How to get the record ID in field array? - ionic-framework

Can you help me with this please? I use the IONIC 5 framework and platform in order to build my app.
I displayed the list of data from my REST API and was able to display it in the page together with the record ID. I want to update the selected record using the record ID but I cannot get the correct value. [cid:9e3c9913-c781-4103-ac5b-e4ac7b3ca340]
In the , I want to get the value of the selected record which is 278 how can I do this?

Please read the selected item's ID on the select event
It is available in the variable currentItem.itemValue


Strapi CMS get next or previous entry

i've created CMS with Strapi /MongoDB and REST/.
Is there any way to get next content. I want to display next content details on specific content page.
Or should i customize id field to auto increment field and get content using add one to id field.
For previous item you can call get all endpoint with filter with less than actual_ID. And sort it by id and go with size pages 1 and you get first item which is published and exist and is prev. Same for next but with filter with bigger than actaul_ID.
After few tries, I've decided to make id field to auto increment and sent request by adding or subtracting one from id. There were no other solution. If id is one its first content or if the next contents' response is 404 its the last content. This is how i solved this problem. If you have simpler or better solution let me know. Thanks.

Get more product field value in Algolia json data

We are using Algolia extension for Magento 2. We added 2-3 field in the products, so we want to show the value of those fields on instant search result page. As we checking the view/frontend/templates/instant/hit.phtml is in use, we want to add the custom attributes to the JSON data so we can fetch those attributes value and show in listing page.
First you have to add new fields to Algolia product index if not already added. You can use one of the custom backend events. e.g. algolia_after_create_product_object
Once your fields are indexed properly (verify from Algolia account console), you should be able to get those in hit.phtml

Increment Id in Sharepoint

I am trying to increment an Id in a Sharepoint list.
I have tried different settings in the online editor of Sharepoint under "Settings > List Settings > Edit Column > Calculated Value".
Another option I tried was to create a custom add form using InfoPath.
In this custom form, I added a rule on my field contactId. The rule has two actions.
Create a Query to the Contacts table
Set the current Id equal to (the maximum idContacts + 1)
enter image description here
A thirth option I tried is to set a rule under Submit options. That way I thought when I submit my form it will check if idContacts is currently blank. It will Query the Contacts table, set the current idContacts as the (maximum idContacts + 1) and finally submit the data to my table.
enter image description here
Finally When I submit my form it gives a pop up message "Connecting to Server" then it redirects to my list but nothing is added to the list.
Does anyone know what my problem could be. Or does anyone know a proper way to do this. I already lookup up a lot of tutorials and other information but I can not find it.
Thank you in advance!

Getting current item ID in SharePoint Infopath form

Can we get the current item ID value while submitting the data in InfoPath form.
I need to use this and concatenate the ID with other field value. Tired "Max(#ID) + 1" function but it wouldn't solve the problem.
I know it can be done using calculated column or workflow.
It needs to be done using InfoPath form ? Is it possible ?
You already figured it out yourself. Im assuming you are trying to use the ID in naming it.
Create a blank field.
Then add that field to your submission naming concat.
Create a receive data connection (assuming you havent) to that library.
On the Submit rule add the query action to that library and a set field action to set that new blank field with max(ID) + 1. Make sure Submit action is last.
That should do it unless Im missing something as I have used this many times!

Oracle Apex page canĀ“t fetch data after navigating to another and returning

So i have a form based on one of my table, in wich the id is generated by a function in the database, the username is get from the user in session using the variable :APP_USER and the date has a default value of to_char(sysdate). But the problem is that if I open the page the first time it does work without any error, when I change pages and return to the form I get the error
ORA-01403: no data found
Error Unable to fetch row.
And I don't know why.
If you use the standard fetching process you can check to see which column it uses to fetch a unique row and the item it will use the value from to do this.
If you get the 1403 error then this probably means you are trying to perform a fetch with the value of this page item set to a value which does not exist in the database.
Are you performing a computation on this item? Run plsql code on it? Change it anywhere?
When you get this error, then you can check the session state of the item by clicking "Session" on the developer toolbar. This will show you the session state values of the items, and thus you can see the value of the PK item on which the fetch will operate. If there is an id in there, you can verify whether this value is correct or not.