Why this map function does not give traits' simple names - scala

I try to get names of all trait a class extends using getInterfaces which returns an array of trait's names. When I manually access each member of the array, the method getName returns simple names like this
trait A
trait B
class C() extends A, B
val c = C()
val arr = c.getClass.getInterfaces
arr(0).getName // : String = A
arr(1).getName // : String = B
However, when I use map function on arr. The resulting array contains a cryptic version of trait's names
arr.map(t => t.getName) // : Array[String] = Array(repl$.rs$line$1$A, repl$.rs$line$2$B)
The goal of this question is not about how to get the resulting array that contains simple names (for that purpose, I can just use arr.map(t => t.getSimpleName).) What I'm curious about is that why accessing array manually and using a map do not yield a compatible result. Am I wrong to think that both ways are equivalent?

I believe you run things in Scala REPL or Ammonite.
When you define:
trait A
trait B
class C() extends A, B
classes A, B and C aren't defined in top level of root package. REPL creates some isolated environment, compiles the code and loads the results into some inner "anonymous" namespace.
Except this is not true. Where this bytecode was created is reflected in class name. So apparently there was something similar (not necessarily identical) to
// repl$ suggest object
object repl {
// .rs sound like nested object(?)
object rs {
// $line sounds like nested class
class line { /* ... */ }
// $line$1 sounds like the first anonymous instance of line
new line { trait A }
// import from `above
// $line$2 sounds like the second anonymous instance of line
new line { trait B }
// import from above
which was made because of how scoping works in REPL: new line creates a new scope with previous definitions seen and new added (possibly overshadowing some old definition). This could be achieved by creating a new piece of code as code of new anonymous class, compiling it, reading into classpath, instantiating and importing its content. Byt putting each new line into separate class REPL is able to compile and run things in steps, without waiting for you to tell it that the script is completed and closed.
When you are accessing class names with runtime reflection you are seeing the artifacts of how things are being evaluated. One path might go trough REPLs prettifiers which hide such things, while the other bypass them so you see the raw value as JVM sees it.

The problem is not with map rather with Array, especially its toString method (which is one among the many reasons for not using Array).
Actually, in this case it is even worse since the REPL does some weird things to try to pretty-print Arrays which in this case didn't work well (and, IMHO, just add to the confusion)
You can fix this problem calling mkString directly like:
val arr = c.getClass.getInterfaces
val result = arr.map(t => t.getName)
val text = result.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
However, I would rather suggest just not using Array at all, instead convert it to a proper collection (e.g. List) as soon as possible like:
val interfaces = c.getClass.getInterfaces.toList
interfaces .map(t => t.getName)
Note: About the other reasons for not using Arrays
They are mutable.
Thet are invariant.
They are not part of the collections hierarchy thus you can't use them on generic methods (well, you actually can but that requires more tricks).
Their equals is by reference instead of by value.


Scala How to create an Array of defs/Objects and the call those defs in a foreach?

I have a bunch of Scala objects with def's that do a bunch of processing
Foo\CatProcessing (def processing)
Foo\DogProcessing (def processing)
Foo\BirdProcessing (def processing)
Then I have a my main def that will call all of the individual Foo\obj defProcessing. Passing in common parameter values and such
I am trying to put all the list of objects into an Array or List, and then do a 'Foreach' to loop through the list passing in the parameter values or such. ie
foreach(object in objList){
Coming from C#, I could do this via binders or the like, so who would I manage this is in Scala?
for (obj <- objList) {
obj.processing(parameters) // `object` is a reserved keyword in Scala
objList.foreach(obj => obj.processing(parameters))
They are actually the same thing, the former being "syntactic sugar" for the latter.
In the second case, you can bind the only parameter of the anonymous function passed to the foreach function to _, resulting in the following
for comprehensions in Scala can be quite expressive and go beyond simple iteration, if you're curious you can read more about it here.
Since you are coming from C#, if by any chance you have had any exposure to LINQ you will find yourself at home with the Scala Collection API. The official documentation is quite extensive in this regard and you can read more about it here.
As it came up in the comments following my reply, you also need the objects you want to iterate to:
have a common type that
exposes the processing method
Alternatively, Scala allows to use structural typing but that relies on runtime reflection and it's unlikely something you really need or want in this case.
You can achieve it by having a common trait for your objects, as in the following example:
trait Processing {
def processing(): Unit
final class CatProcessing extends Processing {
def processing(): Unit = println("cat")
final class DogProcessing extends Processing {
def processing(): Unit = println("dog")
final class BirdProcessing extends Processing {
def processing(): Unit = println("bird")
val cat = new CatProcessing
val dog = new DogProcessing
val bird = new BirdProcessing
for (process <- List(cat, dog, bird)) {
You can run the code above and play around with it here on Scastie.
Using a Map instead, you can do it as such. (wonder if this works through other types of lists)
val test = Map("foobar" -> CatProcessing)
(movie) => movie.processing(spark)

Generic class wrapper in scala

Hello I would like to create a generic wrapper in scala in order to track the changes of the value of any type. I don't know/haven't found any other ways so far and I was thinking of creating a class and I've been trying to use the Dynamic but it has some limitations.
case class Wrapper[T](value: T) extends Dynamic {
private val valueClass = value.getClass
def applyDynamic(id: String)(parameters: Any*) = {
val objectParameters = parameters map (x => x.asInstanceOf[Object])
val parameterClasses = objectParameters map (_.getClass)
val method = valueClass.getMethod(id, parameterClasses:_*)
val res = method.invoke(value, objectParameters:_*)
// TODO: Logic that will eventually create some kind of event about the method invoked.
new Wrapper(res)
With this code I have trouble when invoking the plus("+") method on two Integers and I don't understand why. Isn't there a "+" method in the Int class? The error I am getting when I try addition with both a type of Wrapper/Int is:
var wrapped1 = Wrapper(1)
wrapped1 = wrapped1 + Wrapper[2] // or just 2
type mismatch;
found : Wrapper[Int]/Int
required: String
Why is it expecting a string?
If possible it would also be nice to be able to work with both the Wrapper[T] and the T methods seamlessly, e.g.
val a = Wrapper[Int](1)
val b = Wrapper[Int](2)
val c = 3
a + b // Wrapper[Int].+(Wrapper[Int])
a + c // Wrapper[Int].+(Int)
c + a // Int.+(Wrapper[Int])
Well, if youre trying to make a proxy which will get any changes of desired values you'l probably fail without agents(https://dzone.com/articles/java-agent-1) because it will force you make code modifications for bytecode that accepts final classes and primitives to accept your proxy instead of that and it would require more than intercepting changes of "just class" but also all classes of members and produce origin-of-value analysis and so on. It's by no way trivial problem.
Another approach is to produce diffs of case classes by comparing classes in certain points of execution and there's generic implementation like that, it uses derivation for computing diffs: https://github.com/ivan71kmayshan27/ShapelesDerivationExample I believe you can came with easier solution with magnolia. Actualy this one is unable to work for just classes unless you write your own macro and have some problems regarding ordered and unordered collections.

In Scala.js, how would you traverse object graphs navigationally?

Suppose that you want to traverse an object graph in a navigational way, similar to the way we traverse file systems.
For example, imagine you have an object graph that supports this expression:
var x = objName.foo.bar.baz.fieldName
We can encode this data access expression as a path as follows:
By breaking this path into segments, we can easily traverse an object graph in JavaScript because in addition to the traditional dot notation, it also supports the array access notation: objName["foo"]["bar"]["baz"]["fieldName"].
In Java or JVM Scala, we can use reflection to traverse object graphs, but how would you follow these kinds of paths to traverse object graphs of Scala objects in the Scala.js environment?
In other words, given a path similar in form to URIs, how would you walk through Scala.js objects, and fields?
You could surely use a macro to convert a constant String representation to an accessor at compile-time, but I guess you want to be able to do this at run-time for arbitrary strings.
If the goal is to be able to pass around partially constructed paths, then this is just a matter of passing accessor functions around. You could use something like this to make it prettier:
class Path[+A](private val value: () => A) {
def resolve: A = value()
def /[B](f: A => B): Path[B] = new Path(() => f(resolve))
implicit class PathSyntax[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def /[B](f: A => B): Path[B] = new Path(() => a) / f
object Foo {
val bar = Bar
object Bar {
val baz = Baz
object Baz
The syntax is not exactly as pretty, but this is now typesafe and not too bad looking:
val barPath: Path[Bar.type] = Foo / (_.bar)
val bazPath: Path[Baz.type] = barPath / (_.baz)
Against, this would need more work, eg. there is no proper equality/comparison between Paths.
If you want to stick with your approach, I'm not aware of a direct solution. However, I would argue that the whole point of using ScalaJS is to keep strong types and avoid any pattern that could lead to runtime errors that the compiler could have prevented had you let it do its job.

How to design abstract classes if methods don't have the exact same signature?

This is a "real life" OO design question. I am working with Scala, and interested in specific Scala solutions, but I'm definitely open to hear generic thoughts.
I am implementing a branch-and-bound combinatorial optimization program. The algorithm itself is pretty easy to implement. For each different problem we just need to implement a class that contains information about what are the allowed neighbor states for the search, how to calculate the cost, and then potentially what is the lower bound, etc...
I also want to be able to experiment with different data structures. For instance, one way to store a logic formula is using a simple list of lists of integers. This represents a set of clauses, each integer a literal. We can have a much better performance though if we do something like a "two-literal watch list", and store some extra information about the formula in general.
That all would mean something like this
object BnBSolver[S<:BnBState]{
def solve(states: Seq[S], best_state:Option[S]): Option[S] = if (states.isEmpty) best_state else
val next_state = states.head
/* compare to best state, etc... */
val new_states = new_branches ++ states.tail
solve(new_states, new_best_state)
class BnBState[F<:Formula](clauses:F, assigned_variables) {
def cost: Int
def branches: Seq[BnBState] = {
val ll = clauses.pick_variable
BnBState(clauses.assign(ll), ll :: assigned_variables),
BnBState(clauses.assign(-ll), -ll :: assigned_variables)
case class Formula[F<:Formula[F]](clauses:List[List[Int]]) {
def assign(ll: Int) :F =
Formula(clauses.filterNot(_ contains ll)
Hopefully this is not too crazy, wrong or confusing. The whole issue here is that this assign method from a formula would usually take just the current literal that is going to be assigned. In the case of two-literal watch lists, though, you are doing some lazy thing that requires you to know later what literals have been previously assigned.
One way to fix this is you just keep this list of previously assigned literals in the data structure, maybe as a private thing. Make it a self-standing lazy data structure. But this list of the previous assignments is actually something that may be naturally available by whoever is using the Formula class. So it makes sense to allow whoever is using it to just provide the list every time you assign, if necessary.
The problem here is that we cannot now have an abstract Formula class that just declares a assign(ll:Int):Formula. In the normal case this is OK, but if this is a two-literal watch list Formula, it is actually an assign(literal: Int, previous_assignments: Seq[Int]).
From the point of view of the classes using it, it is kind of OK. But then how do we write generic code that can take all these different versions of Formula? Because of the drastic signature change, it cannot simply be an abstract method. We could maybe force the user to always provide the full assigned variables, but then this is a kind of a lie too. What to do?
The idea is the watch list class just becomes a kind of regular assign(Int) class if I write down some kind of adapter method that knows where to take the previous assignments from... I am thinking maybe with implicit we can cook something up.
I'll try to make my answer a bit general, since I'm not convinced I'm completely following what you are trying to do. Anyway...
Generally, the first thought should be to accept a common super-class as a parameter. Obviously that won't work with Int and Seq[Int].
You could just have two methods; have one call the other. For instance just wrap an Int into a Seq[Int] with one element and pass that to the other method.
You can also wrap the parameter in some custom class, e.g.
class Assignment {
def int2Assignment(n: Int): Assignment = ...
def seq2Assignment(s: Seq[Int]): Assignment = ...
case class Formula[F<:Formula[F]](clauses:List[List[Int]]) {
def assign(ll: Assignment) :F = ...
And of course you would have the option to make those conversion methods implicit so that callers just have to import them, not call them explicitly.
Lastly, you could do this with a typeclass:
trait Assigner[A] {
implicit val intAssigner = new Assigner[Int] {
implicit val seqAssigner = new Assigner[Seq[Int]] {
case class Formula[F<:Formula[F]](clauses:List[List[Int]]) {
def assign[A : Assigner](ll: A) :F = ...
You could also make that type parameter at the class level:
case class Formula[A:Assigner,F<:Formula[A,F]](clauses:List[List[Int]]) {
def assign(ll: A) :F = ...
Which one of these paths is best is up to preference and how it might fit in with the rest of the code.

Cannot compile file in Scala

From an example in book "Begining in Scala", the script is:
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
object ChecksumAccumulator {
private val cache=Map[String,Int]()
def calculate(s: String):Int =
val acc = new ChecksumAccumulator
for(c <- s)
val cs=acc.checksum
cache+= (s -> cs)
but, when I tried to compile this file
$scalac ChecksumAccumulator.scala, then generate an error, "not found: type ChecksumAccumulator val acc = new ChecksumAccumulator", any suggest?
'object' keyword defines a singleton object, not a class. So you can't new an object, the 'new' keyword requires a class.
check this Difference between object and class in Scala
You probably left some code out that looks like
class ChecksumAccumulator {
The other answers are correct in saying what the problem is, but not really helping you understand why the example from the book is apparently not correct.
However, if you look at the Artima site, you will find the example is in a file here
Your code is an incomplete fragment. The file also includes these lines
// In file ChecksumAccumulator.scala
class ChecksumAccumulator {
private var sum = 0
def add(b: Byte) { sum += b }
def checksum(): Int = ~(sum & 0xFF) + 1
... without which you will get the error you had.
your issue is here
val acc = new ChecksumAccumulator
you cannot use new keyword with the object.
objects cannot be re-instantiated. You always have single instance of an object in scala. This is similar to static members in java.
Your code, probably meant as a companion object. That's kinda factories in imperative languages.
Basicaly, you have object and class pair. Object (singleton in imperative langs) can't be instantiated multiple times, as people here already noted, and usually used to define some static logic. In fact, there is only one instantiation -- when you call him for the first time. But object can have compaion -- regular class, and, as I think you've missed definition of that regular class, so object can't see anyone else, but itself.
The solution is to define that class, or to omit new (but i think that would be logicaly wrong).