K8s cluster working with Openshift? - kubernetes

I know that Openshift uses some K8s components to orchestrate PODS. Is there any way K8 and Openshift integrate together?. Means I should see the PODS which are deployed with K8s in Openshift UI and vise versa.
Followed Openshift as POD in K8 documentation,but I was struck at Step-4, unable to find kubernetes account key in GCE cluster (/srv/kubernetes/server.key).
Or is any way K8 nodes join under Openshift cluster?


Can kubernetes have different container runtimes/version in worker nodes?

We have an application that requires a different container runtime than what we have right now in our kubernetes cluster. Our cluster is deployed via kubeadm in our baremetal cluster. K8s version is 1.21.3
Can we install different container runtime or version to a single worker node?
Just wanted to verify inspite knowing that k8s design is modular enough.. CRI, CNI etc

How can I migrate data from one redis cluster to another redis cluster?

We are running redis clusters inside 2 different kubernetes cluster.
We would like to migrate data from Old redis cluster to new redis cluster without any downtime.
Both redis cluster are exposed thru service (ClusterIP) and pods from one k8s cannot communicate with pods running in another k8s cluster. Both can communicate over service IP.
Is there any tool or strategy that we can use to migrate redis cluster form old k8s to new k8s without any downtime or with minimal downtime.
Any help will be appreciated.

Deploy application to EKS Cluster

After creating an eks cluster with eksctl or aws CLI with the specified node group. Then when I apply my Deployment yaml file, is my Pods distributed among the node group above automatically?
Yes your pod will get deployed on any node in cluster which has sufficient resource to support it.

Is it possible or right to configure Nginx Ingress Controller on Openshift cluster?

I have Kubernetes cluster setup available on my system. I have verified that my definitions for Ingress controller and Ingress resources working over it as I am able to invoke services inside my K8 cluster from outside the cluster.
Now, I have to move all my resources to Openshift cluster. I just deployed my definitions of Ingress resources from K8 to Openshift but those are not working, as I am not able to access services from outside the cluster. Note that I didn't deploy Ingress controller on Openshift which I did on K8.
The problem is, I don't want to use Openshift Route as an Ingress alternate. So, in order to get my Ingress resource working on OpenShift(OC) cluster what am I supposed to do? Shall I install Ingress controller on Openshift like I did on K8 cluster?
I don't want to use any Openshift specific resource on Openshift cluster, just wanted to utilize embedded Kubernetes of it.
Kindly suggest.

How to integrate Prometheus with Kubernetes where both are running on different host?

My prometheus server is running on different server. Also I have another kubernetes cluster. So, I need monitoring kubernetes pod metrics using prometheus running on different servers.
To monitor external cluster I would take advantage of Prometheus federation topology.
In your Kubernetes cluster install node-exporter pods and configure Prometheus with short-term storage.
Expose the Prometheus service (you can follow this guide) outside of Kubernetes cluster, this can be done either by LB or a node port.
Configure the Prometheus server to scrape metrics from Kubernetes endpoints configuring them with correct tags and proper authentication.