Oracle Apex page can´t fetch data after navigating to another and returning - forms

So i have a form based on one of my table, in wich the id is generated by a function in the database, the username is get from the user in session using the variable :APP_USER and the date has a default value of to_char(sysdate). But the problem is that if I open the page the first time it does work without any error, when I change pages and return to the form I get the error
ORA-01403: no data found
Error Unable to fetch row.
And I don't know why.

If you use the standard fetching process you can check to see which column it uses to fetch a unique row and the item it will use the value from to do this.
If you get the 1403 error then this probably means you are trying to perform a fetch with the value of this page item set to a value which does not exist in the database.
Are you performing a computation on this item? Run plsql code on it? Change it anywhere?
When you get this error, then you can check the session state of the item by clicking "Session" on the developer toolbar. This will show you the session state values of the items, and thus you can see the value of the PK item on which the fetch will operate. If there is an id in there, you can verify whether this value is correct or not.


How to search on a field that may be empty in zapier

Trying to sync up a postgres record to airtable on create/update. The field has a couple of ids that I would like to check for in airtable to determine whether I should create a new record or update an existing one. The first id (optional_id) I need to search on can possibly be null. This causes the search to fail before it can get to the other id(required_id) that should always be populated. Is there any way I can skip the initial search for optional_id if it turns out to be null in postgres?
My current outline is as follows:
I would use a Formatter > Text > Default Value step in case the input value can be null and then make sure the fallback value is from a record that does not exist.
If further help is needed, feel free to reach out to us here:

oracle form ''you cannot update this record''

I have a procedure in which I get values from different tables and calculate a certain decimal number. After that i try to post it on a form text-field which is a database item (update and insert allowed on the settings of block and item). everything works fine but the result wont show on the item and won't save in the database field. I get the error
"you cannot update this record".
Can someone help? i have been working on it for two days now and can't find anything.
Did you check if your user has update access on the table?
Check also if there are database triggers on the table that prevents you from updating the record.

Google Chart - DataTable inside a form

I have a table created with DataTable of Google Chart, which has a column with a drop-down list. In this way the user can set the proper value of a row.
I am working in Python and Flask and I can retrieve the request data correctly. The problem is that the table, given the amount of data, is showed in pages, each one with 20 rows. When I retrieve the request I get only those 20 rows, so I have no way to know what the user set in the other pages.
How can I get the values of all pages?
Moreover, I noticed that when I change page and then I go back, the table forgets the user changes, so I think I should be careful also to this fact.
Finally, I solved the problem by using a dictionary containing all the changes made to the table and updating the html string inside the table to keep the content updated.

atk4.2 form submit-how to get new record id before insert to pass in arguments

I am referencing the 2 step newsletter example at I modified the example into a 4 step process. The following page class is step 1, and it works to insert a new record and get the new record id. The problem is I don't want to insert this record into the database until the final step. I am not sure how to retrieve this id without using the save() function. Any ideas would be helpful.
class page_Ssp_Step1 extends Page {
function init(){
$m->save();//inserts new record into db.
$new_id=$m->get('id');//gets id of new record
$this->api->memorize('new_id',$new_id);//carries id across pages
There are several ways you could do this, either using atk4 functionality, mysql transactions or as a part of the design of your application.
1) Manage the id column yourself
I assume you are using an auto increment column in MySQL so one option would be to not make this auto increment but use a sequence and select the next value and save this in your memorize statement and add it in the model as a defaultValue using ->defaultValue($this->api->recall('new_id')
2) Turn off autocommit and create a transaction around the inserts
I'm from an oracle background rather than MySQL but MySQL also allows you to wrap several statements in a transaction which either saves everything or rollsback so this would also be an option if you can create a transaction, then you might still be able to save but only a complete transaction populating several tables would be committed if all steps complete.
In atk 4.1, the DBlite/mysql.php class contains some functions for transaction support but the documentation on is incomplete and it's unclear how you change the dbConnect being used as currently you connect to a database in lib/Frontend.php using $this->dbConnect() but there is no option to pass a parameter.
It looks like you may be able to do the needed transaction commands using this at the start of the first page
$this->api->db->query('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0');
$this->api->db->query('START TRANSACTION');
then do inserts in various pages as needed. Note that everything done will be contained in a transaccion so if the user doesnt complete the process, nothing will be saved.
On the last insert,
Then if you want to, turn back on autocommit so each SQL statement is committed
$this->api->db->query('SET AUTOCOMMIT=1');
I havent tried this but hopefully that helps.
3) use beforeInsert or afterInsert
You can also look at overriding the beforeInsert function on your model which has an array of the data but I think if your id is an auto increment column, it won't have a value until the afterInsert function which has a parameter of the Id inserted.
4) use a status to indicate complete record
Finally you could use a status column on your record to indicate it is only at the first stage and this only gets updated to a complete status when the final stage is completed. Then you can have a housekeeping job that runs at intervals to remove records that didn't complete all stages. Any grid or crud where you display these records would be limited with AddCondition('status','C') in the model or added in the page so that incomplete ones never get shown.
5) Manage the transaction as non sql
As suggested by Romans, you could store the result of the form processing in session variables instead of directly into the database and then use a SQL to insert it once the last step is completed.

Sybase select variable logic

Ok, I have a question relating to an issue I've previously had. I know how to fix it, but we are having problems trying to reproduce the error.
We have a series of procedures that create records based on other records. The records are linked to the primary record by way of a link_id. In a procedure that grabs this link_id, the query is
select #p_link_id = id --of the parent
from table
where thingy_id = (blah)
Now, there are multiple rows in the table for the activity. Some can be cancelled. The code I have doesn't disinclude cancelled rows in the select statement, so if there are previously cancelled rows, those ids will appear in the select. There is always going to be one 'open' record that is selected if I disinclude cancelled rows. (append where status != 'C')
This solves this issue. However, I need to be able to reproduce the issue in our development environment.
I've gone through a process where I've entered a whole heap of data, opening, cancelling, etc to try and get this select statement to return an invalid id. However, whenever I run the select, the ids are in order (sequence generated), but in the case where this error occured, the select statement returned what seems to be the first value into the variable.
For example.
ID Status
1 Cancelled
2 Cancelled
3 Cancelled
4 Open
Given the above, if I do a select for the ID I want, I want to get '4'. In the error, the result is 1. However, even if I enter in 10 cancelled records, I still get the last one in the select.
In oracle, I know that if you select into a variable and more than one record is returned, you get an error (I think). Sybase apparently can assign multiple values into a variable without erroring.
I'm thinking that there's either something to do with how the data is selected from the table, where the id's without a sort order don't return in ascending order, or there's a dboption where a select into a variable will save the first or last value queried.
Edit: it looks like we can reproduce this error by rolling back stored procedure changes. However, the procs don't go anywhere near this link_id column. Is it possible that changes to the database architecture could break an index or something?
If more than one row is returned, the value that is stored will be the last value in the list, according to this.
If you haven't specified an order for retrieval via ORDER BY, then the order returned will be at the convenience of the database engine. It may very well vary by the database instance. It may be in the order created, or even appear "random" because of where the data is placed within the database block structure.
The moral of the story:
Always make singleton SELECTs return a single row
When #1 can't be done, use an ORDER BY to make sure the one you care about comes last