Eclipse Juno: How to change background of code folding regions - eclipse

I'm currently using Eclipse Juno (the latest version as of Aug 30, 2012). I switched to a dark theme using Eclipse Color Theme plugin.
I modified some background colors to match this dark theme. However, I can never find an option to change the back ground of the code folding regions (the space between line numbers and the code).
Please help me to change this background color!

I was able to solve this problem using Eclipse-Juno on Ubuntu with the Dark Juno theme installed by doing the following:
Click on Window->Preferences to open up your Preferences panel
Open up the tab for the language you are using. For me this was C/C++
Goto Folding, and then uncheck "Enable folding when opening a new editor".
Click Apply and OK.
Now go back to your editor, and close and reopen any editors that you may have open (restarting Eclipse should also work). The default code folding will be gone, along with the white background.
You can re-enable code folding at any time (with a black background) by typing CTRL + NUMPAD_DIVIDE.

To fix this open the following file in a text editor:
Once open look for the following line:
The numbers represent the current color of the margin in RGB format. Simply change the color to your desired color, save and close the editor. Save and close any editor tabbed windows in Eclipse and re-open them .
If you are in Linux the org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs file will be located in the following location:
~/[your workspace folder]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings


Dark mode in Eclipse changes the color of the drop down menu text making it unreadable. How do I fix this?

I'm new to using Eclipse and programming softwares in general, so more thorough explanations would be appreciated!
How do I change the text back to a dark color to read it, and is it possible to make the background grey and keep the text white?
Depending on the Eclipse version you are using, Dark theme may differ:
Under Eclipse Bar Menu Window, select Preferences
From the Preferences Window, Select General -> Appearance
From the drop down Theme, select one of the available "Dark" themes
You could also click here on the Restore Default button to revert all changes you have tried then Click on Apply button
Must restart Eclipse to be effective.
Following is the Default Dark Theme when using Old Eclipse 2019-09
Following is the Default Dark Theme when using New Eclipse 2020-12
I had the same issue of having light background and light text in the menu dropdowns.
Fixed by cycling the Windows theme from custom to "Windows" then back to a dark these. This was done in Personalization -> Themes in Windows 10. Now, the dropdowns are dark with legible text.

In Eclipse, how do you change the foreground and background color in the default text editor for plain text files with no file extension?

In Eclipse for C/C++, how do you change the foreground and background color in the default text editor for plain text files, that is, files with no file extension?
I tried going to window > preferences > general > editors > text editors > appearance color options.
Here it says foreground color and background color, and after hitting 'apply', the color of the text changes briefly, but returns to default as soon as you close the 'preferences' window.
The other thing I tried is to set file associations and try to set a different internal editor as the default for plain files. However it seems to only work for files that have an extension.
I often have to deal with existing files in a repository that are actually bash scripts, but the files have no extension. It is annoying then to not even be able to configure the settings of the editor. If I can't find a solution for this, it looks like I either have to 'embrace the suck' or use a different editor outside of Eclipse.
I'm working on Kubuntu 2020-04 with Eclipse 2020-06 and using the dark theme.
It looks like the same problem as here, but I couldn't find any satisfying solution. The problem was reported there on 2020-01-03, so it actually predates my Eclipse version.
Thanks to #howlger for suggesting to upgrade. After upgrading to Eclipse version 2020-12, the first method I mentioned in the question works, that is, going to window > preferences > general > editors > text editors > appearance color options. Here you can change the foreground color and background color and it will actually stay the color you selected.

Eclipse Background Color will not change OSX, Pydev

Please read before marking as duplicate, I have searched for an answer to my specific issue for a long time and have not found one.
My Eclipse (Luna 4.4.1) IDE refuses to change the background color for the text editor. Please see the screenshot. It seems to be black when the IDE starts, then after a few seconds it switches to white.
I have tried (with restarts of the program between changes):
Eclipse > Preferences > General > Appearance (Set to Dark or Moonrise)
Eclipse >
Preferences > General > Appearance > Color Theme (Tried many dark themes)
Eclipse > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > (Background Color => Black)
I'm using the PyDev Pluggin, but I've also tried switching to Java and other perspectives and have the same problem. I've tried installing the Moonrise theme, and uninstalling and reinstalling the same as well as the Eclipse Color Theme plugin as well.
Has anyone seen this before and figured out a solution?
If I change the IDE to the Java perspective and open a Java file I still have the annoying white background, but in a slightly different way:
I have uninstalled the moonrise theme and I am just using the Dark Theme here. I think this rules out Pydev influencing the colours and it must be something at the general editor level. Though again, I have set the background color to black for the general editor.
MAJOR UPDATE - The bug is somewhat reproducible
Ok, so I haven't solved the problem but I've figured out what's triggering it! When I open Window > Customize Perspective, the background switches to the correct black style and then stays that way until I restart the IDE. That's without me changing any settings, just the mere act of opening that dialog. But why?
I guess my answer to the this post How to change color of Editor in Eclipse works for you.
I think its because of Editbox plugin. Make EditBox Off then check. If not working uninstall EditBox then check.
Its because of conflicts between Editbox colour settings and eclipse theme settings.
From patchnotes, pydev seems to support the eclipse darktheme since 3.6.0 :
The PyDev editor supports the new dark theme in Eclipse 4.4 (so, when it's chosen the editor colors are properly updated).
I believe the pydev editor has his preferences, so if you want to edit colors for the editor, it might be under :
Window > preferences > PyDev > Editor
You can find some resources to customize the pydev editor (if still not answerint to eclipse dark theme) here :
You can try disabling pydev editor through file type extension but not sure it will be a nice syntax coloring (window>preferences>pydev>editor>code style>filetypes)

How to make Eclipse color settings permanent?

I installed Eclipse Luna. I like what the built-in Dark theme does to all the views surrounding the actual text editor. However, I like to use my own color theme Solarized Dark on the editor and furthermore I'm changing a few highlight-box colors in the Editor Annotation settings. I'm able to make all of those configurations just fine. It takes a few minutes however and every time I start Eclipse again all my color settings are back to the default Eclipse Dark Theme, including text editors, highlights and such.
How can I make the aforementioned settings permanent, as in not having to tweak them again every time I start Eclipse?
in Eclipse, Window -> preferences ,
in General / appearence /Colors and Fonts
For save changes click first on "Apply" and after "OK"

How to change background color in REPL in Eclipse's Scala plugin?

How to change background color in REPL in Eclipse's Scala plugin? My Scala syntax coloring scheme is configured to work with a dark background and is currently unusable with the REPL's white background. Alternatively, I could also work with syntactic coloring disabled in REPL (so that everything would just get printed in black), but I don't know if it's possible to configure the plugin in such way.
Click the window menu and then choose the preferences menu item to open the preferences dialog.
In the left panel, navigate to General/Appearance/Colors and Fonts.
In the right panel, expand the Scala node, select the Interpreter background color, press the Edit button, choose the desired color, press ok, and finally the Apply button.
If the change isn't reflected, restart eclipse. At least for the 4.7.0 version the restart is necessary.