Do Sandbox Accounts need to have Payouts added to them by PayPal? - paypal

On my Paypal developer dashboard My Account page I see a little green check mark for Payouts on sandbox accounts and 'Enable' for live accounts. But when I log into the sandbox account itself and go to Mass Payments it is telling me I need to contact Paypal to have this service enabled.
Is this not the same as Payouts? And if it is, do I need to have it enabled for a sandbox account? Or is it already enabled for sandbox accounts?
I am trying to make some calls to the Payouts API on this sandbox account and it is giving me an Authorization Error.
Here is the scope from the token request: openid Braintree:Vault**
This is the response I get when making a call...
{"name":"AUTHORIZATION_ERROR","message":"Authorization error occurred.","debug_id":"7c7330885dfd7","information_link":"","links":[]}

As it turns out, it seems you do need to contact PayPal's technical support to request that Payouts be enabled for a sandbox account. This didn't use to be the case.
More important is the live account owner contacting PayPal's business support to request the feature, since there is no point integrating something in sandbox mode if it will not be approved for live use.


Testing PayPal payouts

I've seen the requirements for the Paypal Payout. It says that accounts should be business type and that the platform account should request a payout access to PayPal. I'm from the Philippines, but my client is in Australia so they can make the business account and request payout access. My question is, once we got access to payouts, can we test the payout on sandbox mode? or the payout only works with real paypal credits/money?
Payouts always works for sandbox Business accounts of countries that support payouts. Create such accounts in the developer dashboard, logging in with any live PayPal account.

Payment via Braintree in flutter application

I am building a marketplace app and want to include payment via PayPal with Braintree (see documentation: flutter_braintree). Right now I am working with a braintree sandbox trial account.
As far as I am understanding it correctly, I have to save the braintree tokenizationKey for every company to enable payments directly to them and not to the marketplace. Due to test reasons I included the tokenizationKey of my braintree sandbox account.
I am successfully directed to the PayPal checkout page where I can't login since it's in sandbox mode. When I select "proceed with sandbox purchase" I am then redirected to the application and do receive a BraintreePaymentMethodNonce.
Here you can find the screen where I can't login.
But somehow I can't see any transactions in the dashboard of my sandbox account.
Am I mistaken with the way tokenization works or where is the problem?
I am successfully directed to the PayPal checkout where I can't login since it's in sandbox mode.
Use a sandbox buyer (personal) account from
If the companies only have PayPal accounts rather than Braintree accounts, you can use PayPal via Braintree and a braintree access_token from PayPal for authentication to get the client token on your server (no tokenizationKey)
I was also having the same issue. Now I found the solution. All you have to do is link you braintree sandbox to your paypal sandbox. Here is the process of linking your sandbox accounts.

Paypal Adaptive Payment sandbox account and unilateral receiver not allowed

I have some trouble understanding what's wrong with my sandbox accounts when I try to use Paypal Adaptive Payments. After hours of fighting, I guess it's time for me to ask for some help.
The problem is quite simple. When I use the credentials I generated in the Sandbox Test Accounts page of my account, our system is returning an error "Account not found. Unilateral receiver not allowed in chained payment is restricted". When I'm using the test credentials provided by the company that developed the escrow module we are using, it's working. As we did this test for exactly the same request (just API credentials are changing), my guess at this point is that there is something wrong with my credentials.
My Paypal account is verified and is a business account (not sure if relevant as I'm using the sandbox right now). The sandbox account I'm using is also verified and a business account. Do I maybe have to do something for Sandbox API accounts to work with the adaptive payments?

Authorization & Capture for no paypal users

Is Authorization & Capture payal feature available for users who don't have a paypal account? Is it mandatory for my users to have an account? I have a business account. Thanks in advance.
Yes, I tested this on the sandbox and it works just fine running an authorization with guest checkout.
You do need to make sure you have "PayPal Account Optional" enabled in your PayPal profile, and then you need to make sure and include SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole&LANDINGPAGE=Billing in your SetExpressCheckout request.
This will give the users the ability to checkout with guest checkout (credit card without creating a PayPal account) and you can do Auth & Capture just fine this way based on my tests.

PayPal API credentials for sandbox

I'm trying to implement recurring payments with PayPal in PHP. I found this example, which I'm looking into, but I need some API credentials. I created a PayPal sandbox account, and from there I created a merchant account. I'm trying to get the API credentials for that sandbox merchant account to replace the values in the example, but I can't find where. All the guides I find point to non-existant parts of the sandbox user interface. Does anyone know where I can find the API credential details for sandbox merchant accounts?
I'm beginning to I loathe PayPal. Spent an hour on their site looking for this, only to find it here on SO (works as of Oct-2014):
To get API credentials in sandbox you must use the API Credentials menu in sandbox itself, instead of logging into the sandboxed account.