Connect Kubernetes cluster to RStudio - kubernetes

Is it possible to connect Kubernetes google cloud cluster with RStudio/RStudio Server? How?


kubernetes pod not able to connect to database in same network

I've setup a kubernetes cluster in my network and a postgres database in same network. I am able to connect my java app to my postgres database if I run it over in a container or a VM. But some how when I deploy the same app in Kubernetes it is not able to connect to my database.
All my services are in my private network and my cluster is a bare metal setup in my home lab using calico network.
I also tried ping my database ip from a busybox pod but that also fails.

How to IP whitelist a Kubernetes cluster

So I have a kubernetes cluster running in Google Cloud. And from pods inside the cluster I need to access an external DB which has IP whitelisting configured. It seems that I need a static, shared IP for the cluster's outgoing traffic, what's the best approach?
Setting up a service IP seems irrelevant as that's for inbound traffic. I looked into Cloud NAT and it seems promising, but I'm not exactly sure about how to set that up. Any docs/tutorial would be helpful, thanks!
According the docs when traffic goes out of a kubernetes cluster in GKE it will get SNATed with the IP of the node. So you could whitelist the IPs of all GKE kubernetes cluster nodes.
Here is some best practices on connecting to external services from Kubernetes cluster. An example for connecting to Cloud SQL from Google Kubernetes Engine.
An example setup of Cloud NAT on GKE.

How to configure local kubectl to connect to kubernetes EKS cluster

I am very new at kubernetes.
I have created a cluster setup at AWS EKS
Now I want to configure kubectl at a local ubuntu server so that I can connect at AWS EKS cluster.
Need to understand the process. [ If at all it is possible ]
aws cli is used to create Kubernetes config (normally ~/.kube/config).
See details by:
aws eks update-kubeconfig help
You can follow this guide. You need to do following steps.
1.Installing kubectl
2.Installing aws-iam-authenticator
3.Create a kubeconfig for Amazon EKS
4.Managing Users or IAM Roles for your Cluster
Also take a look at configuring kubeconfig using AWS CLI here

Peering Connection between GKE and EKS

Is it possible to connect a GKE cluster to a VPC within AWS? For this specific use case, I want the GKE cluster to be able to talk with the EKS cluster behind a VPC in AWS.
I have the CIDR block for my GKE cluster gcloud container clusters describe _cluster_name_ | grep clusterIpv4Cidr
I've already created a VPC and cluster in AWS (i.e. I have a VPC ID for my aws VPC)
Do I need to create a VPC for my GKE cluster in addition to the VPC for my EKS cluster, or do I just need the CIDR range for the GKE cluster for AWS?
Google searching renders very few results for connecting clusters from different providers.
In my opinion, it's possible with VPN connection. At first, I think you should have a look at Kubernetes Engine Communication Through VPN demo. And then, move to the more close example for your case - site-to-site VPN between GCP and AWS. In addition, check some Google Cloud Router documentation and example for some extra information about networking at GKE.

How to enable IPV6 support in IBM Kubernetes service

I need to install a IPV6 haproxy docker in IBM Cloud Kubernetes service. All info I see is just about IPV4. I don't even know if IBM Kubernetes supports IPV6 so I can support IPV6 requests in my docker instance deployed in one of my cluster nodes.
Thanks for any help on this.
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service does not use IPV6 for cluster services.