sed/awk : match a pattern and return everything between the end of the pattern and a semicolon - sed

I have a line:
<random junk>TYPE=snp;<more random junk>
and I need to return everything between the end of TYPE= and the ; (in this case snp but it could be any of a number of text strings.
I tried various sed / awk solutions but I can't seem to get it working. I have the feeling this is a simple problem so, sorry about that.

This seems to work:
sed 's/.*TYPE=\(.*\);.*/\1/'
Ah, so there can be semicolons in the random junk. Try this:
sed 's/.*TYPE=\([^;]*\);.*/\1/'

requires GNU grep:
grep -Po '(?<=TYPE=)[^;]+'
meaning: preceded by "TYPE=", find some non-semicolon characters

One way using GNU sed:
sed -r 's/.*TYPE=([^;]+).*/\1/' file.txt

Since you also tagged this awk:
$ text='<random junk>TYPE=snp;<more random junk>'
$ echo "$text" | awk -FTYPE= '{sub(/;.*/,"",$2); print $2}'
$ text='foo=bar;baz=fnu;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0'
$ echo "$text" | awk -FTYPE= '{sub(/;.*/,"",$2); print $2}'
(Only using the variable to keep the lines from wrapping.)
Or, to parse this as set of variable=value pairs rather than just a string of text:
$ echo "$text" | awk -vRS=";" -F= '$1=="TYPE" {print $2}'

You can also do this in pure bash, if you want:
$ t="red=blue;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.0037843;XAM=0.0170293;XAS=0.013245;XRI=0;XRM=0"
$ t=${t#*TYPE=}
$ t=${t%%;*}
$ echo $t


How to replace consecutive symbols using only one sed command?

I have a simple .csv file with lines that holds 't' values. Here is the example:
I want to replace them to '1' using sed.
If I make sed "s/;t;/;1;/g" I get the next result:
As you can see, consecutive ';t;' have been replaced through one. Yes, I can replace all ';t;' by sed -e "s/;t;/;1;/g" -e "s/;t;/;1;/g" but this is boring.
How can I make the replacement by one sed command?
If there is something to replace, branch to replace again.
sed ': again; /;t;/{ s//;1;/; b again }'
Overall, parsing cvs with sed is crude. Consider awk.
awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;++i) if ($i=="t") $i=1 } 1'
Lookarounds is helpful in such cases:
$ s='t;2ABC;t;t;t;tortuga;fault;t;t;bored;t'
$ echo "$s" | perl -lpe 's/(?<![^;])t(?![^;])/1/g'
echo '2ABC;t;t;t;tortuga;fault;t;t;bored' |
— gawk-specific solution
gawk -be '(ORS = RT)^!(NF = NF)' FS='^t$' OFS=1 RS=';'
— cross-awk-solution
{m,g,n}awk 'gsub(FS, OFS, $!(NF = NF))^_' FS=';t;' OFS=';1;' RS=

Matching pattern on multiple lines

I have a file as below
I am trying to extract the values NAME and IP using sed:
cat file1 |
sed ':a
s/\n/ /g' | sed -n 's/.*\(NAME(BOLI...)\).*\(IP(.*)\).*/\1 \2/p'
However, I'm only getting the output:
What I would like is:
Would appreciate it if someone could give me a pointer on what I'm missing.
Your first sed commands reformats the file into one long line. You could have used tr -d "\n" for this, but that is not the problem.
The problem is in the second part, where the .* greedy eats as much as possible until finding the last match.
Your solution could be "fixed" with the ugly
# Do not use this:
sed -zn 's/[^\n]*\(NAME(BOLI...)\)[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\(IP([^)]*)\)[^\n]*/\1 \2/gp' file1
Possible solutions:
cat file1 | paste -d " " - - | sed -n 's/.*\(NAME(BOLI...)\).*\(IP(.*)\).*/\1 \2/p'
# or
grep -Eo "(NAME\(BOLI...\)|IP\(.*\))" file1 | paste -d " " - -
# or
printf "%s %s\n" $(grep -Eo "(NAME\(BOLI...\)|IP\(.*\))" file1)
In case you are ok with awk could you please try following. Written and tested in link with shown samples only.
awk '
print name,substr($0,RSTART+3,RLENGTH-3)
' Input_file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n '/NAME/{N;/IP/s/\s.*\s/ /p}' file
If a line contains NAME and the following line contains IP remove everything between and print the result.
An alternative shorter awk:
awk '$1 ~ /^NAME/ {nm = $1} $2 ~ /^IP/ {print nm, $2}' file
The issue in your script is the use .* which matches in a greedy way
so that you have only the first NAME(BOLI...) and last IP(.*)
If you can use python :
python -c '
import re, sys
for ar in re.findall(r"(NAME\(BOLI.*?\)).*?(IP\(.*?\))",, re.DOTALL):
' < input-file

Remove all the characters from string after last '/'

I have the followiing input file and I need to remove all the characters from the strings that appear after the last '/'. I'll also show my expected output below.
expected output:
I have tried to use sed but with no luck so far.
You could simply use good old grep:
grep -o '.*/' file.txt
This simple expression takes advantage of the fact that grep is matching greedy. Meaning it will consume as much characters as possible, including /, until the last / in path.
Original Answer:
You can use dirname:
while read line ; do
echo dirname "$line"
done < file.txt
or sed:
sed 's~\(.*/\).*~\1~' file.txt
perl -lne 'print $1 if(/(.*)\//)' your_file
Try this GNU sed command,
$ sed -r 's~^(.*\/).*$~\1~g' file
Through awk,
awk -F/ '{sub(/.*/,"",$NF); print}' OFS="/" file

extract a substring of 11 characters from a line using sed,awk or perl

I have a file with many lines, in each line
there is either substring
whatever_blablabla"/watch?v=yPrg-JN50sw&amp" class=whatever_blablablavwhate
I want to extract a substring, like the "yPrg-JN50s" above
the matching pattern is
the 11 characters after the string "/watch?="
how to extract the substring
I hope it is sed, awk in one line
if not, a pn line perl script is also ok
You can do
grep -oP '(?<=/watch\?v=).{11}'
if your grep knows Perl regex, or
sed 's/.*\/watch?v=\(.\{11\}\).*/\1/g'
$ cat file
"/watch?v=yPrg-JN50sw&amp" class=
$ awk 'match($0,/\/watch\?v=/) { print substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH,11) }' file
Just with the shell's parameter expansion, extract the 11 chars after "watch?v=":
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo ${tmp:0:11}
done < filename
You could use sed to remove the extraneous information:
sed 's/[^=]\+=//; s/&.*$//' file
Or with awk and sensible field separators:
awk -F '[=&]' '{print $2}' file
Contents of file:
cat <<EOF > file
"/watch?v=yPrg-JN50sw&amp" class=
Edit accommodating new requirements mentioned in the comments
cat <<EOF > file
<div id="" yt-grid-box "><div class="yt-lockup-thumbnail"><a href="/watch?v=0_NfNAL3Ffc" class="ux-thumb-wrap yt-uix-sessionlink yt-uix-contextlink contains-addto result-item-thumb" data-sessionlink="ved=CAMQwBs%3D&ei=CPTsy8bhqLMCFRR0fAodowXbww%3D%3D"><span class="video-thumb ux-thumb yt-thumb-default-185 "><span class="yt-thumb-clip"><span class="yt-thumb-clip-inner"><img src="//" alt="Miniature" width="185" ><span class="vertical-align"></span></span></span></span><span class="video-time">5:15</span>
Use awk with sensible record separator:
awk -v RS='[=&"]' '/watch/ { getline; print }' file
Note, you should use a proper XML parser for this sort of task.
grep --perl-regexp --only-matching --regexp="(?<=/watch\\?=)([^&]{0,11})"
Assuming your lines have exactly the format you quoted, this should work.
awk '{print substr($0,10,11)}'
Edit: From the comment in another answer, I guess your lines are much longer and complicated than this, in which case something more comprehensive is needed:
gawk '{if(match($0, "/watch\\?v=(\\w+)",a)) print a[1]}'

AWK/SED. How to remove parentheses in simple text file

I have a text file looking like this:
(-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) (-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) ... and so on.
I would like to modify the file by removing all the parenthesis and a new line for each couple
so that it look like this:
A simple way to do that?
Any help is appreciated,
I would use tr for this job:
cat in_file | tr -d '()' > out_file
With the -d switch it just deletes any characters in the given set.
To add new lines you could pipe it through two trs:
cat in_file | tr -d '(' | tr ')' '\n' > out_file
As was said, almost:
sed 's/[()]//g' inputfile > outputfile
or in awk:
awk '{gsub(/[()]/,""); print;}' inputfile > outputfile
This would work -
awk -v FS="[()]" '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) print $i }' inputfile > outputfile
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
(-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) (-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02)
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk -v FS="[()]" '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) print $i }' file
This might work for you:
echo "(-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02) (-9.1744438E-02,7.6282293E-02)" |
sed 's/) (/\n/;s/[()]//g'
Guess we all know this, but just to emphasize:
Usage of bash commands is better in terms of time taken for execution, than using awk or sed to do the same job. For instance, try not to use sed/awk where grep can suffice.
In this particular case, I created a file 100000 lines long file, each containing characters "(" as well as ")". Then ran
$ /usr/bin/time -f%E -o log cat file | tr -d "()"
and again,
$ /usr/bin/time -f%E -ao log sed 's/[()]//g' file
And the results were:
05.44 sec : Using tr
05.57 sec : Using sed
cat in_file | sed 's/[()]//g' > out_file
Due to formatting issues, it is not entirely clear from your question whether you also need to insert newlines.