running a system command in kdb - kdb

I am trying to run the command in kdb but it does not work. I knew it may be associated with some special character and I am trying to put the [] to escape but still does not work.
system "awk '/^Mem/ {print $2}' <(free -m)"
I tried
system "awk '/[^]Mem/ {print $2}' <(free -m)" - not working

Another solution just requires a rearrangement of your expression:
q)system"free -m | awk '/^Mem/ {print $2}'"
The reason why your expression is failing from q is because of the shell being used. This answer explains the difference between shebang and dash shells. I've added a little test to showcase the difference.
coneill5#LPTP1893: [~] $ cat
awk '/^Mem/ {print $2}' <(free -m)
coneill5#LPTP1893: [~] $ cat
awk '/^Mem/ {print $2}' <(free -m)
coneill5#LPTP1893: [~] $ ./
coneill5#LPTP1893: [~] $ ./
./ 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

You can avoid a system call as kdb+ can return the physical memory available using .Q.w[]
q)floor (.Q.w[]`mphy)%1024 xexp 2
$ awk '/^Mem/ {print $2}' <(free -m)


Using a single sed call to split and grep

This is mostly by curiosity, I am trying to have the same behavior as:
echo -e "test1:test2:test3"| sed 's/:/\n/g' | grep 1
in a single sed command.
I already tried
echo -e "test1:test2:test3"| sed -e "s/:/\n/g" -n "/1/p"
But I get the following error:
sed: can't read /1/p: No such file or directory
Any idea on how to fix this and combine different types of commands into a single sed call?
Of course this is overly simplified compared to the real usecase, and I know I can get around by using multiple calls, again this is just out of curiosity.
EDIT: I am mostly interested in the sed tool, I already know how to do it using other tools, or even combinations of those.
EDIT2: Here is a more realistic script, closer to what I am trying to achieve:
curl $base \
| sed -e 's/<Contents>/<Contents>\n/g' \
| grep $arch \
| sed -e 's/^<Key>\(.*\)\/chromedriver.*/\1/' \
| sort -V > out
What I would like to simplify is the curl line, turning it into something like:
curl $base \
| sed 's/<Contents>/<Contents>\n/g' -n '/1/p' -e 's/^<Key>\(.*\)\/chromedriver.*/\1/' \
| sort -V > out
Here are some alternatives, awk and sed based:
sed -E "s/(.*:)?([^:]*1[^:]*).*/\2/" <<< "test1:test2:test3"
awk -v RS=":" '/1/' <<< "test1:test2:test3"
# or also
awk 'BEGIN{RS=":"} /1/' <<< "test1:test2:test3"
Or, using your logic, you would need to pipe a second sed command:
sed "s/:/\n/g" <<< "test1:test2:test3" | sed -n "/1/p"
See this online demo. The awk solution looks cleanest.
In sed solution, (.*:)?([^:]*1[^:]*).* pattern matches an optional sequence of any 0+ chars and a :, then captures into Group 2 any 0 or more chars other than :, 1, again 0 or more chars other than :, and then just matches the rest of the line. The replacement just keeps Group 2 contents.
In awk solution, the record separator is set to : and then /1/ regex is used to only return the record having 1 in it.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/:/\n/;/^[^\n]*1/P;D' file
Replace each : and if the first line in the pattern space contains 1 print it.
An alternative:
sed -Ez 's/:/\n/g;s/^[^1]*$//mg;s/\n+/\n/;s/^\n//' file
This slurps the whole file into memory and replaces all colons by newlines. All lines that do not contain 1 are removed and surplus newlines deleted.
An alternative to the really ugly sed is: grep -o '\w*2\w*'
$ printf "test1:test2:test3\nbob3:bob2:fred2\n" | grep -o '\w*2\w*'
grep -o: only matching
Or: grep -o '[^:]*2[^:]*'
echo -e "test1:test2:test3" | sed -En 's/:/\n/g;/^[^\n]*2[^\n]*(\n|$)/P;//!D'
sed -n doesn't print unless told to
sed -E allows using parens to match (\n|$) which is newline or the end of the pattern space
P prints the pattern buffer up to the first newline.
D trims the pattern buffer up to the first newline
[^\n] is a character class that matches anything except a newline
// is sed shorthand for repeating a match
//! is then matching everything that didn't match previously
So, after you split into newlines, you want to make sure the 2 character is between the start of the pattern buffer ^ and the first newline.
And, if there is not the character you are looking for, you want to D delete up to the first newline.
At that point, it works for one line of input, with one string containing the character you're looking for.
To expand to several matches within a line, you have to ta, conditionally branch back to label :a:
$ printf "test1:test2:test3\nbob3:bob2:fred2\n" | \
sed -En ':a s/:/\n/g;/^[^\n]*2[^\n]*(\n|$)/P;D;ta'
This is simply NOT a job for sed. With GNU awk for multi-char RS:
$ echo "test1:test2:test3:test4:test5:test6"| awk -v RS='[:\n]' '/1/'
$ echo "test1:test2:test3:test4:test5:test6"| awk -v RS='[:\n]' 'NR%2'
$ echo "test1:test2:test3:test4:test5:test6"| awk -v RS='[:\n]' '!(NR%2)'
$ echo "foo1:bar1:foo2:bar2:foo3:bar3" | awk -v RS='[:\n]' '/foo/ || /2/'
With any awk you'd just have to strip the \n from the final record before operating on it:
$ echo "test1:test2:test3:test4:test5:test6"| awk -v RS=':' '{sub(/\n$/,"")} /1/'

sed does not recognize -r flag on AIX

thanks in advance for the help.
I have the following line that does work on linux.
myfile (extract)
cat myfile |sed -r 's/ {1,}//g'|sed -r 's/\t*//g' |grep -v "^#"|sed -s "/^$/d" |sed =|sed 'N;s/\n/\t/'|sed -r "s/#.*//g" | sed "s/\t/;/g"|sed "s/\t/;/g"|sed -e "s,',\o042,g"
The result will be:
But, I can't figure out, how to perform the same command on AIX server.
Help is very welcome.
Unless you have a compelling reason to use sed, you could use alternate tools:
awk -v OFS=';' '{print NR,$0}' filename
would produce the desired output.
You could also use perl:
perl -ne 'print "$.;$_"' filename
It appears that your sed expression would skip lines beginning with a #. As such, you could say:
perl -ne '$,=";"; !/^#/ && print ++$i,$_' filename
or something like:
grep -v '^#' filename | awk ...
reformatting your pipeline:
cat myfile |
sed -r 's/ {1,}//g' | # strip all spaces (1)
sed -r 's/\t*//g' | # strip all tabs (2)
grep -v "^#" | # delete all lines beginning `#` (3)
sed -s "/^$/d" | # delete all empty lines (4)
sed = | # interleave with line numbers (5)
sed 'N;s/\n/\t/' | # join line number and line with `\t` (6)
sed -r "s/#.*//g" | # strip all `#` comments (7)
sed "s/\t/;/g" | # replace all tabs with `;` (8)
sed "s/\t/;/g" | # do it again (9)
sed -e "s,',\o042,g" # replace all ' with " (10)
Boiling that down and using cat -n to provide the line numbers up front gets:
cat -n myfile |
sed "$(print 's/\t/;/')
$(print 's/[ \t]*//g')
which behaves identically unless I'm misreading the aix docs. The $(...) construction is command substitution, it runs that command and substitutes its output. print would be printf on linux.

search and select decimal numbers in a text file line

I have xml textfiles which contain lines of multiple numbers (3) separated by tabs/spaces, from which I would like to select the each set of numbers separately.
<tagname1> 110.0912 99.1234 55.1326 </tagname1>
I would like to use sed, awk, grep, etc. perl is fine too. Seems simple, but can't figure out a cleaner line. I've tried:
more FILENAME | grep tagname1 | grep -E -o "[0-9]+*\.[0-9]+" | head -n 1
perl -MRegexp::Common -nE 's/<.*?>//g; say for /($RE{num}{real})/g' file
You can use grep -o option.
$ cat file
<tagname1> 110.0912 99.1234 55.1326 </tagname1>
$ grep -oE '\b[0-9.]+\b' file
\b defines a word boundary
[0-9.]+ is a character class suggesting match numbers and . one or more times
-o option prints matched pattern only
awk -v which=2 '/<tagname1>(([0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?)|[ \t])*<\/tagname1>/ {print $(which+1)}' input.txt
Select which number you want to be printed using the variable which in this example it will print the second number which=2
<tagname1> 110.0912 99.1234 55.1326 </tagname1>
You can use awk
awk '{print $2,$3,$4}' OFS="\n" file
$ cat file
<tagname1> 110.0912 99.1234 55.1326 </tagname1>
$ awk -v tag="tagname1" -v nr=1 '$0~"<"tag">"{print $(nr+1)}' file
$ awk -v tag="tagname1" -v nr=2 '$0~"<"tag">"{print $(nr+1)}' file
$ awk -v tag="tagname1" -v nr=3 '$0~"<"tag">"{print $(nr+1)}' file

sed/awk : match a pattern and return everything between the end of the pattern and a semicolon

I have a line:
<random junk>TYPE=snp;<more random junk>
and I need to return everything between the end of TYPE= and the ; (in this case snp but it could be any of a number of text strings.
I tried various sed / awk solutions but I can't seem to get it working. I have the feeling this is a simple problem so, sorry about that.
This seems to work:
sed 's/.*TYPE=\(.*\);.*/\1/'
Ah, so there can be semicolons in the random junk. Try this:
sed 's/.*TYPE=\([^;]*\);.*/\1/'
requires GNU grep:
grep -Po '(?<=TYPE=)[^;]+'
meaning: preceded by "TYPE=", find some non-semicolon characters
One way using GNU sed:
sed -r 's/.*TYPE=([^;]+).*/\1/' file.txt
Since you also tagged this awk:
$ text='<random junk>TYPE=snp;<more random junk>'
$ echo "$text" | awk -FTYPE= '{sub(/;.*/,"",$2); print $2}'
$ text='foo=bar;baz=fnu;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0'
$ echo "$text" | awk -FTYPE= '{sub(/;.*/,"",$2); print $2}'
(Only using the variable to keep the lines from wrapping.)
Or, to parse this as set of variable=value pairs rather than just a string of text:
$ echo "$text" | awk -vRS=";" -F= '$1=="TYPE" {print $2}'
You can also do this in pure bash, if you want:
$ t="red=blue;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.0037843;XAM=0.0170293;XAS=0.013245;XRI=0;XRM=0"
$ t=${t#*TYPE=}
$ t=${t%%;*}
$ echo $t

AWK/SED. How to remove parentheses in simple text file

I have a text file looking like this:
(-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) (-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) ... and so on.
I would like to modify the file by removing all the parenthesis and a new line for each couple
so that it look like this:
A simple way to do that?
Any help is appreciated,
I would use tr for this job:
cat in_file | tr -d '()' > out_file
With the -d switch it just deletes any characters in the given set.
To add new lines you could pipe it through two trs:
cat in_file | tr -d '(' | tr ')' '\n' > out_file
As was said, almost:
sed 's/[()]//g' inputfile > outputfile
or in awk:
awk '{gsub(/[()]/,""); print;}' inputfile > outputfile
This would work -
awk -v FS="[()]" '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) print $i }' inputfile > outputfile
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
(-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) (-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02)
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk -v FS="[()]" '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) print $i }' file
This might work for you:
echo "(-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) (-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02)" |
sed 's/) (/\n/;s/[()]//g'
Guess we all know this, but just to emphasize:
Usage of bash commands is better in terms of time taken for execution, than using awk or sed to do the same job. For instance, try not to use sed/awk where grep can suffice.
In this particular case, I created a file 100000 lines long file, each containing characters "(" as well as ")". Then ran
$ /usr/bin/time -f%E -o log cat file | tr -d "()"
and again,
$ /usr/bin/time -f%E -ao log sed 's/[()]//g' file
And the results were:
05.44 sec : Using tr
05.57 sec : Using sed
cat in_file | sed 's/[()]//g' > out_file
Due to formatting issues, it is not entirely clear from your question whether you also need to insert newlines.