Refresh a widget programmatically - flutter

I'm developing an app in Flutter, and I'm stuck with this: I have a list of widgets that I generate dynamically. When I press a button, I need to show or hide one of the widgets in the list. I use the Visible widget to show or hide them.
The problem is that I need to know how to update any of the specific widgets in my widget list as they are dynamic and are separated, it is getting complicated doing int programmatically.
How can I do it?
PS: I have the same app developed in Android Studio and I do it by traversing for example the child Views of a LinearLayout and then I ask for its id programmatically.


Flutter: Change location injection in widget tree of DropDownMenuItem

I am using a DropdownButton in a Flutter app, and when you click it and the drop down appears, it overlays a webview that I'm using.
That all works perfectly, however webviews in Flutter, when run as a web app (which this is) trap all UI interactions and don't allow clicks to flow through to the Flutter UI elements.
There is a PointerInterceptor component that handles this perfectly, all I need to be able to do is wrap all of the DropdownMenuItems that appear inside of a single pointer interceptor (because if I individually wrap them then there is a really bad performance hit).
However - the DropdownMenuItems appear in the widget tree directly under the MaterialApp widget - and that is too high in the tree for me to wrap in a PointerInterceptor.
That is the reason that I want to know :
Is it possible to specify where in the widget tree the DropdownMenuItem widgets' appear when a DropdownMenuButton is clicked ?

How to prevent Stateful Widget stored in List to be disposed?

Let me start by explaining the problem. I have several buttons which are created based on data I'm getting from a server. On each button click I need to create and display a widget which will present me some data (this widget is also built dynamically). The state of this widget has to be preserved during the lifetime of the app. (for example if I click another button and show a different widget, I need to be able to click on the first button and show the first widget in its preserved state). Number of buttons can also be changed during the app lifetime.
I tried using IndexedStack to achieve this, but when the number of buttons is changed I need to add "pages" to IndexedStack, therefore I need to recreate a new IndexedStack which will have some of my old widgets, so I pull widgets from a List or create new ones if needed. This works great, except Flutter calls dispose() method on my widgets which are stored in the list. I tried using the AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixIn but it didn't help.
I'm guessing this has something to do that the widgets get detached from the parent, but when I reattach them to new parent (new Indexed stack) Flutter doesn't figure out this properly.
Any ideas?
Try to store data to local storage or sqlite for persistence data.

Implement next,previous,home page,share button throughout my flutter app

1.I have created a lesson app USING FLUTTER in which I want to implement next,previous,share & home button in each page...How can I do this
2.I need your help
If you have a scaffold, this will have an appbar and you place the actions in the appbar with icon buttons.
A scaffold also has a body which can be a pageview which in turn, can hold your various pages.
Depending on the app, you might get the pageView or a gestureDetector to give you swipe left and right for your previous or next.

How to load data on a screen on the press of a button without routing and rebuilding whole screen

Pardon me if this is a naive question but I am trying to figure out a way in Flutter to load different data when the user clicks a button. The way I currently see is routing the user to a new screen everytime but I am sure there would be a better approach without loading the whole screen everytime
You should use a Stateful Widget
I would create a Future Builder / ListView Builder. Depending on how you want it to behave you could have the ListView items clear before regenerating the list of items to show.
Future Builder you could create a function to return certain widgets depending on the request you make with the function.

Android development view pager show on widget

I want shown view pager on widget.Previously i used android list at
widget but i want to show only single item on widget view this
is change on swipe. please help
You can use the AdapterViewFilper - Simple ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it. Only one child is shown at a time. If requested, can automatically flip between each child at a regular interval. - Example
And you can use:
Starting with API level 11 (Android 3.0.x) you can use "android.widget.RemoteViewsService.RemoteViewsFactory" and and assign a widget to use (from docs):
ListView: A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list. For an example, see the Gmail app widget.
GridView: A view that shows items in two-dimensional scrolling grid. For an example, see the Bookmarks app widget.
StackView: A stacked card view (kind of like a rolodex), where the user can flick the front card up/down to see the previous/next card, respectively. Examples include the YouTube and Books app widgets.
See section Using App Widgets with Collections.