Payment via Braintree in flutter application - flutter

I am building a marketplace app and want to include payment via PayPal with Braintree (see documentation: flutter_braintree). Right now I am working with a braintree sandbox trial account.
As far as I am understanding it correctly, I have to save the braintree tokenizationKey for every company to enable payments directly to them and not to the marketplace. Due to test reasons I included the tokenizationKey of my braintree sandbox account.
I am successfully directed to the PayPal checkout page where I can't login since it's in sandbox mode. When I select "proceed with sandbox purchase" I am then redirected to the application and do receive a BraintreePaymentMethodNonce.
Here you can find the screen where I can't login.
But somehow I can't see any transactions in the dashboard of my sandbox account.
Am I mistaken with the way tokenization works or where is the problem?

I am successfully directed to the PayPal checkout where I can't login since it's in sandbox mode.
Use a sandbox buyer (personal) account from
If the companies only have PayPal accounts rather than Braintree accounts, you can use PayPal via Braintree and a braintree access_token from PayPal for authentication to get the client token on your server (no tokenizationKey)

I was also having the same issue. Now I found the solution. All you have to do is link you braintree sandbox to your paypal sandbox. Here is the process of linking your sandbox accounts.


Login Braintree with Paypal

I already have a PayPal business account. Do I need a seperate Braintree business account for Braintree integration or can I use PayPal business account itself.
What kind of Braintree integration? For PayPal Checkout via a Braintree SDK you can get credentials at the bottom of: . There's some information about this specific integration here, although most of what you need will be on the Braintree site.
If you want other Braintree gateway features, you need to apply for a Braintree account for your business. It'll be connected to your PayPal account.

DPRP is disabled. for this merchant in sandbox paypal

I'm trying to integrate paypal payments through card into rails app.
Normal one-time payments are working well. But I keep on getting the above response when I'm trying to make recurring payments. I've tried to enable that feature in paypal developer website but it says
Note: Live credentials are disabled for direct credit card processing in your app. We are processing your information and will email you when live API credentials are enabled.
But it is saying same from past few days. I've tried contacting them through online contact us but after three days they replied saying I have to add my credit card to the account. Do I need to add credit card for testing sandbox also?
You need to contact PayPal technical team at , provide your sandbox PayPal account, they will enable DPRP for you.

Paypal sandbox for manager account

I have a paypal manager account for
I want to test some api calls for recurring payment profiles. But I don't have sandbox for the same.
Can anyone know how to create a sandbox for this account?
Not sure if this is what you’re looking for. From what I can see here.
Paypal Live or Test Transactions
Paypal manager has a test mode

PayPal Adaptive Chained Payments in the sandbox

Chained payments in PayPal Adaptive Payments is documented as only being available with approval:
Is it possible to use it in the Sandbox without approval to test workflow and code, before submitting an application for approval?
Yes, you can try the API on sandbox without app approval. Just create a sandbox account from and use the account's API credentials along withe the special sandbox app id APP-80W284485P519543T.
When you go live, you will have to go through the app approval process to get your own app id

How to create Payflow link sandbox account

I need to create payflow link module for website and I need test account.
I do not want to buy Payflow link, but I want to create something like Sandbox offers.
Is there any solutions to get it?
Not just paypal sandbox account, but Payflow link, with Partner, Merchant login and other details
Paypal is retiring Payflow link in favor of Website Payments Standard and Pro. I had to sign up for a Website Payments account and then send a support ticket to change it back to Payflow. In my support ticket I explained that I already had an app using Payflow and needed to be able to test it still. They will give you a spiel about how everyone will have to upgrade soon, but if you insist that you have to test with the current technology (Payflow) then you'll get your account changed.