Send an email to already existing lead in the campaign Marketo using restAPI - rest

I am sending transactional emails using marketo rest API which is working perfectly.
I have a scenario where I need to resend the email to the existing lead in Marketo.
I don't see any option of that in marketo rest API. Can anyone please help?

make the same call again? Unless you need to change anything, if you make the exact same call, it will resend the email. Just make sure the Smart Campaign in Marketo is set to 'run every time' rather than 'run once' (for each lead).


Is it possible to send transactional emails with Mailchimp without Mandrill?

If company already subscribed to MailChimp do they need also Mandril to send transactional emails such as app welcome, invites to join or befriend, password recovery etc.
Can one send password recovery or welcome email as one person campaign programmatically using MailChimp alone? Or is it too expensive or too cumbersome?
I've been using Mailchimp for a while and what you are seeking can be partially managed with a featured called automation within Mailchimp. It allows you to:
Set up any number of emails as chained emails (so to say) which are triggered individually when something happens within the Mailchimp list. For example if someone joins your list, it triggers a welcome message. This automation requires in some cases no code and can be done relatively easy. You can see more automation examples here (of course you can use their API for more cool stuff).
For password changes notifications, email verifications and such transactional emails you could use Mandrill, but as an add-on within Mailchimp which has a separate pricing, where you can start free for the first 2000 emails.
I believe the automation on Mailchimp + a good use of their API to make changes on the list, could easily be put to good use to your advantage (haven't tried this combination yet but will do in the future, let me know if you find out something).
To answer more directly your question, yes, you can achieve a certain degree of automation with the automation part of Mailchimp (which is relatively new), but for a more granular control you definitely could use Mandrill as an add-on within Mailchimp.
Techically, you could create single person campaigns via the Mailchimp API.
But, Mailchimp has developed it's own anti-spam AI (Omnivore) that kicks in every time the campaign is ready to be sent, which analyzes the campaign and list data.
Since I had Omnivore block some of my campaigns for trivial reasons, I think it would be a matter of time before it finds a pattern in your workaround.

Yammer API - Avoid sending a confirmation email

I have a .NET console application that add a list of users in a selected Yammer group through [/group_memberships.json] endpoint and it works fine.
Anyway the customer wants to avoid the sending of a confirmation email to user that has been added. In fact, after my program runs, all users receive an email like "XXX has added you to the YYY group on Yammer. Go to group".
The only way that I found to avoid this email is disable email notification in user settings.
Is there another simple way? Through Rest API is possible tell to Yammer to do not send email or, otherwise, change the user settings? I'm asking it because there're some hidden Rest API not documented in the official Yammer site.
Yammer doesn't have any API endpoint to achieve your objective. Your customer may consider adding a rule in exchange to block emails based on the "from" address and certain keywords in the "subject".

Using API to auto send emails created outside Marketo

I want to create a bi-wekly digest email from various content. I have already created a scraper that will scrape relevant content from across the web and create a beautiful html email. This is all done outside Marketo application.
Now, is there a way or API available in marketo that I can use to auto-send this bi-weekly email outside Marketo application?
There is a create email API but not sure how this works.
Any kind of direction will be highly appreciated.

Is there a way to send reminder emails for a collector using the Survey Monkey API?

I see in the SurveyMonkey API there is the send_Flow call, that allows you to create an email collector and an email for it. Is there a way through the API to send a reminder email for an existing email collector? If not, does SurveyMonkey have any plans to add that functionality to the API in the future?
There is currently no way to send a reminder through the API. send_flow doesn't even send an email from the API; it just sets it up and requires a user to complete sending the email from SurveyMonkey's user interface (that's why it's a "flow").
It's possible that the ability to send reminders will be added to the API after sending programmatically is possible, but it's impossible to make and guarantees on future functionality or timing of API features.

sendgrid email via X-SMTP

I am trying to figure out how can I make it possible to send an email from my
application to Sendgrid and have it come back.
I want to use coldfusion to send an email using X-SMTP API. I found a documentation
online here but still wondering if there's any documentation available other
than the web API one?
SendGrid's Event Webhook is the only way to get email reads on an individual basis. This will POST an event to your server every time an email is read (among several other events).
The only "pull" based solution to get individual email events from SendGrid is the bounces endpoint, which will tell you when an email bounces (and is certainly not read), but nothing else.
If you want to retrieve individual read events from SendGrid, you'll need to connect the Event Webhook to an external service like, and then leveraging their API to get individual events.