Prestashop: Paypal checkout very slow - paypal

I have a problem with the Paypal integration in the checkout: it is very slow.
It will take approx 20s when I click on the Paypal button (see picture below), before redirecting me to Paypal portal.
I noticed that the button points to javascript:$('#paypal_payment_form_payment").submit();
There will be a lot of POST made to /checkout-fields?ajax=1 before the site redirects to Paypal. Each call is marked as slow.
Any idea where should I look? I have the "Responsive One Step Checkout / One Page Checkout" module for Prestashop


PayPal - Redirect to checkout page from server side instead of smart button

I'm relatively new to payment integrations.
I'm just wondering if, it is possible for me to redirect customers to PayPal's checkout page by returning a url for the checkout page from the backend, instead of using PayPal's Smart button?
Tbh, I am having a hard time looking at their documentations. So please bear with me.
It can be possible, but it is an old integration pattern. For current web checkouts, pairing the smart button with a server-side integration is a superior UX in every respect. Here's the code to use for the approval flow:
This way you never have to redirect away to another (possibly unfamiliar) site and back; your site stays loaded contextually in the background at every moment. Also it has an incline "Debit or Credit Card" button you can include as desired.

PayPal PDT stopped returning to my website

I've been using PayPal Website Payments Standard for many years - I use both IPN and PDT. Recently I discovered that although IPN is still working fine, the customer is no longer returned to my website at the end of a purchase, so the PDT is not called, and the customer never makes it back to my website (this is new - it has been working fine for years).
I do have Auto Return turned on in my PayPal settings. The page it's supposed to go to exists and is working fine. That landing page is never hit in the logs.
This is broken on the live PayPal site and in the PayPal Sandbox. The page that I land on says "Your payment was completed. To continue shopping, please return to the merchant." There is no "Return to Merchant" button. The URL for this page is This page used to automatically redirect back to my website.
On a related note (not sure if it's the same problem) the "Continue Shopping" button on the PayPal Cart page doesn't work anymore either. I am sending the URL for the page in a hidden field of the form I send to PayPal for my Add to Cart button as shopping_url, but when I click "Continue Shopping" it appears to be taking me Back (like a browser back) to the page that submitted the form rather than going to the page I specified in shopping_url. Again, this has worked for years, but now is no longer working.
Any help will be much appreciated!
[not an answer, but I can't post comments]
This broke a few months ago for us (Paypal button "return" parameter doesn't seem to work). In the new checkout flow, Paypal ignores the "return" value passed in the button/form, it redirects the customer to the URL configured in website settings (
I'm not sure if Paypal developers read this forum for bug reports or not, but this definitely looks like a regression.

Paypal Express Checkout: No review option

I am currently implementing a very simple paypal checkout option on a website. For this I am using Express Checkout (Client side version).
It works just fine, but the dialog informs the user, that they will be able to review the order before confirming. However, when they click "continue" the payment instantly goes through.
If you look at their full working demo, you can see, that it is just what happens:
This seems highly inconvenient.
Is there any way I can get express checkout to show that review page?
You should specify commit: true in the button options.

PayPal Checkout page design

I have implemented PayPal for my site, and i used IPN checkout. Currently when I press PayNow button on my site it shows PayPal Checkout page with following design
But there is another PayPal Checkout page design (see, than the one I use. How can i switch to that design?
The second screen shot is new layout design that will be offered going forward . Currently it is not rolled out everywhere , so your buyers can see the different checkout page depending on the various factors like their country , ip adrees etc . This is only the change in design and will not affect the way PayPal process the transaction .
And there is no way to control the checkout design , it will be decided by the PayPal .
The second screenshot looks a lot like the payment page paypal has for mobile devices. are you sure that's not the mobile one?

PayPal hosted checkout page not showing paypal option

I am trying to create PayPal hosted pages (with PayPal Advanced). When I go to PayPal Manager -> Hosted Checkout Pages -> Customize, in the 'Preview', I am seeing only the 'Pay with Credit or Debit Card' option. I am not seeing the 'Pay with PayPal' option. Can someone please help me with this?
Thank you.
Here are some changes that you need to make to your PayPal Manager Hosted Checkout Pages.
In Hosted Checkout Pages Go to Setup
Scroll down to the Section Entitled PayPal Express Checkout
Next to Enable PayPal Express Checkout: choose Yes from the drop down
You can enable Bill Me Later as well by choosing Yes from the drop down
Scroll down to the bottom and click save changes
This will take effect immediately.
Below is the link to PayPal's official Developer Site with additional information on integrating PayPal Payments Advanced.
PayPal Payments Advanced Integration Guide
Though it's months ago, for anyone who'll might encounter this problem, It's because you have not set a PayPal Express checkout account when you created your PayFlow account. You have to set it so you can see "Enable PayPal Express Checkout" on your PayPal Manager Setup tab, or else, you will only see 'Pay with Credit or Debit Card' option in checkout process..