Zimbra - scheduled mail sending - email

I was thinking about making a Zimlet that would send mails on specific dates(name dates automatically etc.)m but can't find any way to do so.
I know that exporting from zimbra is not a problem, but is importing scheduled events like this even possible?
Thanks for answers!

Zimbra has no built-in Event system. Still, using cronjobs, a zimlet and a script, that uses the Zimbra-API, this could be achieved.
The Zimlet would function as a setup ui, where users can create the mails, that should be sent regularly.
The script then uses the Zimbra-API to fetch these informations and send the mails.
The script, in turn, is called via a cronjob.

It is possible to schedule emails in Zimbra, on the send button if you click on the arrow next to it a drop down list appears with an option to schedule email for some time in the future, you will see it then in the drafts section until the time is reached to send it


How to ensure that scheduled emails fail to send (SendGrid )?

I scheduled some emails through SendGrid without using the "batch" functionality and I would like to cancel them. It doesn't seem like there is a cancel function through the api if not done using the batch functionality.
Is there a way to ensure that the emails fail to send at their scheduled time by doing some hackery, like: temporarily blocking/blacklisting email addresses, closing the account entirely, revoking keys, changing dns entries, etc?
You can stop the scheduled emails by canceling the schedule. You can find more information here. If the schedule has started and you want to stop the emails from being sent then you may need to clear the Sendgrid Queue. More information - Link.

need a solution for scheduled email messages

I have developed a certain system (with Classic ASP and MSSSQL 2012) for managing customer files for an insurance company.
Among other features, the system should be able to let the user set an automatic email message to be sent out to a defined email address at specific date and time.
After trying to achieve this goal with the native service of Scheduled Tasks on the server, and finding it very unreliable, I am looking now for an external service.
The "holy grail" for me will be to find a service much like FollowUpThen, which provides the option to send an email message at a specific date and time in a very simple way.
The problem with their service is that you cannot define the email addresses where the message will be sent to, so that's a "game killer" for me, unfortunately.
So, basically I am currently looking for a service that will allow me (programmaticaly) to send out scheduled email messages.
Any kind of help in this matter would be greatly appreciated!
Iterable.com supports scheduling an email for delivery up to 365 days in the future. See https://api.iterable.com/api/docs#!/email/target_post_0
Please note that the content of the email is set at the time you schedule it, not on the scheduled delivery date.

Force mails to be in the same conversation in Outlook client

I have a system that sends out periodic job status emails. It would be great if in Outlook they were grouped by conversation for each instance of the job instead of showing up individually.
How does Outlook decide if things are in the same conversation and is there any simple way via metadata/headers to influence/force that?
You will need to update the PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX MAPI property (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/cc765583(v=office.15).aspx).
Unfortunately, OOM does not allow to set the ConversationID and ConversationIndex proeprties, so you would need to use MailItem.PorpertyAccessor.SetProperty.

Sugarcrm - Send only checked Queued Campaign emails

In Email Queue, when I send queued campaign emails all emails are sent. I want it to send only the emails which are checked(selected checkboxes). Does any one know the way to do the same.
That's the default behavior, to modify it you'd check in /modules/EmailMan and ideally copy code/customization to the custom directory to try to stay as upgrade-safe as possible. Really, though, my experience with Campaign and Email customization is that there is heavy copy-paste from core files which are technically upgrade-safe but may not be upgrade-aware later on.
Also, the number of outgoing emails in a single blast can be controlled with Campaign Email Settings :
On a more basic level though, why would you queue emails you don't want to send?

What's the best way to give the user weekly updates from your program?

I have a program that, for the most part, operates in the background. Let's say it DoesWork(). Once a week, I want it to notify the user on some of the work it has completed over the past few days. It will be a basic status report, listing some files that have been downloaded.
Initially, I wanted to sent this status update via email, so I looked into that but there are a lot of problems. I need an SMTP server so I looked at GMail. It's okay but has a daily limit of 500 emails, so this wouldn't be suitable for release. Also, there would be issues with the same email account password being given out in each copy of the program, which as I understand it, is a risk even if the password is stored using encryption.
Then I thought maybe I could use the user's own email account to send email to his/her self. This has a couple of complications too: the user would need to specify all of the smtp information for his/her email account, which is too complicated for the target user. Also, I don't want to have to have people entering their email account password into my program just to send emails. I don't think that's a good habit to promote.
Is there any way I could do this via email? Email was my first choice because it's a system of notification that users will already be checking. It's fairly non-intrusive.
Is it necessary to setup my own smtp server? If so, how can I do that?
If email is a no-go, I was also thinking about just generating a local HTML file with the relevent information, and then having a notification popup from the program once a week to inform the user that a new update report is ready. I think this is totally doable, it's just overly instrusive and not my first choice. I want to piggyback on a system that the user is already using.
An alternative is to have the program generate an RSS feed and direct the user how to subscribe to it. Also, once a new update is generated, show the update toast for about a minute, then hide it automatically and change your systray icon to something different. In about a day change it back to the original icon. Also, give the user a setting to turn the toast off permanently.
Relying on email is not a good idea, as you would have to collect the user emails and deal with the privacy issues for that, you would be effectively DOSing any third party SMTP server or would have to invest in the infrastructure for your own.
If I've understood it correctly, the user is running this program on his pc, in the background.
The perfect way to notify something would be, IMHO, giving the program is minimized to the traybar, a small popup that clicked, would open a window with a weekly report.
Hope this helps.
If you do get them to specify their own smtp server, make sure you put a "Send Test Email" button on there so they can test it. I know from experience that users always enter the wrong details when specifying a smtp server, user name, password, which is made worse since some smtp servers require a user name/password and others don't.
If they do enter the wrong details (or they change) then you might need to have some way to send them older reports, or to have some other way of notifying them that you can't send email.
Email's great, but you might need an alternative method also.
Google for simple smtp server windows gives you this
To be honest if you are just sending things once a week email is your best bet, as it's not frequent enough to garantee that the user will be at his machine to accept some other sort of request, which would require you to write proprietory software.
You could alternatively post it to an irc channel, or write an MSN bot to message the user, the message would be sent as an offline message if the user was offline.
I'd still go for email, it's tried and tested.
For a simple SMTP server I use hmail. I configure it to accept all SMTP requests from the local machine, regardless of source and destination, and to deny any SMTP requests not coming from teh localhost. This will be fine if you have a centrally located application.
If you want to distribute the app you have a whole different situation; with a lot of ISPs putting restrictions on SMTP traffic your best option would be to allow users to put in their mail account details and then use that to send mail. This will ensure everyone can put in working settings. Then use whatever library or pre-made code exists for yoru language of choice to send an email using those settings.
Does it need to be a weekly digest? Instead, how about using Growl (or equivalent) to notify the user of the tasks being completed in real-time, in the background?