Clear parameter values after running Jaspersoft Studio report - jaspersoft-studio

The following happens to me, suppose I have 3 parameters, when I place the first one and run the report it works, then I place the second and when I run the report it also works, the same thing happens with the third one, everything is always in the Input Parameters section, What happens is that if I then run the report but removing the second or third report it returns it empty, and for it to work again I have to hit the reset button but that clears all the parameters entered and I would have to place them again, Is there a way so that in Jaspersoft Studio (6.18.1) I don't have to press reset for the reports to work again?


Vscode terminal collapse build errors or jump from one to the other

When I run a build e.g. of an Angular app in the vscode terminal and I get a bunch of errors, I would like to quickly go through each, fix it and move to the next. Currently I have to scroll through the list without being sure of what has already been fixed or not. I am thinking either a collapsible view (i.e. collapse build errors which have already been fixed) or a way to split/group the errors in sections and move from one to the next would be ideal.
Is there a way or an extension to do this?

Event listener breakpoints in Google Chrome Devtools

Event listener breakpoints in Google Chrome Devtools offers various number of options, but for me, they are not really of great use since they always throw me to some irrelevant part of code.
What I would like to know is if it is possible to limit it to just one class? For example onMouseClick send me to the 1st method that executes after mouse click, inside specific class. If none of the methods are fired inside this class, than simply do nothing.
You can set the breakpoints for each script and each line individually.
First open the debug-tools and chose a script in the sources-tab:
Then you can click on the line-number (here only no. 1) and it looks like this:
As you see now is the line marked, but also in the right col your individual breakpoint is listed.
After having marked the breakpoint you still have to reload the page that the scripts are executed again till to the breakpoint. Afterwards you can use the icons above the right col to step in or step over the commands following the breakpoint.
Having minified scripts, breakpoints are hard to use, so it's better to have a script where each line has only one command, it's much easier then to debug.
So for debugging you should change the corresponding script in your page to the non-minified version, perhaps also with a map-file if available.

Breakpoints grouping and naming in eclipse and Visual Studio

I work with large project having different modules, subprojects. When I am working with one module I need to create set of debugpoints/breakpoints to debug that module.
When I have to work with other one, to debug it, I have to create another set of breakpoints and disable the ones created to debug the earlier module.
When I want to debug (dont conclude that I write buggy code...its just just happens :p) third module, I have to create thrid set of debug points, disable the earlier two sets corresponding to earlier two modules.
Same with debugging fourth module.
Same with debugging fifth module.
Now I want to come back to debugging first module. I have breakpoints related to all modules in my breakpoint window. Say 5 breakpoints corresponding to each module. Total 5*5 = 25. Now I have to go through reading each breakpoint checking which belongs to the first one, enabling them and disabling others.
Am I missing something. Is some simpler/standard way to ease this already there in eclipse.
I feel there should be say "Save set of breakpoints" option which note all the breakpoints currently in the breakpoint window as belonging to same set and will then ask us to give name to that set, say in my case "Module 1".
Then another option "Create new breakpoint set", which will clear up breakpoint window without deleting already created named breakpoint sets
Then, ofcourse the option to "Load breakpoint set" which will simply show up the set we saved as, say in dropdownlist. We select the named breakpoint set and it will end up loading those set of breakpoints.
Q. Am I overthinking? Is similar stuff already there? Also willing to know if similar stuff is there in Visual Studio too
Use 'Breakpoint Working Sets' for this.
In the Breakpoints view (in the Debug perspective) click the small triangle at the top right of the view and select the 'Working Sets...' menu item. This will let you manage the breakpoint working sets.
More details in the Eclipse help

iReport report builds and compiles but does not save my changes

I am editing a report that was built by someone else and I am using iReport to do so. I am very new to SQL and iReport. All I've been asked to do is take the current report and add a text box and text field that display the title "Email" and below it have the text field hold and display the variable "shiptoemail".
I do all of this easy enough; my issue is that whenever I hit build it compiles just fine (It doesnt exactly run though) but when ever I upload the report to FishBowl it's as if i never edited a single thing. Yet when i reopen the report i just posted back into iReport- my changes are there.
Using ireport plugin I also had to face the problem but luckily I found a trick which is after changing / editing your report just click on the xml view lies on the formating bar and then save your report and check the changing that you made during editing.
Thats it.

Breakpoint in section of Matlab

I have written a MATLAB code defined in different sections. After running the first section of my code I would like to be able to debug subsequent sections using breakpoints. For some reason, however, when I add a breakpoint and use the "Run Section" command the debug mode is not triggered. It appears that I'm unable to run the beginning of the program and then use a breakpoint and the "Run Section" command. Does anyone know how to do this? I'm doing this to save time since the beginning of my program takes a long time to run. Thanks.
There are a couple of work-arounds I can think of which might help you.
First, when you get to your breakpoint, save the entire workspace to a .mat file. Then comment out all the code up to this point and add a line to load your .mat file. You can now get to the point in your code you are debugging quickly.
Another way to do it would be to put all the code past your breakpoint in a separate script. Then when you hit the breakpoint, you can set more breakpoints in the second script and call it from the command window as many times as you need.