How to send an email with variables using Mailjet API v3.1? - email

I just want to know why when I send variables using a template, the Mailjet API doesn't replace them, even the fakeFirstname doesn't show.
I just see {{var:FirstName:"fakeFirstName"}}
Here is my payload :
"Messages": [
"From": {
"Email": "senderEmail",
"Name": "senderName"
"To": [
"Email": "userEmail",
"Name": "userName"
"Subject": "subject",
"TextPart": "",
"HTMLPart": "",
"TemplateID": TemplateId,
"TemplateLanguage": true,
"Variables": {
"FirstName": "otherName"
Thanks for the helpers.


Can SendGrid webhook events include custom_args from personalizations?

I'm using a dynamic template in SendGrid to send transactional emails that typically go to multiple recipients in the personalizations field. The message body includes custom_args that are shared among all recipients, and in personalizations, both custom_args and dynamic_template_data specific to each recipient. Webhook events return the shared custom_args, but none of the recipient-specific custom_args. Is there a way to get events together with the personalized custom_args? Here's an example request body where we add a userId custom_arg for each recipient:
"from": {
"email": "",
"name": "Example Sender"
"personalizations": [
"to": [
"email": "",
"custom_args": {
"userId": "63r20acm4xfv"
"dynamic_template_data": {
"subject": "New Article",
"description": "Read the lastest news on...",
"documentId": "624dxnpvhw8g",
"host": "https://localhost:8000",
"userId": "63r20acm4xfv"
"custom_args": {
"documentId": "624dxnpvhw8g"
And the webhook events we receive (the "documentId" custom arg is reported, but not the "userID" custom_arg from personalizations):
"documentId": "624dxnpvhw8g",
"email": "",
"event": "processed",
"sg_event_id": "cHJvY2Vzc2VkLTI3MTk3NzMzLUtTUEJOaVpGUXpXb05KblctVDBNRkEtMA",
"sg_message_id": "KSPBNiZFQzWoNJnW-T0MFA.filterdrecv-58c58fcb9f-44vrp-1-6312139C-1F6.0",
"sg_template_id": "d-1ebc6b474b7041c0b439d1bdb17650e4",
"sg_template_name": "DEFAULT TEMPLATE",
"smtp-id": "<redacted>",
"timestamp": 1662128000
"documentId": "624dxnpvhw8g",
"email": "",
"event": "delivered",
"ip": "<redacted>",
"response": "250 Message received",
"sg_event_id": "ZGVsaXZlcmVkLTAtMjcxOTc3MzMtS1NQQk5pWkZReldvTkpuVy1UME1GQS0w",
"sg_message_id": "KSPBNiZFQzWoNJnW-T0MFA.filterdrecv-58c58fcb9f-44vrp-1-6312139C-1F6.0",
"sg_template_id": "d-1ebc6b474b7041c0b439d1bdb17650e4",
"sg_template_name": "DEFAULT TEMPLATE",
"smtp-id": "<redacted>",
"timestamp": 1662128002,
"tls": 1
Ugh - the custom_args in personalizations was at the wrong level. After moving the custom_args up to the same level as the dynamic_template_data, it worked fine and the values are included in the webhook events.
The example from the question was changed to:
"from": {
"email": "",
"name": "Example Sender"
"personalizations": [
"to": [
"email": "",
"custom_args": {
"userId": "63r20acm4xfv"
"dynamic_template_data": {
"subject": "New Article",
"description": "Read the lastest news on...",
"documentId": "624dxnpvhw8g",
"host": "https://localhost:8000",
"userId": "63r20acm4xfv"
"custom_args": {
"documentId": "624dxnpvhw8g"

Send multiple emails to same user in single SendGrid request

"headers": {},
"endpoint": "mail/send",
"method": "POST",
"queryParams": {},
"baseUri": "",
"body": {
"from": {
"name": "Test",
"email": ""
"subject": "Test Send Grid Mail Service",
"personalizations": [
"to": [
"email": ""
"subject": "Test Send Grid Mail Service",
"custom_args": {
"to": [
"email": ""
"subject": "Test Send Grid Mail Service",
"custom_args": {
"content": [
"type": "text/html",
"value": "Hi"
I'm using this request body to send multiple emails(in this case 2 emails) to the same user but the send grid is sending only one email. Is there a way to send multiple emails to the same user multiple times(in this case 2 emails) in a single send grid request?

In Netsuite REST, how do I assign an item location to an item line in a sales order?

I'm using Netsuite's Postman collection (which takes care of the Oauth1 stuff), and am POSTing to this endpoint:
... and the body is something like this:
"customForm": "999",
"entity": {
"id": "1111"
"department": {
"id": "2222"
"subsidiary": {
"id": "33"
"otherRefNum": "TEST-PO",
"location": {
"id": "444"
"item": {
"items": [
"item": { "id": "555555" },
"inventorylocation": { "id": "444" },
"price": { "id": "-1" },
"grossAmt": 999,
"quantity": 1
I'm trying to assign a location on the item level. The above request creates a sales order ok (without the line-level location assignment) if I remove the inventorylocation line, but with that in there, I get this error: Unknown reference or subrecord field inventorylocation in request body.
Netsuite's REST API documentation is here:
I have also tried substituting location and moving the fields around a bit, without success. (either the salesorder is created without a line-level location assignment, or I get an error similar to the above error.
Any ideas?
From the documentation you linked, it appears that the field id you need is inventorylocation rather than itemlocation.
giftCertRecipientName Recipient Name: string
id [Missing Label:id]: string
inventorydetail: salesorder-item-inventorydetail
inventorylocation: location
inventorysubsidiary: subsidiary
isClosed Closed: boolean
Based on the documentation for a salesOrder-itemElement, it looks like that key is correct.
Have you tried the "location": "{ID}" variation?
In LedgerSync it looks like the request for creating an invoice results in this body:
"entity": "309",
"location": "1",
"sublist": {
"items": [
"amount": 12345,
"description": "Test Line Item FLURYAOLJLFADYGR-1"
"amount": 12345,
"description": "Test Line Item FLURYAOLUFUTBYJD-2"
There also is a salesOrder-item-inventorydetail object that also contains a location. Perhaps you could use that one like so:
"customForm": "999",
"entity": {
"id": "1111"
"department": {
"id": "2222"
"subsidiary": {
"id": "33"
"otherRefNum": "TEST-PO",
"location": {
"id": "444"
"item": {
"items": [
"item": { "id": "555555" },
"inventorydetail": {
"location": "444"
"price": { "id": "-1" },
"grossAmt": 999,
"quantity": 1

Loopback 3 get relation from embedded model

I'm using loopback 3 to build a backend with mongoDB.
So i have 3 models: Object, Attachment and AwsS3.
Object has a relation Embeds2Many to Attachment.
Attachment has a relation Many2One to AwsS3.
Objects look like that in mongoDB
"fieldA": "valueA1",
"attachments": [
"id": 1,
"awsS3Id": "1234"
"id": 2,
"awsS3Id": "1235"
"fieldA": "valueA2",
"attachments": [
"id": 4,
"awsS3Id": "1236"
"id": 5,
"awsS3Id": "1237"
AwsS3 looks like that in mongoDB
"id": "1",
"url": ""
"id": "2",
"url": ""
The question is: how can i get Objects included Attachment and AwsS3.url over the RestAPI?
I have try with the include and scope filter. But it didn't work. It look like, that this function is not implemented in loopback3, right? Here is what i tried over the GET request:
"filter": {
"include": {
"relation": "Attachment",
"scope": {
"include": {
"relation": "awsS3",
With this request i only got the Objects with Attachments without anything from AwsS3.
UPDATE for the relation definitons
The relation from Object to Attachment:
"Attachment": {
"type": "embedsMany",
"model": "Attachment",
"property": "attachments",
"options": {
"validate": true,
"forceId": false
The relation from Attachment to AwsS3
in attachment.json
"relations": {
"awsS3": {
"type": "belongsTo",
"model": "AwsS3",
"foreignKey": ""
in AwsS3.json
"relations": {
"attachments": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "Attachment",
"foreignKey": ""
Try this filter:
{ "filter": { "include": ["awsS3", "attachments"]}}}}

How to get the facebook fan page private messages through fql or graph

I have tried Page Messages
with the all the required permission i.e read_mailbox, read_page_mailboxes, etc (all the extended permission)
at length I get tried as
but i get response as
"error": {
"message": "(#210) Subject must be a page.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 210
I am unable to find out the issue. Please help.
Just use the access_token of page and you are done
yours output would be like this
"data": [
"id": "t_id.615971188431960",
"snippet": "ok fine reply on test 5:15",
"updated_time": "2013-04-16T12:15:12+0000",
"message_count": 8,
"tags": {
"data": [
"name": "inbox"
"name": "read"
"name": "seen"
"name": "sent"
"name": "source:web"
"participants": {
"data": [
"name": "Pragati Singh",
"email": "100000441901858\",
"id": "100000441901858"
"name": "Devdemo",
"email": "456330641095467\",
"id": "456330641095467"
"senders": {
"data": [
"name": "Devdemo",
"email": "456330641095467\",
"id": "456330641095467"
"name": "Pragati Singh",
"email": "100000441901858\",
"id": "100000441901858"