).
When building from source, according to the doxygen user manual, one must use configure --with-doxywizard to enable doxywizard (also, note requirement for Qt version).

plugman not working on windows? adding core features to phonegap 3.0 app

I have followed theese instructions.
installed plugman (command didnt work, so I added this C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cordova\node_modules.bin to PATH to make 'plugman' command work in cmd).
after getting plugman command to work (it's help was working in console), Ive entered the camera api command:
plugman --platform android --project c:/path/to/app --plugin
the output was:
undefined is not a function
what did I do wrong?
I've found an answer on phonegap google group.
To make this work, you need to install git console and then download the plugin with command:
phonegap local plugin add
The is a bug that was recently submitted and fixed.
You basically need Git installed, yes, but for plugman to work in "cmd.exe" (or any non-Git CLI) you need to have Git/bin in your system path.
Taken from my blog (
Click Start, right-click Computer then select Properties. Click Advanced System Settings (top-left) then Environment Variables in the Advanced tab.
Under System variables find the variable called Path and edit that to include the full system path to where Git is installed. So for example, mine now reads:
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%; [snip] ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
With the all important bit highlighted in bold. As with Ant and Android Development Tools, you'll need to include the /bin subfolder, too.

Where do I get libpq source?

I want to write application which uses Postgresql as DBMS.
To write client application do I need libpq library and header files?
If yes where I would get libpq library and header files.
Libpq is included in the full PostgreSQL source code. You can use just libpq without the rest of PostgreSQL, but must download the full package.
You can download it from the PostgreSQL Downloads page.
Once you extract the full package it is inside src\interfaces\libpq.
The PostgreSQL installation guide details how to install only the client libraries in the Installation section, under Client-only installation.
Libpq documentation is also available.
In postgresql sources, src\interfaces\libpq.
And yes, it is possible to compile only the libpq.
get the lipq from repo, {for debian} :
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
I was also facing this issue but didn't got a clear answer:
This issue clearly states that while installing diesel-cli system is not able to locate libpq.lib
First of all you should have a Postgres installed on your machine.
Also diesel require visual c++, thus download and install it if not already, the size of setup will be ~5gb.
Once above installations are done you need to setup environment variables:
In my case path of Postgres installation is C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL thus add 2 environment variable path under User variables add new in Path where your libpq.lib is located in my case it is available in both C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\lib and C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin
Once this is added create one more environment variable PQ_LIB_DIR and set path as shown below
Note: Once done re-trigger the installation command in a new cmd window
Source: pq-sys and github-solution
For Windows users, it's in (version may be different)
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\lib
There you find libpq.lib. Provide this directory to Linker input.
Don't forget to include C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\include directory for include directories.
I fix this problem reccently. This is a solution if you don't want to install Postgres in you windows.
At first, you need download Postgres Binaries. The version I download is 13.6, but it's seems like any version is fine.
Unzip the zip file.Copy libpq.lib from pgsql\lib to shomewhere like C:\Program Files\Postgres\lib.
Execute the following command in cmd window.
setx PQ_LIB_DIR "{where_you_copy_to}"
Open a new cmd windows and install diesel_cli
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
In linux vertify you get the libpq.
1st, there is an app: pg_config:
after you found out the pg_config absolute bin path.(if you installed multi version of postgressql) Then You can get
Print the location of C header files of the client interfaces.
Print the location of object code libraries.
Then try to compile/build some example code:
Some common failure example:
You can install Postgres locally from but select only "Command line tools" for install.
After that, you can found libpq.dll in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin