PayPal Checkout page design - paypal

I have implemented PayPal for my site, and i used IPN checkout. Currently when I press PayNow button on my site it shows PayPal Checkout page with following design
But there is another PayPal Checkout page design (see, than the one I use. How can i switch to that design?

The second screen shot is new layout design that will be offered going forward . Currently it is not rolled out everywhere , so your buyers can see the different checkout page depending on the various factors like their country , ip adrees etc . This is only the change in design and will not affect the way PayPal process the transaction .
And there is no way to control the checkout design , it will be decided by the PayPal .

The second screenshot looks a lot like the payment page paypal has for mobile devices. are you sure that's not the mobile one?


PayPal - Redirect to checkout page from server side instead of smart button

I'm relatively new to payment integrations.
I'm just wondering if, it is possible for me to redirect customers to PayPal's checkout page by returning a url for the checkout page from the backend, instead of using PayPal's Smart button?
Tbh, I am having a hard time looking at their documentations. So please bear with me.
It can be possible, but it is an old integration pattern. For current web checkouts, pairing the smart button with a server-side integration is a superior UX in every respect. Here's the code to use for the approval flow:
This way you never have to redirect away to another (possibly unfamiliar) site and back; your site stays loaded contextually in the background at every moment. Also it has an incline "Debit or Credit Card" button you can include as desired.

Can you implement PayPal Adaptive Payments with the Customer Leaving Your Site?

Is there any way to implement PayPal Adaptive Payments without the customer ever leaving your site?
The documentation outlines using an embedded lightbox, but unless the user is already logged in to PayPal (which they almost never are), then it just opens a new window. Theres also no way to control how the lightbox / iframe is displayed - and it looks terrible!
I have seen on some sites where the PayPal payments form is embedded in an iframe on a page, but I can't see any documentation supporting that.
I'd be happy to pay for Payments Pro if that would enable it - but I cant find any examples / samples that show using Payments Pro with Adaptive Payments.
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
You can also dynamically select your hosted pages Layout template using the form post TEMPLATE parameter. This will override your default Layout template set in PayPal Manager.

Custom banner image in Paypal express checkout

I need to implement Paypal express checkout and client needs the Paypal checkout to have their own theme (at least the header). Paypal facilitates that by providing an option to upload banner image and a logo. That works fine for me, but I have a different scenario here.
Paypal checkout has 3 (abstract) steps, first where Paypal asks for login, second where it asks you to review shipping address and final the payment confirmation page. I need Paypal checkout to have three different banner images for three different steps. The reason I want to do this is because I want to give a feel of navigation to the user, each banner image will have a tab selected for each step. It might sound confusing, look at the screenshot attached and you'll understand. Its a shot from a checkout on
Is this possible at all? If not, how have the guys at done this? Is there any other way to implement tab/navigation like the header in Paypal Checkout? Any suggestions?
Etsy uses a fixed header as well, specifically
However, the same header is used when you're returned to Etsy's website for order review and order completion.
To answer your question directly; in PayPal itself, you can't set up three different 'headers' for each step in the process.

integrating paypal check without leaving your site

I want to integrate paypal in my website. But my requirement is, I dont want my customers to go into paypal site for payment. (I know it is not a secure way, but it is my requirements) Is there a way such that I can do credit card checks in backend using paypal APIs ? If so, which method to be used? I want it for "singapore" country and SGD as currency.
Waiting for your suggestions!!!
Thanks in advance. :)
Are you trying to avoid your users having to navigate to PayPal or are you trying to 'hide' the use of PayPal?
The prior should be easy enough to resolve. PayPay provide several tools (and instructions) on how to build a "Pay Now" button, which you can manipulate server side to include a dynamic amount and order ID etc. This would forward the user to a PayPal page to login and confirm payment, then return them to your site (any page you specify) on completion. You can also link this to an IPN. The PayPal payment page can be skinned / branded to an extent.
What you are looking is called Direct Payment. Here is more info about it:
Maybe you are looking for this Paypal product

PayPal: Sandbox UI is different from "real" UI?

As I've been integrating with PayPal, I've noticed that their sandbox UI is very different from their real UI.
When I set my button to post to, I get something like this:
But when I post to from a browser that has never visited PayPal before, I get this:
Is there any way to setup the sandbox so its interface will be closer to the "real" PayPal's interface?
I've not seen it, but perhaps that's a New UI? The quote below is about all I've been able to find out about it though.
The Adaptive Payments consumer
experience will be upgraded to the new
PayPal payment flow design being
rolled out across all PayPal products.
The new UI will show the merchant's
business name instead of their email
address and will have a split slider
showing the payment breakdown on the
left and the login/approval on the
David seems to be right — they are rolling out a new UI on the real site, but I guess the sandbox hasn't gotten it yet.
Also, clearing all my * cookies gives me a "pay with credit card" screen instead of the "log into PayPal" screen.
There is problem with new paypal interface, also mentioned in developer community forum on their website. many of the users are having problem since 1 month, and paypal is still working on it to resolve the issue.
Mazhar Karimi