Flutter: Make routing child like this in the same scaffold - flutter

I'm currently developing a flutter app on windows desktop and I want to make a navigation child in the same scaffold, i'm tried with PageTransitionSwitcher from animations package, but i'm get failed, how could do this?. thanks
This is an example
This is another example

You can do this by passing a widget to scaffold on a particular button press, Suppose you want to show Sign in and Sign Up in the same Scaffold their must be two buttons one with the name of Signin and one with the name of sign up so what you can do you can pass SIGNIN Widget on Signin Press while you can passs SignUp Widget on Signup Button Press in the same scaffold That's all.


Flutter SetState is not refreshing UI

I'm building multiple form pages in one class, I create 4 widgets each widgets is represent a page with text fields or cards or radio buttons.
and I create a method to switch between pages when. I press next.
This works as expected ^^
My issue UI inside first page is not refreshed unless I press ctrl + S,,
inside the first page of the form, I have created custom radio buttons they're simply cards.
and when tap on any card, there's set state method, to highlight the selected card by changing its style..
This works perfectly! at the beginning when I call the first page 1 directly as a child inside the scaffold..
However, after I created the method to switch between pages.. The UI in page 1 does not refresh..
I will put a picture..
Picture of the method to switch pages
Picture of pages widgets
picture of scaffold and how I call the widget pages
this is a picture of custom radio button which has cards, the card color change if it's selected
I tried many ways! but it didn't work..
Is what I'm trying to do correct? I'm a beginner in flutter
& I have a project to submit :(
I couldn't find a solution in google,,
Try making the widgets StatefulWidget and call setState((){}) inside the widget when you tap on the cards.
So here's what I did ^^
because the issue was just in page 1, so I in the scaffold I added page 1 as it's child directly without Switch page method..
Then inside page1, a button that will navigate to another class,
the second class has exactly the same scaffold and app bar as previous page.. But, in it's child I added calledWidget which switch between pages from 2 to 4 in my case ^^
So short words, I put page 1 in a separate page and the rest of the pages in a switch method in separate class
it works, but I hope I don't find any difficulties When saving values & integrating API to post the values
what you think?

Show Global SnackBar regardless of page

I am trying to show a SnackBar that appears regardless of where in the app I am. I did set up and GlobalKey on my root Scaffold, and I am able to call it to show a snackbar from anywhere in my code BUT since I am inside other Scaffolds, it does not show on these pages. The only way to view it is to pop the routes and go back to the main screen, where the root Scaffold is.
Is there any way I could show a SnackBar that's above every single widget?
This I am trying to do to be able to show a message for notifications received when the app is in foreground

Implement next,previous,home page,share button throughout my flutter app

1.I have created a lesson app USING FLUTTER in which I want to implement next,previous,share & home button in each page...How can I do this
2.I need your help
If you have a scaffold, this will have an appbar and you place the actions in the appbar with icon buttons.
A scaffold also has a body which can be a pageview which in turn, can hold your various pages.
Depending on the app, you might get the pageView or a gestureDetector to give you swipe left and right for your previous or next.

designing an app with multiple pages with different app bar and a single drawer

I am trying to build an app in Flutter in which I have multiple pages, each with their specific actions in the app bar. I would like to add a Drawer to the app which contains a list of page names that take them to the respective pages. I learnt that both AppBar and Drawer widgets have to be part of a Scaffold widget. Currently, all my pages are basically StatefulWidgets with the build method returning a complete Scaffold widget. If I want to include a Drawer, I think I will have to add the drawer object in each of my page. Is there a better way/pattern to do this?
Write the code for the drawer once and enclose it in a function. Then just call the function each time for that drawer.
drawer: myDrawer()
In one of my Apps, I have something similar. My Drawer is in the app class which is called in the main. This app class calls the home classes. My app class is also Stateful.
Each home class has his own Appbar and Search function.
The Drawer is called only in the app class.
Tell me if this explanation is okay for you or if you need a sample code.

Flutter Drawer setState After Login/SignUp

When a user signs in on a log-in widget, I'd like to call my drawer's setState() to show the user's avatar on the drawer. Does anyone know how to add a listener into the drawer so that it changes its state when a user does Firebase log-in on another unrelated widget?