Breakpoint in section of Matlab - matlab

I have written a MATLAB code defined in different sections. After running the first section of my code I would like to be able to debug subsequent sections using breakpoints. For some reason, however, when I add a breakpoint and use the "Run Section" command the debug mode is not triggered. It appears that I'm unable to run the beginning of the program and then use a breakpoint and the "Run Section" command. Does anyone know how to do this? I'm doing this to save time since the beginning of my program takes a long time to run. Thanks.

There are a couple of work-arounds I can think of which might help you.
First, when you get to your breakpoint, save the entire workspace to a .mat file. Then comment out all the code up to this point and add a line to load your .mat file. You can now get to the point in your code you are debugging quickly.
Another way to do it would be to put all the code past your breakpoint in a separate script. Then when you hit the breakpoint, you can set more breakpoints in the second script and call it from the command window as many times as you need.


Eclipse not stopping at breakpoints while debugging

I'm debugging a program which works with multiple matrix and the breakpoints are not working. When I start the debugging, a pointer appears indicating where in the code the program stopped. The thing is, this pointer doesn't appear in a line with a breackpoint, it shows up in wherever it suits it and the worst thing is that enters a function which gives me the values of the coordinates in the matrix so you can imagine that I'm in a loop that is hard to get out.
I have tried using the "Step Return" to get out of that function but, as a loop, I always end there again. Also, the "Ignore breakpoints" is not activated.
Have I some debugging option activaded by mistake? thank you for your time
I didn't check the "Breakpoints" window in the "Debugging" prespective thus not seeing that there were some kind of breakpoints that I didn't know about and I don't have any idea appeared. I removed them and I could debug as usual.

Event listener breakpoints in Google Chrome Devtools

Event listener breakpoints in Google Chrome Devtools offers various number of options, but for me, they are not really of great use since they always throw me to some irrelevant part of code.
What I would like to know is if it is possible to limit it to just one class? For example onMouseClick send me to the 1st method that executes after mouse click, inside specific class. If none of the methods are fired inside this class, than simply do nothing.
You can set the breakpoints for each script and each line individually.
First open the debug-tools and chose a script in the sources-tab:
Then you can click on the line-number (here only no. 1) and it looks like this:
As you see now is the line marked, but also in the right col your individual breakpoint is listed.
After having marked the breakpoint you still have to reload the page that the scripts are executed again till to the breakpoint. Afterwards you can use the icons above the right col to step in or step over the commands following the breakpoint.
Having minified scripts, breakpoints are hard to use, so it's better to have a script where each line has only one command, it's much easier then to debug.
So for debugging you should change the corresponding script in your page to the non-minified version, perhaps also with a map-file if available.

VSCode Creates an automatic breakpoint that I can't delete

I've created a basic node app following the steps described here -
Every time I run/debug (hit F5), VSCode automatically breaks at line 2 of this auto created debug file. The weird part is there is no breakpoint set.
I can continue past this and everything runs a-okay after, but it's super annoying to stop here every single time
Any ideas on getting rid of this? I've poured through the settings and nothing obvious stands out.
There is an option in the launch.json file called "stopOnEntry" (You can access the file by hitting the Configure icon on the Debug panel). Set it to false and it should solve your problem.

emacs+geben how do I open a file to put breakpoints in it

When I'm debugging code in a framework, it usually goes through a bunch of different calls in different files before actually getting to the file I want to investigate. Is there a way to open the file I want when I start geben, put the breakpoint in that file then tell geben to run (press g)?
Otherwise I have to keep stepping over/into until geben finally get's to the file I want, at which point I can then go to the line I want and set the breakpoint.
C-cf runs geben-find-file
IIRC, geben must already be in an active debugging session for that function to work; but once set the breakpoints are persistent, so it's not too onerous.
geben-breakpoint-menu menu is very convenient for setting conditionals, if you hadn't noticed that.

Why does file have to be saved prior to running?

In MATLAB, why does the file have to be saved prior to running ?
I often try quick snippets of code, which I could also easily run also on the Command Window line by line. So, why when I run them through the editor, I have to save them first ?
Can this behaviour be changed, maybe ?
You can use cell mode in the editor placing %% before your code. See also Cell menu in the editor. Once you create cells, you can run them one by one pressing Ctrl-Enter. You don't need to save the file. However you cannot use editor's debugging features (breakpoints, etc).
Video tutorial
my guess would be that when you run your program, the matlab interpreter run it from the disk and not from the IDE buffer. so if you don't save the file it wouldn't run the correct code.