Why doesn't emacs org mode work in -nw (--no-window-system) mode - emacs

I'm trying to give a shot to emacs org mode, so I created a file and started adding bullets and tasks, all fine.
I'd love to use emacs in -nw mode so it would blend into my workflow, but, when I open an org file in -nw mode, it read the bullets, but I can't use any of the org mode shortcuts and I get none of its benefits. Already double checked if I was indeed in org mode.
Am I doing something wrong?

It seems like your terminal is intercepting your keystrokes, and you should go into its settings to change that. If you're using Terminal for OSX, go to Preferences, and under the Profiles tab, select your profile and then the Keyboard tab. At the bottom there are two check boxes, and you just need to check "Use Option as Meta Key"


In VS Code, how do I bring the terminal up to the code editor section (without resizing the terminal)? "Terminal editors"

After getting more comfortable with awslogs, I am wondering if there's a way to actually open up or bring a terminal to the code editor view. For example, here's what I see in my iTerm2 app:
I don't really use iterm2 too much if I have to do some editing of files, but having this inside of VS Code in a tab would be really nice. Just would allow me to make changes to the Dockerfile and monitor the progress of the build from AWS.
Here's where I would like it to go:
I understand that this isn't really a "terminal" spot per se since it's typically at the bottom, but I was just curious to see if there was a way to do it without affecting the terminal on the bottom. In some rare cases it would be nice to attach to a tmux session from the code editor window so I can flip between that and code.
In the Insiders build now, and so presumably will be in v1.58, is the ability to put a terminal into an editor like you ask. You can also drag a terminal into the editor area to crop it there!
There are these commands:
Terminal: MoveTerminal into Editor Group
Terminal: Create Terminal Editor

How to expand VSCode's Interactive Terminal's text font

I've been working on a bunch of different projects in VSCode and just to clear up some space on my desktop I decided to quit all VSCode applications. Upon reopening it, the Interactive Terminal's text too small to read. I know you can just launch terminal and execute the same command but out of convince's sake I want to be able to increase the size of it again. Example of my issue
You can change the terminal display settings with this configuration in your settings.json.
I saw your photo, and it looks like there is some minor problem. Just reload your window - Command + R on macOS, or select Developer: Reload Window after opening the command palette. That should work.

Can one edit a terminal buffer in Normal mode in NeoVim?

NeoVim's terminal mode is cool, but what I really would like is to
be able to switch to normal mode to edit terminal with normal mode commands, is it possible?
I realize that when in this terminal mode, all input is responsability of the terminal, so I see that a mode where input interaction travels between vim and the terminal shouldn't be simple, if it's doable at all, I'd just like to confirm.
It is possible.
However, the user needs to use the <C-\><C-n> key combo first,
which will exit back to normal mode. Once in "normal" mode the user can navigate, set marks, visually select text, use registers to yank and paste the output somewhere else, etc.
If the user comes back to insert mode (i or a, e.g.) the cursor will come be back to the terminal command line.
For general information about the terminal emulator: :h terminal-emulator
For specific information on terminal's input: :h terminal-emulator-input. This section includes a bunch tips that might be handy, such as how to map <C-\><C-n> to <esc>.

Prevent mouse-selected text from being put into Emacs paste buffer?

In emacs, there is a feature where if I select text with a mouse, then without pressing
ctrl-c I can paste into emacs with ctrl-v if I have cua mode turned on.
I want to turn off this feature while keeping the cua mode on. I mean I want to
explicitly press ctrl-c so that the text will get copied to the clipboard.
I suspect that you are using a version of Emacs older than version 24? If so, see the last paragraph of this page of the current Emacs manual. You can probably get rid of the behaviour you dislike by setting x-select-enable-primary to nil.
From my quick tests, setting it to T (which isn't the default on Emacs 24) reproduces the problem behaviour, and this happens both in and not in cua-mode.

Emacs mouse support over terminal ssh

In my .vimrc file, I have this line:
set mouse=a
This enables the mouse to work with vim. You can move the point around by clicking, and it responds to the scroll wheel. It also works fine even in a vim instance accessed over a standard terminal emulator using SSH. Is there a way to enable the same functionality in Emacs?
Does xterm-mouse-mode do what you want? I found it by searching "emacs 'set mouse=a'"