Does Palantir foundry provides a feature of sending email on successful completion of job? - email

We have written a pyspark code to create a report which we needed in a specific format. The requirement is to send email once the job gets executed successfully with the link of report. I understand how to send a notification on failures, but is it possible to send email on success. Thanks in advance!


What is the best/easiest way to process received email message body and resend it?

I am receiving chart data in JSON format to my email address and my goal is to convert it to chart/chart img and resend it to my email address.
I have been looking for several methods:
Google App script used for gmail. I failed to find trigger on newly received message.
Email client, that supports adding actions based on scripts to new incoming message trigger. Only one I know about is MS Outlook with VBA scripts, but creating chart image with lack of libraries available in VBA is not very elegant solution.
Open source email client with possibility to alter the code and so directly process data and resend message. The more robust email client, the harder is to change the code to do relatively simple job, I believe.
I really donĀ“t know what kind of solution this simple problem needs.
Thank you in advance.
Sounds like you are interested in some kind of gateway on the server side, not client-side. Take a closer look at your server-side implementation. For example, you may start from the Mail flow rules (transport rules) in Exchange Online page.

Retrieve Mail-Attachments in LogicApp for Azure Function call

I have a use case in which I have a Logic App which triggers as soon a Mail is sent to a particular email address.
This email contains multiple attachments. The Logic App then needs to call an Azure Function and pass the Body of the mail and the attachements to the Azure Function.
Actually I am struggling with getting the email attachements in a way (Array?) which allows me to pass them to the Azure Function for further processing.
Does anybody have some advice for me? I'm not very familiar with Logic Apps, so any help is highly appreciated.
You can directly use HTTP requests to send attachment, The metadata used in the example can be obtained directly in Add dynamic content.
You can refer to Post Multipart/Form-data using Azure Logic Apps.

Spring-XD Job Mail Notification

We are running few jobs every day using Spring-XD and it might happen the jobs might fail. Spring-XD has dashboard which shows the details of the jobs and even there are REST api's which could be used to fetch the details of the jobs.
We are planning to automate this process by sending out mail notification when there is job failure or sending out of one mail that contains the status of all the jobs.
There are couple of approaches which we can use
Use the REST api's (/jobs/executions?jobname=xx), transform json to html and use the mail sink to send out the mails to the required recipients
Get the status from the Spring-Metadata repository database and use mail-api to send out the mails. This would be like having separate module
We can use the Management over JMX but not sure how to send out mails.
Need your suggestions in arriving on best approach.
You can deploy an XD stream that listens for job events, filters success/failure and send failures to the mail sink

Send an email to already existing lead in the campaign Marketo using restAPI

I am sending transactional emails using marketo rest API which is working perfectly.
I have a scenario where I need to resend the email to the existing lead in Marketo.
I don't see any option of that in marketo rest API. Can anyone please help?
make the same call again? Unless you need to change anything, if you make the exact same call, it will resend the email. Just make sure the Smart Campaign in Marketo is set to 'run every time' rather than 'run once' (for each lead).

Zimbra - scheduled mail sending

I was thinking about making a Zimlet that would send mails on specific dates(name dates automatically etc.)m but can't find any way to do so.
I know that exporting from zimbra is not a problem, but is importing scheduled events like this even possible?
Thanks for answers!
Zimbra has no built-in Event system. Still, using cronjobs, a zimlet and a script, that uses the Zimbra-API, this could be achieved.
The Zimlet would function as a setup ui, where users can create the mails, that should be sent regularly.
The script then uses the Zimbra-API to fetch these informations and send the mails.
The script, in turn, is called via a cronjob.
It is possible to schedule emails in Zimbra, on the send button if you click on the arrow next to it a drop down list appears with an option to schedule email for some time in the future, you will see it then in the drafts section until the time is reached to send it