Render lit / lit-html TemplateResult as string - lit-html

In lit/lit-html/lit-element, a standard component is the TemplateResult (usually HTMLTemplateResult), created like:
function renderMe(msg) {
return html`<div>Hello ${msg}!</div>`;
and of course the power and efficiency of the library is that subsequent calls will reuse the same <div> Element and only replace the changed fragments.
For testing the renderMe() function above, however, it would be helpful to be able to see the return value as a standard string, like:
assert.equal(RENDER_AS_STRING(renderMe('kimiko')), '<div>Hello kimiko!</div>');
and fix any bugs in the function before testing how it renders into the browser itself.
Is there a function like RENDER_AS_STRING either in lit itself or in a testing library? I have searched and not found one.

The result of execution contains html strings and values that alternate:
We can combine them in the same order:
function renderMe(msg) {
return html`<div>Hello ${msg}!</div>`;
const getRenderString = (data) => {
const {strings, values} = data;
const v = [...values, ''] // + last emtpty part
return strings.reduce((acc,s, i) => acc + s + v[i], '')
You can test it in the playground
And the recursive version
import {html, css, LitElement} from 'lit';
function renderMe(msg) {
return html`<p>Hello ${msg}!</p>`;
function renderBlock(msg) {
return html`<div>${renderMe(msg)}</div>`;
const getRenderString = (data) => {
const {strings, values} = data;
const v = [...values, ''].map(e => typeof e === 'object' ? getRenderString(e) : e )
return strings.reduce((acc,s, i) => acc + s + v[i], '')
document.getElementById('output').textContent = getRenderString(renderBlock('SO'))

#Daniil Loban's answer works great if the arguments are strings, but if they might themselves be TemplateResults or arrays of TemplateResults (which are all allowed by spec), it needs a more complex answer:
export function template_as_string(data) {
const {strings, values} = data;
const value_list = [...values, '']; // + last empty part
let output = '';
for (let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
let v = value_list[i];
if (v._$litType$ !== undefined) {
v = template_as_string(v); // embedded Template
} else if (v instanceof Array) {
// array of strings or templates.
let new_v = '';
for (const inner_v of [...v]) {
new_v += template_as_string(inner_v);
v = new_v;
output += strings[i] + v;
return output;


Allow point delete in mapbox draw mod

I am trying to rewrite a MapboxDraw.modes.draw_line_string.clickAnywhere function to allow deletion of a previous point with the SHIFT key in draw_line_string mode.
It works, but when it removes the previous point it creates a new one on the new place.
Draw a line
Hold shift and click on any previous point
Will delete the old one create a new one
I want to delete the old point and continue adding new points
An example is here
MapboxDraw.modes.draw_line_string.clickAnywhere = function (state, e) {
if (e.originalEvent.shiftKey) {
const line = state.line.coordinates;
const lastClick = line[line.length - 1]
const a = map.project(lastClick)
const res =, index) => {
const b = map.project(i)
const d = distance(a, b)
return {
distance: d
}).find(i => i.distance < 5 && i.distance > 0)
console.log('res', res);
if (res) {
state.line.coordinates = state.line.coordinates.filter((i, index) => index !== res.index)
} else {
console.log('NO SHiFT');
if (state.currentVertexPosition > 0 && isEventAtCoordinates(e, state.line.coordinates[state.currentVertexPosition - 1]) ||
state.direction === 'backwards' && isEventAtCoordinates(e, state.line.coordinates[state.currentVertexPosition + 1])) {
return this.changeMode('simple_select', { featureIds: [] });
this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: 'add' });
state.line.updateCoordinate(state.currentVertexPosition, e.lngLat.lng,;
if (state.direction === 'forward') {
state.line.updateCoordinate(state.currentVertexPosition, e.lngLat.lng,;
} else {
state.line.addCoordinate(0, e.lngLat.lng,;
UPD: ok, the point is to set currentVertexPosition
state.currentVertexPosition = state.currentVertexPosition - 1

How to customise the ghost-text (drag item name) with AgGrid

As per title, is there a way to customise the "ghost text" with the (unmanaged) row-dragging implementation in AgGrid via the API?
I found workaround using valueGetter property to change this text.
Example configuration of column:
private dragDropColumn= {
rowDrag: true,
valueGetter: (params) => {
Hope this helps
You can now use colDef.rowDragText to set a callback function to set the dragged text.
onRowDragEnter event,
you could search for the ghost element
and then append your custom class to it.
Dont forget to follow the hierarchy of classes, otherwise you would end up using !important in the custom class :-)
// For updating text
search for the element with className ag-dnd-ghost-label
.innerHTML = 'your_custom_text';
Ghost element is added only during drag, once drag is ended, its removed from dom by Ag-Grid.
Hope this helps
I've researched this and there is nothing built in to ag-grid. I accomplished this by attaching to the onRowDragMove and onRowDragMove events.
I set a class variable 'isRowDragging' to only do this once while dragging.
I use the Angular Renderer2 class (this.ui) to find and update the Element of the ghost label.
All of this is available with vanilla javascript or other supported ag-grid frameworks.
this.gridOptions.onRowDragMove = (params: RowDragMoveEvent) => {
const overNode = params.overNode;
const movingNode = params.node;
if (!this.isRowDragging) {
this.isRowDragging = true;
if (!movingNode.isSelected()) {
if (params.event && params.event.ctrlKey) {
if (params.event && !params.event.ctrlKey) {
movingNode.setSelected(true, true);
let labelText: string = '';
const selectedNodes = this.gridOptions.api.getSelectedNodes();
if (selectedNodes.length === 1) {
labelText = selectedNodes[0].data.Name;
else {
const guids: string[] = [];
let folderCount: number = 0;
let docCount: number = 0;
selectedNodes.forEach((node: RowNode) => {
guids.push(( ||;
if ( !== undefined) {
else {
if (folderCount === 1) {
labelText = '1 folder';
else if (folderCount > 1) {
labelText = folderCount + ' folders';
if (docCount === 1) {
labelText += (labelText !== '' ? ', ' : '') + '1 document';
else if (docCount > 1) {
labelText += (labelText !== '' ? ', ' : '') + docCount + ' documents';
console.log(this.ui.find(document.body, '.ag-dnd-ghost').outerHTML);
this.ui.find(document.body, '.ag-dnd-ghost-label').innerHTML = labelText;
this.gridOptions.onRowDragEnd = (event: RowDragEndEvent) => {
this.isRowDragging = false;
I am using ag-grid with react and using cellRendererFramework property of ColDef to use custom react component, my value getter returns object, so when I start dragging I am getting [object object], I added toString method to returning object and did the trick, below is my sample code
const col1 = {
rowDrag: true,
valueGetter: (params) => {
const {id, name} =;
return {id, name, toString: () => name}; // so when dragging it will display name property

VS Code extension how to edit in context?

Her is the class I use automatically capitalize true, false, ...
export class StUpdater {
private _lines: number;
private _strings: Array<string>;
constructor() {
this._lines = 0;
this._strings = ['true', 'false', 'exit', 'continue', 'return'];
Update(Cntx: boolean = false) {
let editor = window.activeTextEditor;
if (!editor || (editor.document.languageId != 'st')) {
window.showErrorMessage('No editor!')
let doc = editor.document;
if (Cntx == false) {
if (this._lines >= doc.lineCount) {
this._lines = doc.lineCount;
this._lines = doc.lineCount;
let AutoFormat = workspace.getConfiguration('st').get('autoFormat');
if (!AutoFormat) {
let edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
for (let line = 0; line < doc.lineCount; line++) {
const element = doc.lineAt(line);
for (let i = 0; i < this._strings.length; i++) {
let str = this._strings[i];
let last_char = 0;
while (element.text.indexOf(str, last_char) >= 0) {
let char = element.text.indexOf(str, last_char);
last_char = char + str.length;
new Range(
new Position(line, char),
new Position(line, last_char)
return workspace.applyEdit(edit);
public dispose() {
This code works fine, but I do not want to replace it inside the string or comment. How do I do that? I cannot find preg version of replace and even if I do, in one line I do not know if it is comment or not if it is multiple line comment.
If I understand you correctly you want capitalize only certain elements (identifiers probably), but not words in comments or strings, correct? That requires to identify lexical elements in the text, which is a mapping of a range of letters to a lexical type. This is usually done by a lexer. It's not difficult to write one by hand which walks over the characters on top of your current processing and find those ranges that can be manipulated.

Trying to move e2e code into a function with no success

The problem is due to promise resolution, I pass in an xPath for all elements to be searched along with a string to search for and I would like the element returned. Here is the code:
export class Library {
static findListItem(xPath: string, findItem: string): any {
let z = 0;
const allItemsXPath = xPath.split('[X]');
const itemXPath = xPath.split('X');
console.log(xPath + ' : ' + findItem);
const itemList = element.all(by.xpath(allItemsXPath[0] + allItemsXPath[1])).map(function (item) {
return item.getText();
itemList.then(function (itemText) {
for (let k = 0; k < itemText.length; k++) {
itemFound = true;
console.log(itemText[k] + ' : ' + findItem);
if (itemText[k] === findItem) {
z = k + 1;
console.log('found ' + z);
}).then(() => {
console.log(itemXPath[0] + z + itemXPath[1]);
// element(by.xpath(itemXPath[0] + z + itemXPath[1])).click();
return element(by.xpath(itemXPath[0] + z + itemXPath[1]));
The commented line for clicking works. It can see the element and click on it. I would like to return the element to the caller who would then click.
If the return isn't in a .then section then the return happens too quickly and z = 0. The way it is now, nothing is returned.
Your function findListItem no return value, Add return before itemList.then
static findListItem(xPath: string, findItem: string): any {
return itemList.then(function (itemText) {
Library.findListItem(xxx, yyy).then(function(item){
I have a question on your below code which to find the matched item, you compare one char of itemText with a whole string findItem per iterate. Are you sure you can find the matched one with below code.
for (let k = 0; k < itemText.length; k++) {
itemFound = true;
console.log(itemText[k] + ' : ' + findItem);
if (itemText[k] === findItem) {
z = k + 1;
console.log('found ' + z);

E4X to JSON conversion fails for duplicate xml elements

Kindly see below code I am using to convert Mirth xml to JSON.
function E4XtoJSON(xml, ignored) {
var r, children = xml.*, attributes = xml.#*, length = children.length();
if(length == 0) {
r = xml.toString();
} else if(length == 1) {
var text = xml.text().toString();
if(text) {
r = text;
if(r == undefined) {
r = {};
for each (var child in children) {
var name = child.localName();
var json = E4XtoJSON(child, ignored);
var value = r[name];
if(value) {
if(value.length) {
} else {
r[name] = [value, json]
} else {
r[name] = json;
if(attributes.length()) {
var a = {}, c = 0;
for each (var attribute in attributes) {
var name = attribute.localName();
if(ignored && ignored.indexOf(name) == -1) {
a["_" + name] = attribute.toString();
c ++;
if(c) {
if(r) a._ = r;
return a;
return r;
My concern is
<AdditionalMessageInformationCount AdditionalMessageInformationCount="02"><AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier>01</AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier><AdditionalMessageInformation>MEMBER MUST USE MAIL ORDER.</AdditionalMessageInformation><AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier>02</AdditionalMessageInformationQualifier><AdditionalMessageInformation>PLAN LIMITATIONS EXCEEDED</AdditionalMessageInformation></AdditionalMessageInformationCount>
Here AdditionalMessageInformation elemt is used two times so function fails to create JSON.
Kindly help if anyone have converted XML in json usingg javascript code not any API
We've had success with this version:
function E4XtoJSON(xml, ignored){
var r, children = xml.*,
attributes = xml.# * ,
length = children.length();
if (length == 0)
r = xml.toString();
else if (length == 1)
var text = xml.text().toString();
if (text)
r = text;
if (r == undefined)
r = {};
for each(var child in children)
var name = child.localName();
var json = E4XtoJSON(child, ignored);
var value = r[name];
if (value)
if (value instanceof Array)
r[name] = [value, json]
r[name] = json;
if (attributes.length())
var a = {},
c = 0;
for each(var attribute in attributes)
var name = attribute.localName();
if (ignored && ignored.indexOf(name) == -1)
a["_" + name] = attribute.toString();
if (c)
if (r) a._ = r;
return a;
return r;
With the release of Mirth Connect version 3.3.0, you can use Mirth Connect to set your channel's interior data type to JSON. This will all be done for you.