Fields not editable in Smart Mult Edit - sapui5

I'm extending my Fiori elements app and trying to implement "Smart Multi Edit".
I made all requested changes in my project but when I select the row and hit to modify, the fields isn't able to modify.
I'm using a root custom entity CDS, see some details about my project below:
I'm using OData V2.
Here is my screen:


Can I set the data source for a combo box in an Entity Framework Core forms application at design time?

I feel so stupid.
I'm trying to create a simple Windows Forms application using Visual Studio 2022, .Net Core and Entity Framework. I am using the database-first approach. I have a simple database and a set of classes created from the the database by EF Core Power Tools's reverse engineering feature. I am trying to create a form that will manage vendors. I have a table named "vendors" with fields named "name" and "address". (That's enough for now.) EF Core Power Tools gave me a context class that I renamed to ForhpContext and a Vendors class.
On my form I have a combo box that I expect to contain the names of all of the vendors in my table, and a text box that will display the address of the selected vendor.
In the form design window, I can select the combo box and in its properties window, click the down arrow for the Data Source property. I get a little empty window with a link labeled "Add new Object Data Source..." When I click on that, I get a form labeled "Add and update object data sources". The form has an empty text box labeled "Filter" and a large box labeled Data Source Types. What do I do with this form? Can this form use any of the classes that were generated for me by Entity Framework? Is it possible to set up my EF data sources for the combo box and the text box at design time, or do I have to wait until run time and set them up in my Form Load event handler?
Is there a good book you can recommend that will teach me how to use EF in windows forms applications?

Retrieving all the possible options in a drop-down menu (when creating a work item) through the Azure DevOps API

I'm in the process of recreating the Work Item creation UI in my web app. The UI includes a lot of drop down menus. My choice right now is either to hardcode all of the options available, or retrieve them and dynamically populate. I would like to populate them dynamically, but that would require me to retrieve the possible options for each drop down menu. Is there a way to retrieve these through the API?
There's no direct rest api for this. If you want to retrieve the possible WorkItem types in current project, you should 1.first get the processID of current project and then 2.list the WorkItem types in specific process.
If you're using rest api like your tags above: You can consider using Processes-List to get the processID and List Work Items Types to get the available WorkItem types in one project. We can't do that directly in one api, no matter rest api or client api.
Just to follow up on this:
This document answers the question:
We can retrieve the allowed values for our field through the API query GET{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/workitemtypes/{type}/fields?$expand={$expand}&api-version=5.1
My issue now is that the allowed values for one of my drop-down menu depends on the value of another. For instance, if I selected X in one of my drop down menus, the allowed values for my other drop down menu changes dynamically. I'm not sure how to handle this using the API.

Azure DevOps: Field with default value containing another fields value

I am trying to find a way in Azure DevOps of displaying a field on a User Story layout that is made up of a URL plus the value of another field on the same story.
We have an external support ticket system where all of our support calls are logged. When the story (or even Defect) is created, we have a field where a support reference is entered.
I want another field that combines a URL and the support reference so it creates a link to the support ticket.
Is this do-able?
This is achievable. You can Add a custom field to a work item type for an inherited process.
1,First you need to create a inherited process.
Go to Organization settings, From the Process page under Boards, open the … context menu of the process you'll use to create an inherited process, and then choose Create inherited process. Choose the same system process—Agile, Basic, Scrum, or CMMI—that was used to create the project that you want to customize.
2, Add a custom field to an existing work item type for the inherited process.
From the Process page of the selected inherited process, choose the work item type(User Story) you want to add the custom field to.
Select the work item type and click new field or ... to add a field under a group.
For example i add a new field Support Url under group Planning(click Options to define a default value for this field).
3, Apply the customized process to your project.
Click team projects of the process shown as below screenshot.
Open the … context menu for the process and choose the Change team projects… option.
Then you will have the custom field with default value for the work item type in your project.
For detailed steps please check Microsoft Document there.
Field value made up of a static part, plus another field
There is no direct way or any tool i can find to achieve this. However there is a complicate workaround to achieve this.
You can try creating a service server to to combine the field values and update the workitem field with workitem update rest api, and add a service hook to this service server.
You can refer to the service hook sever provided by Microsoft. Check reate a pull request status server with Node.js

How to call a SAP Fiori tile whose app type is SAP GUI with parameters?

I am trying to implement cross app navigation to this app: KB16N but with parameters like the Company Code and Document Number.
In the Fiori Apps Library, there are no additional parameters mentioned in the Configuration section. The technical information for the 2 parameters I want to pass is as below:
As per my understanding, we can add parameters while Tile Configuration in Launchpad Designer. And then I would use this parameter in my cross app navigation code in SAPUI5 app. But to add parameters, how to get the 'Target Name' value highlighted below:
Kindly assist.
Do F1 on the input of the screen,
Check the Parameter ID, for example, for ControllingArea, it is CAC. the Target Name is CAC.
Or Check the table name and field name. For example, the Controlling Area of KB16N, the Target Name is TKA01-KOKRS.
btw, I am not familiar with KB16N, i cannot find the CompanyCode and ReferenceDocumentNumber in the screens.

Programmatically creating menu hierarchy in Joomla

Let's say that I have a vast quantity of restaurant reviews in a database -- not Joomla articles, just database tables. I want to display these restaurant reviews as part of a Joomla 1.5 web site.
I can write a component to display each review. That part is fine. But rather than listing the reviews as a list on a page, I want to use the nice cascading menu that is part of the Joomla template that the site uses. But I don't want to have to add menu items one by one for each review; I want menu items to be generated automatically from the database contents. The menu of reviews should 'plug in' the existing menu structure for the web site (i.e., I want to supply the code that generates the menu items with an existing menu item so that it generates itself under that item).
How can I create code to programmatically create that menu? Component, plug-in, module, ...? Would the menu be generated at page display time, or "manually" in the admin panel (I'm ok either way). Any examples of this already?
I think the simplest way would be to create a custom menu module. The absolute basic one would just output the list of reviews in a <ul> and then use some css to style the list.
I ended up creating a component that creates the whole menu structure at once, upon admin request. It just creates rows in the jos_menu table, as if the menus were created manually. Updating the hierachy is a pain (and I haven't completed that part), but creating the structure from scratch is pretty simple and works well.