Can't connect to amazon rds - postgresql

I just setup aws rds and I'm trying to connect pgadmin to it. I put in the Endpoint and the port shown in the rds dashboard, and the username and password I set. When I try connecting, I get an error message saying: Unable to connect to server "host name" port "port" failed: timeout expired.
I also tried connecting prisma to it by running npx prisma migrate dev --name init and I also get an error saying P1001: Can't reach database server at "host name".
I made sure to set Publicly accessible to Yes, but it's still not working. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
(For the settings, I used the default free tier settings.)

In the question thread, the security group is defined to accept All Traffic from all IPv6 addresses ::/0. Permission for IPv4 address should be added as well. You may want to address All Traffic for IPv4 address


How to get the IP address of Heroku so that my Heroku hosted backend server can connect to MongoDB?

I'm trying to host my backend on Heroku, but after I tried deploying I was getting an "application error" . I checked the "heroku logs" and I think the problem is my MongoDB database only accepts connection to my specific IP address.
2023-02-07T09:34:05.807213+00:00 app[web.1]: MongooseServerSelectionError: Could not connect to any servers in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. One common reason is that you're trying to access the database from an IP that isn't whitelisted. Make sure your current IP address is on your Atlas cluster's IP whitelist:
How do I get the IP address of Heroku so that I can add it to this whitelist?
This is the entire Heroku log just in case maybe I'm wrong about the reason it's crashing?
Also is there a way to connect to the mongo atlas database with username + password instead of IP address maybe?
It seems like it's very dynamic so you need an addon like Fixie socks which sets a static IP of your Heroku app for this exact purpose.

Problem to log in at a postgreSQL database on AWS cloud

I have a server on AWS platform running an app. The database is on postgreSQL. The authentication is with .pem archives.
A few days ago, I was reported that the space of database was reaching the asigned quota, so I increase the quota through the RDS module on the cloud.
After doing it, I can't log in through pgAdmin to check the database. Nothing else was modified.
When I try to log in at the database I get this message:"Failed to create the SSH tunnel. Error: Could not establish session to SSH gateway"
The loggin configuration has always been like this (before increasing the quota I was able lo log in without any problems):
Use SSH tunneling: yes
Tunnel host: the IP assigned is the same and is still available.
Tunnel port: the port number is specified
Username: the username is specified
Authentication: Identity File
Identity file: It exist at the local route on my PC.
How can I fix this problem?
Thanks in advance.

App smith connectivity with local database

I have had an issue accessing the local database from Appsmith(docker container or signup from their website
I couldn't connect to my local database.
It sometimes says it can't connect to the specified localhost:5432 and asks me to "Failed to initialise pool. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections" How to solve this?
Method 1:
Actually, one has to tunnel the local database and the Appsmith using tools such as ngrok(ngrok is a cross-platform application that enables developers to expose a local development server to the Internet with minimal effort. The software makes your locally-hosted web server appear to be hosted on a subdomain of And use that URL as the hostname.
When running both the Appsmith and database in docker containers, one has to give the hostname as your database docker container's IP address.

PGAdmin III cannot connect AWS RDS

I am trying to connect AWS RDS PostgreSql from PgAdmin 3. I followed the below link
In Security Group, I also added PostgreSQL and All traffic as below
The "publicly accessible" flag was enabled (updated after Mark B's comment)
I got the error from PGAdmin3
Very appreciate for any suggestion
I can connect pgAdminIII to AWS RDS successfully using home wifi, but cannot connect using office wifi.
My concern is:
Was the port 5432 blocked by office wifi?
How can I configure/update the port without impacting to current API?
Note: My current API is working well (CRUD)
Can you can test your connection to a DB instance using common Linux or Windows tools first?
From a Linux or Unix terminal, you can test the connection by typing the following (replace with the endpoint and with the port of your DB instance):
$nc -zv DB-instance-endpoint port
For example, the following shows a sample command and the return value:
$nc -zv 8299
Connection to
8299 port [tcp/vvr-data] succeeded!
Windows users can use Telnet to test the connection to a DB instance. Note that Telnet actions are not supported other than for testing the connection. If a connection is successful, the action returns no message. If a connection is not successful, you receive an error message such as the following:
Connecting To not
open connection to the host, on port 819: Connect failed
If Telnet actions return success, then you are good to go.
If you are trying to access it from a network which is not listed for that port. you need to add inbound rules for those network IPs from AMAZON RDS system
You will also need to set Public accessibility true under Connect & security tab in RDS console.
Read this post.In your security group go to unbound rules and add my ip.
and make sure your database is public.

Connecting to RDS Postgres from remote machine

I have configured an RDS Postgres micro instance for testing but am having problem connecting. I have created a security group and allow all hosts ( by default to port 5432 but for some reason I am not able to connect. I tried connecting to the port 5432 on the machine but it appears to be closed. Any ideas? I have verified that the security group is using the correct security group.
This is my configuration
Port (Service) Source Action
5432 Delete
Here is how I am trying to connect to the rds service
psql -p 5432 -h -U example example
OK feel a little silly after figuring out that rds starts up on a private 172 subnet. I was able to connect from my ec2 instance.
Question now is there a way to put that on a public address that I can connect to? I would like to configure it with a security group that limits the source ip but then be able to connect to it with psql from my desktop.
Update 2
I don't remember all the details when I originally posted this question but it is no longer an issue. We now have a management vpc that we connect to using a vpn server. The management vpc network is trusted by the prod and devel security groups for the rds instances. We have no problem communicating with them without adding any public ips.
Step 4 of the RDS setup wizard ("Additional Config") lets you select whether the DB is Publicly Accessible or not (if it's not, access is limited to within your VPC, regardless of your security group settings). I'd imagine that determines whether the hostname resolves to 54.* vs 172.* .
Your first instance may have been set to private - as far as I can tell this can't be changed after initialization. I had a similar issue and creating a new instance set to be publicly accessible solved it for me.
My company's firewall had blocked outgoing traffic to the default postgres port, 5432. I didn't realise this until I tested the port using netcat in a terminal window, as follows:
nc -zv 5432
Hopefully this saves someone half a day of messing around with AWS security groups.
Absolutely there is. I have pgadmin loaded on my local machine connected to my RDS instance. |
I just confirmed that I can connect using the same syntax you used for psql, although the -U was not necessary for me (I still included both "example" parameters though)
I did edit the "default" security group and added my IP (Ip of the machine I'm connecting from)/32 to be allowed, although I'm sure you could get less restrictive than that, but I'd start there and see if it helps.
This is likely caused by your outbound firewall rules. If you're behind a corporate firewall, they will often block outbound ports above a certain number. You need to setup an SSH tunnel of some kind to avoid this.
I had this problem. This isn't a direct solution but might work for some. I set the Postgres security group to accept connections coming from the server that will be using it (same VPC). I then set up my Postgres client to use ssh tunneling. If I need to use the command line, I simply SSH into that server and then psql from there.
You can simply use workbench recommended by aws but make sure your all postgres availibily is set to everywhere..while adding PostgrSQL 5432