How can you add a bread crumb in a Crystal Xcelsius Report? - crystal-reports

How can I add a bread crumb in a Crystal Xcelsius Report? I need to track the navigation of my clicks on my charts.

The crew over at BDI Systems have a free breadcrumb add on that should do what you're looking for, in theory. I say this because in my brief time playing with it I was not able to figure it out and documentation is nearly non-existent.
Another possibility to making a breadcrumb type is by implementing the native filter component as the basis for your visual hierarchy.
The third possible option would be creating a state machine pattern within excel using lists derived from conditional logic present on the dashboard at any one time.
The final route would be to develop your own component using Xcelsius's flex 2 sdk.
Let know if you want to drill into one of the 4 solutions posted above further so we can get you where you want to be.


Camunda Modeler form fields organization

I wanna to use Camunda Modeler to create a complicated form cards for User Tasks consist about 20-30-50 fields divided in several tabs. Many cards will contain the same fields and fields groups. I wanna to have an ability to create and reuse fields groups or somewhat liked on fields groups. How can organize process with Modeler? What is the appropriate template? Or maybe you can recommend another tool?
I have a variant of template, but it's not clear for me now. The complicated form will be divided into several tabs. For example the card consists in 2 Tabs: Tab1 and Tab2. Then I can suppose that the card with active Tab1 is one state of the card, and the same card with active Tab2 - the another state. And then I can configure a scenario for each tab and transitions between tabs. Does it look believable?
Apparently, there are no standard solutions of such kind of issue. I'm going to make an integration formBuilder into Camunda modeler instead standard form constructor. Maybe it looks madly, but I'm sure - it would be working. The formio has angular implementation of the constructor and modeler is based on the electron technologies. There are looks the same, and integration is not imagine as great headache. I hope. But I need a lot of time to do this.
We created our own framework with Scala / Play and Semantic-UI (Here you can use whatever technology you like).
You model the user form in the Camunda Modeler, using additional properties to describe the 'special' components, like File Upload, Field Grouping, Number Field, Radio Buttons etc.
We use then Play Templates / Semantic-UI to implement the generic Forms.
So in our implementation we use the defined properties to generate them in the Form.
So for example you can provide a property width. This value we use for the Semantic-UI layout which allows widths 1 to 16. So you have a simple possibility to have more than one component in one row.

What kind of chart has a count of objects?

I was trying to figure out how to make a chart like this but can't seem to find any information. I can't even find a name for this type of chart to Google it.
Does anyone know what these type of charts are called?
This is actually a little different that what I normally see. This is more of a percentage while most represent a certain number of people (one person = 100,000 people)
Here's a better example. I want to try to make something like this programmatically so it can be populated by data.
This is less of a chart and more of an Infographic. It's used to visual display facts or statistics in a friendly and accessible manner. There are plenty of tools on-line that can help you make one of these, but generally they're made custom by graphic designers using image processing tools such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape (free).

How to integrate ECharts with BIRT/Pentaho?

I'm looking for a report engine which may:
connect to data source via JDBC
create logic data set by grouping/aggregating the raw data
include a data filter on the top of each report, which allows my client use the report interactively
add custom charts, in my case, it's ECharts
support multi-tenancy paradigm (new requirement)
Now BIRT and Pentaho are the two players on my table.
For pentaho, it's really hard to find useful document to at least clarify if it's capable. Please if you're familiar with it, let me know if pentaho community version meets my requirements.
For BIRT, I've found evidence it support my first 3 needs. But for custom charts, I can only find examples/docs about adding custom IMAGE/SVG charts. As ECharts is based on canvas, I'm not sure if it's possible to integrate ECharts with BIRT.
Thank you!
Yes, it is possible to integrate javascript charts in BIRT. Basically:
Select the top-level element of your report outline -> Script tab -> clientScripts
Include here your echart resources (.js and .css) using "head.js" (see link below for more informations)
Add a text element to the report
Set the type of this new element to 'HTML'
In a script tag, initialize your echart object in a "head.ready()" instruction (see link below for more informations). The tricky part is to understand how to use a server-side dataset in a client-side chart within this html script.
You can find more informations and a full example of a such report here, this example embeds a jvectormap in a birt report. Furthermore, see a live demo here, where a JIT chart is integrated in a BIRT report.
However since these charts are created using a client-side framework, obviously BIRT won't be able to export them in PDF format. You can see in the live demo linked above, how a BIRT report can easily handle a different output when users export to PDF.
You can do it in Pentaho, but which tool to use it's a matter of debate.
Using Pentaho Report Designer:
- Connects to DBs using JDBC;
- Allows grouping rows based on a field or fields and calculating functions such as running sums;
- Can use selectors (single or multi-valued selectors) to interact with the report, passing the selector values to the queries;
- As far as I can tell, you don't have many options to choose a specific charting engine.
However, you can use CCC as the charting engine, which is a Protovis based Javascript charting engine, cross-browser compatible (for the most part), renders SVG charts with a decent fallback for IE (I believe the fallback is flash but I'm not sure if it changed recently) and produces decent looking charts.
If you HAVE to use that chart library, then I suggest using C-Tools dashboards instead, where you can embed as many different JS files you want and you have full control over the JS and CSS of the page. But most of the reporting functions from PRD will have to be implmented by you.

Clarifications on the Domo dashboard

The tool I'm using to develop a dashboard is Domo Centerview builder. The graphs are not getting loaded when I open the dashboard but it appears only after selecting the controls.
controls like check-box, radio-buttons , radio-group and drop down lists should be placed independently. It should not come under any KPI's if u place it inside any KPI's it wont take the data until some event happens in the dashboard
I assume you are talking about Domo here - which is used to build business intelligence dashboards.
Any graph you create using the analyzer goes to your overview page. You can then move the graphs/cards to the page that you want.

GWT Chart library - ability to blow-up components inside the chart

I have a specific requirement for my GWT charting library. I need a library that supports a variety of graphs (bar, line, pie) and should have the ability to handle events from inside a chart (like clicking on a bar inside the bar graph - this would allow me to show extra information as a popup when its clicked).
I know that conventional wisdom states that its not possible without using Flash/Flex or a third-party embedded component but I am assuming that there would be a HTML5 charting library that would allow me to do it. I have tried to search but unsuccessfully. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I am not a fan of FusionCharts. They have fancy charts but missed the market trend towards HTML5 and allowed Highchart to pick up charting market.
A good way to analyze is to pick up Fusion Charts competition as starting point and then list out your parameters.The below link is heavy duty marketing. Use it only to know what Fusion Chart' competitors are.
The rest of the content on the above link is more of marketing bs.
Google Charts support all that, AFAIK.
Or is that answer too obvious ?
And there is a GWT wrapper available.