Cannot install Qt postgreSQL driver - postgresql

I'm posting here with the hopes that someone will be kind enough to help me. Just to clarify, I'm sort of a newb, so I'd be really grateful if you give more details to your explanations.
I'm on Windows 10 64 bit, QT 5.9.1, PostgreSQL is 9.6.3 version.
I'm working on a project, where I need to get a postgresql database running and connect it to the code I'm doing right now. Unfortunately, when I try to install the driver, I run into all kinds of problems. I've been reading on threads on sites, but they are outdated and some folders do not match, which my first problem arises. For some reason I cannot get qmake to work, even though I edit the path in the variables.
I tried running the commands from here.
cd %QTDIR%\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\ps
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:/psql/include" "LIBS+=C:/psql/lib/ms/libpq.lib"
Basically my folders don't aren't 100% as the guide, also I don't have a libpq.lib file
On my final attempt I tried the following:
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:/PostgreSQL/pg96/include" "LIBS+=C:/PostgreSQL/pg96/lib/libpq.lib"
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'cl'. Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?

You'll need to have PostgreSQL installed so you have libpq.lib and libpq.dll. You cannot compile the Qt PostgreSQL driver without these. You'll also need to find the include directory for your PostgreSQL install, the one that contains libpq-fe.h.
Then determine the paths to those. Set the PATH to include the directory with libpq.dll. Set LIBS to include the directory with libpq.lib. And set the INCLUDEPATH to include the directory with libpq-fe.h.
You'll probably need to do this within a "Visual Studio Command Prompt" or run vcvarsall.bat fist, too, so qmake can find Visual Studio.


gtk+ without msys2 mingw

On Windows, trying something with gtk+. I have downloaded Msys2, along with gtk+3.0.
Successfully compiled all the gtk+3.0 examples in the msys2 mingw-w64 terminal.
Now I want to move a bit further to try work without the msys environment.
I opened up cmd and navigated to where the example executables are compiled. Then I fired them up by typing "example.exe".
libgio-2.0-0.dll missing, not surprised. I go back to check the PATH environment of the msys environment, PATH=/mingw64/bin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/:/bin:/c/Windows/System32:..blablabla
So in the cmd environment I did set PATH=%PATH%;pathto/mingw64/bin; and run example.exe again.
This time it gave a very strange error cannot find entrypoint inflateValidate (in dll libpng16-16.dll)
So I checked, indeed there was no inflateValidate function in the dll. it seemed to me that something thought the function is in the dll and tried to call it but because it doesn't exist so it failed. What I don't understand is that why did it not fail in the msys environment but failed in the windows environment. And does that bring any impact to me if I am going to ship any gtk application? I thought simply distributing the relevant dll would be enough.
I have tried instead of adding the mingw64/bin path to the PATH variable, but copying the required dll the the execute location 1 by 1, but at the end it still gave the same error.
I have also tried to search for other libpng*.dll in my computer, none of them contained the inflateValidate function.
If anyone know whats going on please shed some light to the question.
I might be very late to the party but I ran into the same issue yesterday (missing the inflateValidate symbol) and after checking the contents of the zlib1.dll file could ascertain that the function is just not there.
I downloaded another version (specifically this one, though I am in no way affiliated to this project) and saw that the inflateValidate symbol was indeed declared, so I suppose that the zlib bundled with your files is not up to date with the libpng requirements.
This solved my problem. I hope it solves yours too.

Stack cannot find libpq when given directory

I am trying to set up a stack project that uses the postgresql-simple package among others. When trying to stack build, all of the dependencies for postgresql-simple installed without issue, but stack is having trouble installing postgresql-simple itself. I get the following error:
C:project> stack build --extra-include-dirs="C:\PostgreSQL\8.4\include" --extra-lib-dirs="C:\PostgreSQL\8.4\lib"
... omitted ...
Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
Logs have been written to: C:\Users\User\Desktop\draftkings\NFAccuracy\.stack-work\logs\postgresql-libpq-
Configuring postgresql-libpq-
Setup.hs: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
* Missing C library: pq
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
I've tried also specifying the paths in my stack.yaml file, same error.
I've tried manually copying the library and include files from my postgres installation to the mentioned ...\mingw64\lib and ...\mingw64\include folders. Same error.
I have the files libpq.dll and libpq.lib in my C:\PostgreSQL\8.4\lib folder.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious but I can't get this to work and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.
I forgot to mention two important details.
First, I have added C:\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin to my PATH. As far as I know, this works as expected, because I got past an error about pg_config missing, to the error I currently have.
Second, I also tried adding the lib and include directories to my PATH, but this did not change the error.
I should also mention my Postgres installation works fine on its own.
I know that the Snowdrift project uses PostgreSQL and builds with Stack on Windows. They have a build guide on their site. It looks like one difference is that they mention:
Add the PostgreSQL bin directory to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin
Can you try adding that to the PATH and see if that fixes it?
There was some kind of version mismatch.
Installing Postgres 9.4 instead of 8.4 allowed the postgresql-simple package to be built in the manner I was attempting.
My stack project, without intervention by me, defaulted to using resolver: 'lts-3.7' This provided version of the postgresql-simple package to my project. I wish I had a more detailed answer, but all I can tell is that this version of postgresql-simple (which is fairly recent) works fine with PostgreSQL 9.4 (which is also recent).
And thankfully, using haskell and postgresql-simple built against Postgres 9.4 libraries is having no issue communicating with my 'remote' (virtualbox) database which is Postgres 8.4.
I'm tempted to flag my question as not constructive unless others find this useful info.

PHP5 - pgsql Module not loaded

I am trying to get work PostgresSQL with PHP, but i stuck on that apache error:
Call to undefined function pg_connect().
When i run phpinfo() i cannot see that my module is loaded, but i do not know why. The pgsql.ini files were loaded. And when i open them, i can see, that the extension is enabled Under /usr/lib64/php5/extensions there is the .so file. Even the permission are same like the other modules.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
It would help if you could describe what operating system you are using. I'm assume Linux, but which distribution? One package that is often forgotten when installing postgresql and php is php5-pgsql. This is the connection between the two. For some reason I cannot explain, it is best if all three are installed together. So I suggest uninstalling postgresql and php and then installing postgresql, php5 and php5-pgsql. I hope this works for you!
I found it out. Some libraries where not found.
1.) First of all run php -version
2.) If there is an error where it described that some libraries are missing, you can solve it like me
3.) Search for the files on your system find / -name {LIBRARY NAME}
3a.) If you found them, just create a symlink to /usr/lib64
3b.) If not, find a way to get them and 3 3a

cross-compile postgresql for ARM Sitara AM335x

I'm having trouble cross compiling PostgreSQL for my TI Sitara AM335x EVM SK. My host system is an i386 machine running Ubuntu 12.04.
My application is written in C++ using Qt. When I try and compile, I get the error that is incompatible. I believe this is because the cross compiler is trying to use the host instead of one for the target system (which as I have found out, doesn't exist).
I've downloaded the source for PostgreSQL with the intention of cross compiling that in order to give me the library that will be compatible with my target system, however there is virtually no information on how to do this.
I have tried using the CC argument with the configure file to change my compiler to the following: CC=/home/tim/ti-sdk-am335x-evm- but the configure script gives me this error: configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs. If you meant to cross compile, use --host.
The configure file makes a small reference to the --host option, but the only information in the file that I could find is in reference to mingw and windows, which isn't what I want.
I've done some quick searching through the configure file, and it references the --host option, but with no explanation of what is a valid host. I'm assuming that with --host option there will be an associated --target.
What arguments can I give the configure script so that it will cross compile with the correct compiler to generate a library that my target device can use? Are there any resources out there that I haven't found in regards to how the --host/--target works or how to use them?
OK, so after fiddling around for a little while, I think I was actually able to cross compile PostgreSQL and answer my own question.
Before I went any further, I had realized I had forgotten to add the path to my cross compiler to the PATH environment variable. I used the command export PATH=/path/to/cross/compiler:$PATH to insert the compiler path to the PATH environment variable.
Next, I did some experimenting with the --host option. To start off with I tried using ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf and running the configure script. The configure script seemed to accept this as the host argument. I then went to the next step of running the makefile. Running this makefile resulted in errors being generated. The errors were selected processor does not support Thumb mode. I did a quick search to see what information I could find about this error and came to this webpage:
This webpage gave me a bit more information since it seemed like the person was trying to do something very similar to me. One of the responders to the post mentioned that --disable-spinlocks is intended for processors that aren't supported by default by PostgreSQL. I emulated the arguments that were used in the website listed above and used the command: ./configure --host=arm-linux CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc AR=arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar CPP=arm-linux-gnueabihf-cpp --without-readline --without-zlib --disable-spinlocks to generate my makefile. This makefile actually generated all of the files, including the library file I was needing.
Hope this helps somebody else in the future!

Installing plpythonu on Windows

I'm trying to install plpython on a postgres server on a Windows machine. When I issue the command CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u; in postgres, I get the following error, which I'm trying to find the source of.
ERROR: could not load library "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.3/lib/plpython3.dll": The specified module could not be found.
This file exists, which I presume means that Windows can't find one of the files it depends on. When I open the plpython3.dll with Dependency Walker, it tells me it can't locate the GPSVC.dll.
Is it likely that this missing dll would cause the CREATE EXTENSION command to fail? I found a .dll with the same name in C:\Windows\System32 and copied it over to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, but this did not resolve the probelm, and although dependency walker now finds the .dll, it raises several other errors about having modules with different CPU types.
I know this is an old question, but thought I would post to save someone the headaches I went through trying to fix this...
I had the same error trying to add pl python using Postgres 9.5. Dependency walker showed that plpython3.dll was looking for python33.dll, so I installed python 3.3 and added the install directory into my path and that seems to have fixed the problem.
Use specific python version on Windows. I could get it running with python 3.2.x with postgres 9.3