is it possible to deploy vault ha cluster with minio as storage backend - hashicorp-vault

is it possible to deploy hashicorp vault ha cluster with minio as storage backend ? I could see that Google cloud storage is supported with HA. I am trying to deploy HA vault in K8s cluster


AGIC for Kubernetes cluster

I have a AKS cluster created in Subscription A and Application gateway created in Subscription B
Is it possible to enable AGIC for K8 cluster?

Vault with airflow on kubernetes

I installed vault as a separate service with kubernetes as auth. I installed minikube and installed airflow on it. I enabled apache-airflow kubernetes as well.
Once I start airflow with kubernetes, I want to connect it to vault using airflow secret backend and kwargs using kubernetes auth type.
How to get the vault token returned from kubernetes secret login from airflow?
Please suggest any way or any example to achieve this.

Connect Kubernetes cluster to RStudio

Is it possible to connect Kubernetes google cloud cluster with RStudio/RStudio Server? How?

How to install prometheus operator and collect the metrics from remote Thanos that install on deferent kubernetes cluster

There is any way to install Thanos on Kubernetes cluster and collect metrics from remote prometheus operator on different Kubernetes cluster? How can I configure the Thanos collect the data from the remote prometheus operator pod?
I am using with Kubernetes 1.12.8 on AWS.
thanos,You need to install the thanos sidecar in your clusters, this thanos side car expose store API which can be exposed to other clusters-centralised cluster. There are some deployment model in below linksArchitecture and Getting started

K8s cluster working with Openshift?

I know that Openshift uses some K8s components to orchestrate PODS. Is there any way K8 and Openshift integrate together?. Means I should see the PODS which are deployed with K8s in Openshift UI and vise versa.
Followed Openshift as POD in K8 documentation,but I was struck at Step-4, unable to find kubernetes account key in GCE cluster (/srv/kubernetes/server.key).
Or is any way K8 nodes join under Openshift cluster?