Cannot compile file in Scala - scala

From an example in book "Begining in Scala", the script is:
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
object ChecksumAccumulator {
private val cache=Map[String,Int]()
def calculate(s: String):Int =
val acc = new ChecksumAccumulator
for(c <- s)
val cs=acc.checksum
cache+= (s -> cs)
but, when I tried to compile this file
$scalac ChecksumAccumulator.scala, then generate an error, "not found: type ChecksumAccumulator val acc = new ChecksumAccumulator", any suggest?

'object' keyword defines a singleton object, not a class. So you can't new an object, the 'new' keyword requires a class.
check this Difference between object and class in Scala

You probably left some code out that looks like
class ChecksumAccumulator {

The other answers are correct in saying what the problem is, but not really helping you understand why the example from the book is apparently not correct.
However, if you look at the Artima site, you will find the example is in a file here
Your code is an incomplete fragment. The file also includes these lines
// In file ChecksumAccumulator.scala
class ChecksumAccumulator {
private var sum = 0
def add(b: Byte) { sum += b }
def checksum(): Int = ~(sum & 0xFF) + 1
... without which you will get the error you had.

your issue is here
val acc = new ChecksumAccumulator
you cannot use new keyword with the object.
objects cannot be re-instantiated. You always have single instance of an object in scala. This is similar to static members in java.

Your code, probably meant as a companion object. That's kinda factories in imperative languages.
Basicaly, you have object and class pair. Object (singleton in imperative langs) can't be instantiated multiple times, as people here already noted, and usually used to define some static logic. In fact, there is only one instantiation -- when you call him for the first time. But object can have compaion -- regular class, and, as I think you've missed definition of that regular class, so object can't see anyone else, but itself.
The solution is to define that class, or to omit new (but i think that would be logicaly wrong).


Why this map function does not give traits' simple names

I try to get names of all trait a class extends using getInterfaces which returns an array of trait's names. When I manually access each member of the array, the method getName returns simple names like this
trait A
trait B
class C() extends A, B
val c = C()
val arr = c.getClass.getInterfaces
arr(0).getName // : String = A
arr(1).getName // : String = B
However, when I use map function on arr. The resulting array contains a cryptic version of trait's names => t.getName) // : Array[String] = Array(repl$.rs$line$1$A, repl$.rs$line$2$B)
The goal of this question is not about how to get the resulting array that contains simple names (for that purpose, I can just use => t.getSimpleName).) What I'm curious about is that why accessing array manually and using a map do not yield a compatible result. Am I wrong to think that both ways are equivalent?
I believe you run things in Scala REPL or Ammonite.
When you define:
trait A
trait B
class C() extends A, B
classes A, B and C aren't defined in top level of root package. REPL creates some isolated environment, compiles the code and loads the results into some inner "anonymous" namespace.
Except this is not true. Where this bytecode was created is reflected in class name. So apparently there was something similar (not necessarily identical) to
// repl$ suggest object
object repl {
// .rs sound like nested object(?)
object rs {
// $line sounds like nested class
class line { /* ... */ }
// $line$1 sounds like the first anonymous instance of line
new line { trait A }
// import from `above
// $line$2 sounds like the second anonymous instance of line
new line { trait B }
// import from above
which was made because of how scoping works in REPL: new line creates a new scope with previous definitions seen and new added (possibly overshadowing some old definition). This could be achieved by creating a new piece of code as code of new anonymous class, compiling it, reading into classpath, instantiating and importing its content. Byt putting each new line into separate class REPL is able to compile and run things in steps, without waiting for you to tell it that the script is completed and closed.
When you are accessing class names with runtime reflection you are seeing the artifacts of how things are being evaluated. One path might go trough REPLs prettifiers which hide such things, while the other bypass them so you see the raw value as JVM sees it.
The problem is not with map rather with Array, especially its toString method (which is one among the many reasons for not using Array).
Actually, in this case it is even worse since the REPL does some weird things to try to pretty-print Arrays which in this case didn't work well (and, IMHO, just add to the confusion)
You can fix this problem calling mkString directly like:
val arr = c.getClass.getInterfaces
val result = => t.getName)
val text = result.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
However, I would rather suggest just not using Array at all, instead convert it to a proper collection (e.g. List) as soon as possible like:
val interfaces = c.getClass.getInterfaces.toList
interfaces .map(t => t.getName)
Note: About the other reasons for not using Arrays
They are mutable.
Thet are invariant.
They are not part of the collections hierarchy thus you can't use them on generic methods (well, you actually can but that requires more tricks).
Their equals is by reference instead of by value.

How do you extend a set of Integers in Scala?

How do I write a custom set of integers in Scala? Specifically I want a class with the following properties:
It is immutable.
It extends the Set trait.
All collection operations return another object of this type as appropriate.
It takes a variable list of integer arguments in its constructor.
Its string representation is a comma-delimited list of elements surrounded by curly braces.
It defines a method mean that returns the mean value of the elements.
For example:
CustomIntSet(1,2,3) & CustomIntSet(2,3,4) // returns CustomIntSet(2, 3)
CustomIntSet(1,2,3).toString // returns {1, 2, 3}
CustomIntSet(2,3).mean // returns 2.5
(1) and (2) ensure that this object does things in the proper Scala way. (3) requires that the builder code be written correctly. (4) ensures that the constructor can be customized. (5) is an example of how to override an existing toString implementation. (6) is an example of how to add new functionality.
This should be done with a minimum of source code and boilerplate, utilizing functionality already present in the Scala language as much as possible.
I've asked a couple questions getting at aspects of the tasks, but I think this one covers the whole issue. The best response I've gotten so far is to use SetProxy, which is helpful but fails (3) above. I've studied the chapter "The Architecture of Scala Collections" in the second edition of Programming in Scala extensively and consulted various online examples, but remain flummoxed.
My goal in doing this is to write a blog post comparing the design tradeoffs in the way Scala and Java approach this problem, but before I do that I have to actually write the Scala code. I didn't think this would be that difficult, but it has been, and I'm admitting defeat.
After futzing around for a few days I came up with the following solution.
package example
import scala.collection.{SetLike, mutable}
import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
case class CustomSet(self: Set[Int] = new HashSet[Int].empty) extends Set[Int] with SetLike[Int, CustomSet] {
lazy val mean: Float = sum / size
override def toString() = mkString("{", ",", "}")
protected[this] override def newBuilder = CustomSet.newBuilder
override def empty = CustomSet.empty
def contains(elem: Int) = self.contains(elem)
def +(elem: Int) = CustomSet(self + elem)
def -(elem: Int) = CustomSet(self - elem)
def iterator = self.iterator
object CustomSet {
def apply(values: Int*): CustomSet = new CustomSet ++ values
def empty = new CustomSet
def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[Int, CustomSet] = new mutable.SetBuilder[Int, CustomSet](empty)
implicit def canBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[CustomSet, Int, CustomSet] = new CanBuildFrom[CustomSet, Int, CustomSet] {
def apply(from: CustomSet) = newBuilder
def apply() = newBuilder
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val s = CustomSet(2, 3, 5, 7) & CustomSet(5, 7, 11, 13)
println(s + " has mean " + s.mean)
This appears to meet all the criteria above, but it's got an awful lot of boilerplate. I find the following Java version much easier to understand.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class CustomSet extends HashSet<Integer> {
public CustomSet(Integer... elements) {
Collections.addAll(this, elements);
public float mean() {
int s = 0;
for (int i : this)
s += i;
return (float) s / size();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<Integer> i = iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
if (i.hasNext())
sb.append(", ");
return "{" + sb + "}";
public static void main(String[] args) {
CustomSet s1 = new CustomSet(2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
CustomSet s2 = new CustomSet(5, 7, 11, 13, 17);
System.out.println("The intersection " + s1 + " has mean " + s1.mean());
This is bad since one of Scala's selling points is that it is more terse and clean than Java.
There's a lot of opaque code in the Scala version. SetLike, newBuilder, and canBuildFrom are all language boilerplate: they have nothing to do with writing sets with curly braces or taking a mean. I can almost accept them as the price you pay for Scala's immutable collection class library (for the moment accepting immutability as an unqualified good), but that leaves still leaves contains, +, -, and iterator which are just boilerplate passthrough code.
They are at least as ugly as getter and setter functions.
It seems like Scala should provide a way not to write Set interface boilerplate, but I can't figure it out. I tried both using SetProxy and extending the concrete HashSet class instead of the abstract Set but both of these gave perplexing compiler errors.
Is there a way to write this code without the contains, +, -, and iterator definitions, or is the above the best I can do?
Following the advice of axel22 below I wrote a simple implementation that utilizes the extremely useful if unfortunately-named pimp my library pattern.
package example
class CustomSet(s: Set[Int]) {
lazy val mean: Float = s.sum / s.size
object CustomSet {
implicit def setToCustomSet(s: Set[Int]) = new CustomSet(s)
With this you just instantiate Sets instead of CustomSets and do implicit conversion as needed to take the mean.
scala> (Set(1,2,3) & Set(2,3,5)).mean
res4: Float = 2.0
This satisfies most of my original wish list but still fails item (5).
Something axel22 said in the comments below gets at the heart of why I am asking this question.
As for inheritance, immutable (collection) classes are not easy to
inherit in general…
This squares with my experience, but from a language design perspective something seems wrong here. Scala is an object oriented language. (When I saw Martin Odersky give a talk last year, that was the selling point over Haskell he highlighted.) Immutability is the explicitly preferred mode of operation. Scala's collection classes are touted as the crown jewel of its object library. And yet when you want to extend an immutable collection class, you run into all this informal lore to the effect of "don't do that" or "don't try it unless you really know what you're doing." Usually the point of classes is to make them easily extendible. (After all, the collection classes are not marked final.) I'm trying to decide whether this is a design flaw in Scala or a design trade-off that I'm just not seeing.
Aside from the mean which you could add as an extension method using implicit classes and value classes, all the properties you list should be supported by the immutable.BitSet class in the standard library. Perhaps you could find some hints in that implementation, particularly for efficiency purposes.
You wrote a lot of code to achieve delegation above, but you could achieve a similar thing using class inheritance as in Java -- note that writing a delegating version of the custom set would require much more boilerplate in Java too.
Perhaps macros will in the future allow you to write code which generates the delegation boilerplate automatically -- until then, there is the old AutoProxy compiler plugin.

Why is using uninitialized variables allowed in Scala? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Scala: forward references - why does this code compile?
object Omg {
class A
class B(val a: A)
private val b = new B(a)
private val a = new A
def main(args: Array[String]) {
the following code prints "null". In java. similar construction doesn't compile because of invalid forward reference. The question is - why does it compile well in Scala? Is that by design, described in SLS or simply bug in 2.9.1?
It's not a bug, but a classic error when learning Scala. When the object Omg is initialized, all values are first set to the default value (null in this case) and then the constructor (i.e. the object body) runs.
To make it work, just add the lazy keyword in front of the declaration you are forward referencing (value a in this case):
object Omg {
class A
class B(val a: A)
private val b = new B(a)
private lazy val a = new A
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Value a will then be initialized on demand.
This construction is fast (the values are only initialized once for all application runtime) and thread-safe.
The way that I understand it, this has to do with how the Scala classes are created. In Java, the class defined above would be initializing the variables inline, and since a had not been defined yet, it could not be compiled. However, in Scala it is more the equivalent of this in Java (which should also produce null in the same scenario):
class Omg {
private B b = null;
private A a = null;
b = new B(a);
a = new A();
Alternately, you could make your declaration of b lazy, which would defer setting the value until it is called (at which time a will have been set).
If this is a concern, compile with -Xcheckinit during development and iterate until the exceptions go away.
Spec 5.1 for template body statements executed in order; beginning of 4.0 for forward references in blocks.
Forward References - why does this code compile?
As #paradigmatic states, it's not really a bug. It's the initialization order, which follows the declaration order. It this case, a is null when b is declared/init-ed.
Changing the line private val b = new B(a) to private lazy val b = new B(a) will fix issue, since using lazy will delay the init. of b to it's first usage.
It's very likely that this behavior is described in the SLS.

Scala and forward references [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Scala: forward references - why does this code compile?
object Omg {
class A
class B(val a: A)
private val b = new B(a)
private val a = new A
def main(args: Array[String]) {
the following code prints "null". In java. similar construction doesn't compile because of invalid forward reference. The question is - why does it compile well in Scala? Is that by design, described in SLS or simply bug in 2.9.1?
It's not a bug, but a classic error when learning Scala. When the object Omg is initialized, all values are first set to the default value (null in this case) and then the constructor (i.e. the object body) runs.
To make it work, just add the lazy keyword in front of the declaration you are forward referencing (value a in this case):
object Omg {
class A
class B(val a: A)
private val b = new B(a)
private lazy val a = new A
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Value a will then be initialized on demand.
This construction is fast (the values are only initialized once for all application runtime) and thread-safe.
The way that I understand it, this has to do with how the Scala classes are created. In Java, the class defined above would be initializing the variables inline, and since a had not been defined yet, it could not be compiled. However, in Scala it is more the equivalent of this in Java (which should also produce null in the same scenario):
class Omg {
private B b = null;
private A a = null;
b = new B(a);
a = new A();
Alternately, you could make your declaration of b lazy, which would defer setting the value until it is called (at which time a will have been set).
If this is a concern, compile with -Xcheckinit during development and iterate until the exceptions go away.
Spec 5.1 for template body statements executed in order; beginning of 4.0 for forward references in blocks.
Forward References - why does this code compile?
As #paradigmatic states, it's not really a bug. It's the initialization order, which follows the declaration order. It this case, a is null when b is declared/init-ed.
Changing the line private val b = new B(a) to private lazy val b = new B(a) will fix issue, since using lazy will delay the init. of b to it's first usage.
It's very likely that this behavior is described in the SLS.

Scala singleton factories and class constants

OK, in the question about 'Class Variables as constants', I get the fact that the constants are not available until after the 'official' constructor has been run (i.e. until you have an instance). BUT, what if I need the companion singleton to make calls on the class:
object thing {
val someConst = 42
def apply(x: Int) = new thing(x)
class thing(x: Int) {
import thing.someConst
val field = x * someConst
override def toString = "val: " + field
If I create companion object first, the 'new thing(x)' (in the companion) causes an error. However, if I define the class first, the 'x * someConst' (in the class definition) causes an error.
I also tried placing the class definition inside the singleton.
object thing {
var someConst = 42
def apply(x: Int) = new thing(x)
class thing(x: Int) {
val field = x * someConst
override def toString = "val: " + field
However, doing this gives me a 'thing.thing' type object
val t = thing(2)
results in
t: thing.thing = val: 84
The only useful solution I've come up with is to create an abstract class, a companion and an inner class (which extends the abstract class):
abstract class thing
object thing {
val someConst = 42
def apply(x: Int) = new privThing(x)
class privThing(x: Int) extends thing {
val field = x * someConst
override def toString = "val: " + field
val t1 = thing(2)
val tArr: Array[thing] = Array(t1)
OK, 't1' still has type of 'thing.privThing', but it can now be treated as a 'thing'.
However, it's still not an elegant solution, can anyone tell me a better way to do this?
PS. I should mention, I'm using Scala 2.8.1 on Windows 7
First, the error you're seeing (you didn't tell me what it is) isn't a runtime error. The thing constructor isn't called when the thing singleton is initialized -- it's called later when you call thing.apply, so there's no circular reference at runtime.
Second, you do have a circular reference at compile time, but that doesn't cause a problem when you're compiling a scala file that you've saved on disk -- the compiler can even resolve circular references between different files. (I tested. I put your original code in a file and compiled it, and it worked fine.)
Your real problem comes from trying to run this code in the Scala REPL. Here's what the REPL does and why this is a problem in the REPL. You're entering object thing and as soon as you finish, the REPL tries to compile it, because it's reached the end of a coherent chunk of code. (Semicolon inference was able to infer a semicolon at the end of the object, and that meant the compiler could get to work on that chunk of code.) But since you haven't defined class thing it can't compile it. You have the same problem when you reverse the definitions of class thing and object thing.
The solution is to nest both class thing and object thing inside some outer object. This will defer compilation until that outer object is complete, at which point the compiler will see the definitions of class thing and object thing at the same time. You can run import thingwrapper._ right after that to make class thing and object thing available in global scope for the REPL. When you're ready to integrate your code into a file somewhere, just ditch the outer class thingwrapper.
object thingwrapper{
//you only need a wrapper object in the REPL
object thing {
val someConst = 42
def apply(x: Int) = new thing(x)
class thing(x: Int) {
import thing.someConst
val field = x * someConst
override def toString = "val: " + field
Scala 2.12 or more could benefit for sip 23 which just (August 2016) pass to the next iteration (considered a “good idea”, but is a work-in-process)
Literal-based singleton types
Singleton types bridge the gap between the value level and the type level and hence allow the exploration in Scala of techniques which would typically only be available in languages with support for full-spectrum dependent types.
Scala’s type system can model constants (e.g. 42, "foo", classOf[String]).
These are inferred in cases like object O { final val x = 42 }. They are used to denote and propagate compile time constants (See 6.24 Constant Expressions and discussion of “constant value definition” in 4.1 Value Declarations and Definitions).
However, there is no surface syntax to express such types. This makes people who need them, create macros that would provide workarounds to do just that (e.g. shapeless).
This can be changed in a relatively simple way, as the whole machinery to enable this is already present in the scala compiler.
type _42 = 42.type
type Unt = ().type
type _1 = 1 // .type is optional for literals
final val x = 1
type one = x.type // … but mandatory for identifiers