Unable to Make Payment via PayPal api into flutter app - flutter

We have developed a flutter app (online doctor appointments) and integrated the PayPal payment method into the mobile application. This app is not live yet but we are testing it into production mode and when as a customer, I am going to make the payment the payment not deducted from my account and I have received the email from PayPal support(subject: Your payment to Doc Domi couldn't be sent). As a Product owner unable to receive the payment from the customer's end. Even the customer gets the OTP for the final transaction and once he enters the OTP the payment is successfully done but the amount was not deducted from customer's account.
here is the response that we got it:
PayPal response is {name: COMPLIANCE_VIOLATION, message: Transaction is declined due to compliance violation., information_link: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/payments/v1/#error-COMPLIANCE_VIOLATION, debug_id: 6caee6baf1599}
We have verified the account and linked the bank account too.
Please help me out with this issue.


Paypal sandbox transaction id is not equal in payer and payee account

Hello I have implemented smart button integration in my angular application and made the one time payment successfully using ngx paypal library. I am stuck in verifying the transaction in both payer and payee sandbox account are not the same, will both will be different or same?
For all PayPal transactions, the Transaction ID in the sender and receiver accounts will be different.
Each account has its own Transaction ID.

PayPal Payout Sandbox Account Problem with Status UNCLAIMED

I have made call sandbox batch payout API using my sandbox account and added unregistered PayPal user to make batch pay, payout API called, and got the success response, got UNCLAIMED status for particular that email address which was unregistered, I have created sandbox account with that email address but that amount paid by sender not deposited in that account.
Again if calling that payout API with same email param, got paid amount in my account, but first transaction payment amount didn't reflecting, Is sandbox not reflect that amount in sandbox account?

Missing PayPal IPN notification

On our website we have option to pay using PayPal. At the time of signup our sytem creates recurring profile in users PayPal account and then till the account continue we receive recurring Payments.
On every successful payment PayPal send us the notifications with transaction details and we updates our system.
Sometimes our system miss the IPN notifications due to outage and as a result our system goes out of sync and does not updates the payments.
I would like to know do we have any PayPal API which we can call to get the transaction details of missing IPN notifications?
How to handle these transactions which are not updated in our system and IPN we ave missed?

PayPal Live Transaction Completed but IPN does not update from Pending

We're using PayPal Payments Standard and IPN to process payment transactions and enable digital goods download after our IPN listener script recieves notification of a completed transaction.
We've done thorough testing on the PayPal sandbox and made sure our scripts handle different scenarios properly.
Just to be sure, before opening the sales to public, we've done some testing with the PayPal live interface - performed a few small sales using a previously verified PayPal account to pay for the goods.
Our IPN listener script has immediately received notifications, but the payment_status in both of them was 'pending' with pending_reason = 'paymentreview'. After logging to our seller PayPal account a few minutes after making the payment, both transactions have the status 'Completed' and are ready to ship, yet our IPN listener did not receive any further notification updating the status of the transactions.
By checking the IPN history on our seller PayPal account, we can see that only the initial messages for both payments have been sent (with status 'Pending').
The PayPal developer docs are explicit about not allowing the download or shipping goods before the transaction is succesfully completed, yet we do not receive an update via IPN even 48+ hours after the payments.
We did not experience any such problem during testing period on PayPal sandbox interface.
Is this an issue with the IPN interface, or there is something that can be configured through our PayPal account that will resolve this issue and make IPN behaviour consistant with PayPal developer docs?

Why PayPal Request can’t be processed?

I’m trying to test recurring payment in my paypal sandbox account. I followed this link https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/express-checkout/ht_ec-recurringPaymentProfile-curl-etc/
I have summarized the steps what I follow
Step 1: Get PayPal Token – Completed
Step 2: Redirect customer to PayPal with Token
After I send the request, paypal show the following page
After I entered the sandbox buyer account details, paypal display error message like “Currently, we unfortunately can not process your request. Return to Logical IT Solution GmbH and select another option.”
I have tried So many times, PayPal show this message only.
How can I implement recurring payment for my sandbox account without error?
You test German paypal account? If yes than Paypal recurring payments does not work with German accounts or at least not with all of them. This is some legal problem and that's why they disabled it.
Probably German law refuse to store recurring payments data on foreign servers.