Google Search Console Sitemap Errors in redirects [closed] - google-search-console

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Closed last year.
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I have a short url website with over 700.000 shorts urls in it. I have created sitemaps for these short urls which i have uploaded to Google Search Console. the short urls looks like the examples bellow and every short url looks like this. This is a niche site which only redirect to one specific site. The problem is that when I look in google Search Console i get a lot of "pages with errors". When I check these urls, every url with an error exists and is active.
Why am I getting error from the sitemaps, and how can I remove them, or to get indexed properly?
Short url example


Can't register app in SoundCloud developer [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When I try to register app SoundCloud page redirect me to Google Forms, where I fill all inputs. On submit I receive a message: "Looks like you have a question or two that still needs attention.", but there are no blank inputs. Any advice?
I had this issue also and when I changed the app URL and the redirect URI to something simple, for example '' (as oppose to my localhost address), it seemed to work.
I have to say the new app sign-up on SoundCloud is pretty terrible, used to be so much more straight forward.
Hope this helps!
If you look at the API docs it specifically says that the scheme needs to be https, but after 6 hours trying to install the SSL, giving up on it the and one last look at the google docs I realize that it said http or https!

update homepage / landing page for google search [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We're in the process of launching our Magento website. Everything is live now & we've taken down our 'coming soon' page. The problem is our 'coming soon' page is what is showing up in google search & when we add a link to our site on facebook.
Is there a method to change this or do we have to wait for Google to update?
We've submitted a sitemap to google.
Thanks for your help :)
I had the same problem. Just wait for 2 or 3 days and GG is going to update the result with your new website.
If that "coming soon" page was not your site landing page, you can add that URL to robots.txt file. By the way, just wait for a day or two! The sitemap will do the job and soon update their database. Don't forget to try Google Webmaster Tools.
I found a useful article which explains how you can request that Google removes old cached pages for your site from it's search results.

Site URL has been been identified as malicious and/or abusive -- Facebook error [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was creating an app for the first time, on a new domain I purchased, and I get the message "Site URL has been been identified as malicious and/or abusive."
Now I am just installing software at this point to the site, and getting things setup, so I am at least getting this message for something I have not done. How can I get a review from facebook or how can I get this status removed for my url?
Thank you in advance.
There is a great article in Forbes about how to reclaim your reputation after Facebook have tagged your site as malicious.
Basically search the sitemap of your web and check if some of the links are headed to malicious content.

Search result for - "xyz" displayed when searched for "xzy" [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a new website .
When I search on google with the keyword xzy, then another website with similar pronunciation is displayed in the search results and my website is displayed in "Search instead for" part. How can I show proper results on google ?
After around 2 months of working on my website i have found that google has started to recognize "XZY" as new word in spite of having tough competition with XYZ. Now instead of showing "Search instead of" google is displaying proper normal result.
Until your site is more popular, Google will always think that "thotlabs" is a mistyping of "thorlabs." When your site is searched enough, Google will recognize both as acceptable spellings and not recommend a different spelling.
In the meantime, register your site on Google Webmaster Tools so Google is more aware of your site and you can see data on how Google is indexing your site.

Dynamically generated page URLs don't work this morning [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This morning dynamically generated links to FB pages from our app stopped working. Link to a page like this used to work just fine, now it requires page name
Why would this be changed? Was there a problem with old pages link format?
We tweaked our code to take into account page name and made it work. But if a user changes the name of a page the link to this page will break, until we refresh the list of pages in our db. We'll write a chron job that will refresh the list of page names for all users using our app multiple times a day, but we'd prefer not having to do that.
Anyone else ran into this issue? What was your workaround (other than the above)?
While this is probably an off-topic question, you can get the page url using the graph api: and looking at the link property. As to why Facebook changed this, you would have to ask them at their developer group or log a bug.