PayPal hosted checkout page not showing paypal option - paypal

I am trying to create PayPal hosted pages (with PayPal Advanced). When I go to PayPal Manager -> Hosted Checkout Pages -> Customize, in the 'Preview', I am seeing only the 'Pay with Credit or Debit Card' option. I am not seeing the 'Pay with PayPal' option. Can someone please help me with this?
Thank you.

Here are some changes that you need to make to your PayPal Manager Hosted Checkout Pages.
In Hosted Checkout Pages Go to Setup
Scroll down to the Section Entitled PayPal Express Checkout
Next to Enable PayPal Express Checkout: choose Yes from the drop down
You can enable Bill Me Later as well by choosing Yes from the drop down
Scroll down to the bottom and click save changes
This will take effect immediately.
Below is the link to PayPal's official Developer Site with additional information on integrating PayPal Payments Advanced.
PayPal Payments Advanced Integration Guide

Though it's months ago, for anyone who'll might encounter this problem, It's because you have not set a PayPal Express checkout account when you created your PayFlow account. You have to set it so you can see "Enable PayPal Express Checkout" on your PayPal Manager Setup tab, or else, you will only see 'Pay with Credit or Debit Card' option in checkout process..


Remove Paypal Credit from Magento checkout

Have express checkout on magento, the checkout comes with various options for paypal, 1 being paypal credit.
There is no option in settings to disable this, and also it appears twice.
How do I delete the code to get rid of any paypal credit mentions.

paypal payment not going through with any of the options

Using ASP Classic
Paypal LIVE Express checkout
It shows the Payment Amount at the checkout, but the payment doesn't go through. The payment doesn't even leave customer's account. I have tried using my wife's paypal account to complete the checkout.
I am only using paypal checkout system and have added all the API information in expresscheckout.asp and paypalfunctions.asp
I have also tried adding these API options too, but still wouldnt work
Any help would be great.... tks

Express Checkout with Paypal Payflow Pro - hosted pages

According to this i should be able to enable express checkout payment option on my paypal manager account(test mode) but I can't see any PayPal Express Checkout section on the Hosted Pages setup page. During the transaction i can see only credit card payment method on the hosted page. How to enable express checkout payment method?
Thanks in advance,
Which layout did you choose? I'm pretty sure you have to use Layout C in order to get the Express Checkout option built in, and you need to make sure it's activated in your PayPal Manager.

PayPal Checkout Pay with PayPal Account set by default settings

I have implemented payments using PayPal IPN checkout.
Is there any way to make PayPal checkout window with "Pay with PayPal Account" Panel open by default on the right side? Currently, it always shows "Pay with credit or debit card" panel.
There's no real way to control that window. It depends entirely on PayPal and what they choose to feed the user. Keep in mind, most people want the credit card portion open by default (I've heard far more people ask for the exact opposite of your question). Some users may even be presented with Bill Me Later options.
If it's that important, you could always integrate express-checkout directly. Requires some programming on your part but does not offer any credit card options. Express Checkout is free to use.
If you are using the simple PayPal buttons then you don't have the control over this . But if you use the PayPal Express Checkout you can control this behavior by passing the one variable in the Set Express Checkout API call :
LANDINGPAGE = Billing ( for opening up the credit card option)
LANDINGPAGE = Login ( for opening up the PayPal account option )
You can refer the below link for the express checkout integration :

Basic PayPal express checkout

I have a store running opencart which already has a fully functional shopping cart running, it is just requesting an API and authentication details.
So, how can I simply setup a API and be done with it, do i need to setup a sandbox account etc.
I just want a very simple setup for accepting payments via paypal and credit cards in NZ
Ive checked all the online guides and they are all for older layouts/designs of paypal.
Any help much appreciated!
The only thing You need to is to install and enable (both if not yet done) the PayPal standard (or Paypal Express checkout) payment options in OpenCart administration - as far as I understand Your problem clearly.
Go to administration Extensions -> Payments and here scroll to find the PayPal payment options (should be three by default: PayPal Standard, PayPal Website Payment Pro and PayPal Website Payment Pro UK) - PayPal Standard should be Your bet. If Install action is available on the right, click on it and afterwards click on Edit action. Insert Your account information, select Enabled status and Your are done.
Now users should be able to select this payment option and after confirming the order they should be redirected to PayPal to pay for their orders.