Swipe to get message details in chat using flutter - flutter

How can we add a function where we can Swipe the particular message to get message details like time and date in chat using flutter language.

You can use Dismissible widget to wrap the widget :
Dismissible allow you to ask confirmation or not.


Refresh a widget programmatically

I'm developing an app in Flutter, and I'm stuck with this: I have a list of widgets that I generate dynamically. When I press a button, I need to show or hide one of the widgets in the list. I use the Visible widget to show or hide them.
The problem is that I need to know how to update any of the specific widgets in my widget list as they are dynamic and are separated, it is getting complicated doing int programmatically.
How can I do it?
PS: I have the same app developed in Android Studio and I do it by traversing for example the child Views of a LinearLayout and then I ask for its id programmatically.

How to show snack bar in flutter?

I am developing flutter calculator app
And when I am getting numbers from textfields just I want to show snackbar if the one of the textfield is empty or
If both of them are empty after clicking a button if they are not empty I am showing the sum result and in this case I don't have any problem
And to be more specific I am adding a picture of my simple app
I tried showsnakbarmassenger.of(context).showsnackbare and other codes after reading documentation and watching videos in YouTube but I got error no scaffold messenger widget found.
Those are deprecated APIs, currently you can show a snackBar with this:
ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("example text")));

Flutter: Make routing child like this in the same scaffold

I'm currently developing a flutter app on windows desktop and I want to make a navigation child in the same scaffold, i'm tried with PageTransitionSwitcher from animations package, but i'm get failed, how could do this?. thanks
This is an example
This is another example
You can do this by passing a widget to scaffold on a particular button press, Suppose you want to show Sign in and Sign Up in the same Scaffold their must be two buttons one with the name of Signin and one with the name of sign up so what you can do you can pass SIGNIN Widget on Signin Press while you can passs SignUp Widget on Signup Button Press in the same scaffold That's all.

Binding data from API to gridview in Flutter on button click?

How can I Bind data from API to gridview in Flutter on button click?
Lets say I have a search button that calls a search API, after I press search I will receive a JSON response, after that I need to show it on a gridview.
The API call is most likely going to come back through a Future, so the simplest is to use a FutureBuilder. But if you can follow it, I'd use a RiverPod FutureProvider, because it will cache the results and also has this cool .when thing that eliminates the need for a FutureBuilder.

Swipe a container (message box like telegram) left in flutter

I'm trying to implement left dragging to a specific container or actually a message box like the one in Telegram where you can swipe the message left to reply to it.
Telegram message dragging when reply
I tried the Flutter Dismissible Widget but firstly it destroys the widget or remove it and secondly couldn't find a way to drag it to the center only.
What I want is the same technique in Telegram to implement it on Flutter
Any ideas?
You can use swipeable package, it allows you to wrap a widget with some threshold and a few callbacks that you can react, onSwipeLeft or onSwipeRight for this case. Then you save the selected message and render the message box on top of the message bar.