How to get IDA to start in dark mode by default - ida

Every time I open up IDA it opens in LIght theme and I would like to open it in Dark mode by default. How can I do this?

Copy everything from themes\dark directory into themes\default.


Why is the Visual Studio Code native-mode menu dropdown white, even though I have dark mode activated in my desktop's settings?

Why is the Visual Studio Code native-mode menu dropdown white, even though I have dark mode activated and I use Fedora Linux and the dark mode is activated in Fedora, yet it is white? What is the solution as shown in the picture?
I don't try anything because I can't know the problem.
I'm not sure why the native title bar mode is showing up for you with light mode colouring. Supposedly, you can switch to dark mode on the GNOME desktop environment with the following:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Adwaita-dark
(or whatever other dark mode theme is available on your machine)
But if that doesn't work, you can get colouring consistent with your selected colour theme in VS Code by putting this in your settings.json:
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
The description for that setting:
Adjust the appearance of the window title bar. On Linux and Windows, this setting also affects the application and context menu appearances. Changes require a full restart to apply.

How to change the vscode status bar colour back to its default colour?

As you can see the colour of status bar and the title bar has turned to Reddish-Brown.
I haven't made any changes and it automatically got changed.
How to I bring it back to its DEFAULT MODE.
My settings.json file
Go to Preferences -> Color Theme and select one of the standard VS code themes (Dark, Dark+, Light, Light+).
Maybe you have the Window Colors extension installed? If so, try disabling it.
Are you using a workspace? If so, maybe there is a .vscode/settings.json file in the workspace containing the color settings?

Why doesn't emacs org mode work in -nw (--no-window-system) mode

I'm trying to give a shot to emacs org mode, so I created a file and started adding bullets and tasks, all fine.
I'd love to use emacs in -nw mode so it would blend into my workflow, but, when I open an org file in -nw mode, it read the bullets, but I can't use any of the org mode shortcuts and I get none of its benefits. Already double checked if I was indeed in org mode.
Am I doing something wrong?
It seems like your terminal is intercepting your keystrokes, and you should go into its settings to change that. If you're using Terminal for OSX, go to Preferences, and under the Profiles tab, select your profile and then the Keyboard tab. At the bottom there are two check boxes, and you just need to check "Use Option as Meta Key"

Eclipse Juno: How to change background of code folding regions

I'm currently using Eclipse Juno (the latest version as of Aug 30, 2012). I switched to a dark theme using Eclipse Color Theme plugin.
I modified some background colors to match this dark theme. However, I can never find an option to change the back ground of the code folding regions (the space between line numbers and the code).
Please help me to change this background color!
I was able to solve this problem using Eclipse-Juno on Ubuntu with the Dark Juno theme installed by doing the following:
Click on Window->Preferences to open up your Preferences panel
Open up the tab for the language you are using. For me this was C/C++
Goto Folding, and then uncheck "Enable folding when opening a new editor".
Click Apply and OK.
Now go back to your editor, and close and reopen any editors that you may have open (restarting Eclipse should also work). The default code folding will be gone, along with the white background.
You can re-enable code folding at any time (with a black background) by typing CTRL + NUMPAD_DIVIDE.
To fix this open the following file in a text editor:
Once open look for the following line:
The numbers represent the current color of the margin in RGB format. Simply change the color to your desired color, save and close the editor. Save and close any editor tabbed windows in Eclipse and re-open them .
If you are in Linux the org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs file will be located in the following location:
~/[your workspace folder]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings

Is it possible to change Eclipse's window color (grey to something else)?

I am using OS X Lion and bought a Dell monitor last night.
A few minutes ago, I found that with the Eclipse's default window background color, the color trembles like a fluorescent light. That color was (233,233,233) and I found the color makes that part of the screen tremble in every case. I mean, if I set the desktop color to that, the desktop trembles.
I had installed Windows on the same Mac, so I booted up with Windows 7, but (233,233,233) did not make the screen tremble. Maybe it is because of the Lion OS.
Now, with the Eclipse's background trembling, it is really annoying to write codes. I investigated the preferences, but I could not find any option to change the window background color. How can I do this?
If the color is tied to the system preferences, how can I change the system color for that? I could not change any option in the System Preferences dialogue either.
You can change the background color of text editors via Preferences -> "Text Editors". Though, I'm not sure whether it will be any prettier than what you see today...