SAPUI5 Smart Filter Bar: Is it possible to add custom buttons in a Freestyle app? - sapui5

I'm using the RAP framework with a Fiori Freestyle app (In SAP Business Application Studio), showing a smart table with a Smart Filter Bar.
I already have a Date Range filter, which I'm pre-populating with a range of 4 weeks from today.
My question is, how do I customise the Smart Filter bar to include, for example, a 'Previous 4 weeks' and a 'Next 4 weeks' button?
I checkout out some SAP documentation and found this can be done in Fiori Elements...
But can it be done with a Freestyle app? And if so, how exactly?

Smart Filter Bar allows you to define custom fields on top of the ones which you get from your entity model/annotations. You could check this sample which adds an extra MultiComboBox via controlConfiguration.
Following this, you could add a sap.m.DynamicDateRange control (see samples) to the filter bar which gives you relative date filtering.


Fields not editable in Smart Mult Edit

I'm extending my Fiori elements app and trying to implement "Smart Multi Edit".
I made all requested changes in my project but when I select the row and hit to modify, the fields isn't able to modify.
I'm using a root custom entity CDS, see some details about my project below:
I'm using OData V2.
Here is my screen:

Backpack Laravel Filterable Crud List in Tabbed Content

I have two Crud Controllers, Project & PurchaseOrders.
When I display a particular project content (say URL /project/2/show), its related purchase orders are displayed in table format in one of the tabs like picture below:
Since there will be a lot of purchase orders within same project, I need the table above to be filterable, like in the method SetupListOperation() in PurchaseOrders Controller like picture below:
Basically, how do I put PurchaseOrders Controller List Operation within a Project content Tab?
In short, in Backpack version 4.x / 5.x, you can't. The ListOperation wasn't designed to be used that way, so it will be very difficult to do. It will be faster to just code that feature yourself, with a limited set of features - only the ones you need.
The main reason why it wouldn't be simple is that both the ListOperation and the CreateOperation / UpdateOperation would be using the CRUD singleton, whereas you need to show/manipulate entries in two different entities (projects and purchase orders).
The Backpack team is working on a feature that you could use for this (a "table" widget you can include anywhere, including there), but it will probably take 2-3 more months to launch.
Also, there's a Backpack add-on offering something similar (see ) but it's meant for the Show operation (not Update) and it doesn't include filtering, from what I can tell.
So the best you can do, in my opinion, is to just add some rough filters to your custom view - they'll work just like you want, and when an official solution becomes available, you can use that then.

How to extend SAP Fiori Elements with custom pages

I am fairly new to SAP Fiori. I was able to complete the setup of the list report. Everything is working, even the CRUD functions. However, I need a custom button, which will display a new custom page. I've already extended the report to include a custom button. The button is working when I press it but I don't know how to proceed.
I know it should be something related to routing for freestyle apps and somehow I understand the settings, however, I don't know how to integrate it with a list report, since it is not a freestyle application.
Can someone bring some light?

Camunda Modeler form fields organization

I wanna to use Camunda Modeler to create a complicated form cards for User Tasks consist about 20-30-50 fields divided in several tabs. Many cards will contain the same fields and fields groups. I wanna to have an ability to create and reuse fields groups or somewhat liked on fields groups. How can organize process with Modeler? What is the appropriate template? Or maybe you can recommend another tool?
I have a variant of template, but it's not clear for me now. The complicated form will be divided into several tabs. For example the card consists in 2 Tabs: Tab1 and Tab2. Then I can suppose that the card with active Tab1 is one state of the card, and the same card with active Tab2 - the another state. And then I can configure a scenario for each tab and transitions between tabs. Does it look believable?
Apparently, there are no standard solutions of such kind of issue. I'm going to make an integration formBuilder into Camunda modeler instead standard form constructor. Maybe it looks madly, but I'm sure - it would be working. The formio has angular implementation of the constructor and modeler is based on the electron technologies. There are looks the same, and integration is not imagine as great headache. I hope. But I need a lot of time to do this.
We created our own framework with Scala / Play and Semantic-UI (Here you can use whatever technology you like).
You model the user form in the Camunda Modeler, using additional properties to describe the 'special' components, like File Upload, Field Grouping, Number Field, Radio Buttons etc.
We use then Play Templates / Semantic-UI to implement the generic Forms.
So in our implementation we use the defined properties to generate them in the Form.
So for example you can provide a property width. This value we use for the Semantic-UI layout which allows widths 1 to 16. So you have a simple possibility to have more than one component in one row.

How can you add a bread crumb in a Crystal Xcelsius Report?

How can I add a bread crumb in a Crystal Xcelsius Report? I need to track the navigation of my clicks on my charts.
The crew over at BDI Systems have a free breadcrumb add on that should do what you're looking for, in theory. I say this because in my brief time playing with it I was not able to figure it out and documentation is nearly non-existent.
Another possibility to making a breadcrumb type is by implementing the native filter component as the basis for your visual hierarchy.
The third possible option would be creating a state machine pattern within excel using lists derived from conditional logic present on the dashboard at any one time.
The final route would be to develop your own component using Xcelsius's flex 2 sdk.
Let know if you want to drill into one of the 4 solutions posted above further so we can get you where you want to be.