following problem:
When i change my base layer, everything works fine, but the Provider display changes only to "Leaflet"
After the first interaction with the map (zoom,move,...) the correct provider will be shown.
I already use map.invalidateSize();...
Other info: The map is shown in an foundation reveal
I am trying to use Flutter mapbox_gl package to display clustered data, support for this functionnality has been added recently as showed in this example.
When the user zooms in, I would like to make symbols clickable, I have followed this example of clickable annotations but it seems not working, basically what I did is exactly combining the two examples: adding cluster layers (symbols and circles) using the map controller through onStyleLoadedCallback property, then adding on-click callbacks in my onMapCreated property (using onSymbolTapped & onCircleTapped methods). Am I doing something wrong?
For the clickable annotations from a source, as they come from a GeojsonSource, you must use onFeatureTapped. This will give you 3 data : the id (defined in the source), the point (coordinate on the screen) and the latlng (position on the map).
This allows you to set a generic callback for both the features in the source and the clusters made with it.
The package currently does not support having more data returned in the callbacks.
map.UserTrackingMode = MKUserTrackingMode.FollowWithHeading;
But after a user interacts with the map or after mKMapView.ShowAnnotations, the map automatically stops following the device's heading. (Not by my code. That's just how mkmapview works. This is also the case in the built in Maps app.)
How can I make the map start following the device's heading again from code?
This is exactly like how the Maps app works and is what the user will expect. The behavior you're describing is completely normal; you shouldn't interfere with it.
The usual thing is that you put an MKUserTrackingButton in the interface, associated with the map view, and the user can just tap it to switch modes automatically. Except for initially configuring the button, no code is needed.
I want to develop a simple complication as my first watchOS project.
I've set everything up as the screenshot shows:
But When I set a breakpoint inside ComplicationController.swift, it will not be called. Therefore, my complication does not fill with any data I supply. I set a breakpoint to all implemented methods (e.g. getLocalizableSampleTemplate) in that class, but the code is just running and the complication does not fill with the supplied data.
What am I doing wrong?
My class conforms to CLKComplicationDataSource (I left all the default implementation).
It works if I add $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME). in front of the data source class inside the complication configuration.
I can't wrap my head around this issue I've been experiencing, or perhaps I'm missing some crucial point here. I jotted down this sample app on ionic playground, it is of course a simplified version of my app.
Basically I have a tabbed layout with two views which share a common datasource of items (in my app it's a sqlite db table); the first view displays items in a certain state whereas the other tab display the remaining items (in my example I've used the TODO list metaphor).
Each tab has a child state which I refer to as 2nd-level state (assuming level 0 is the abstract tab state. These two 2nd-level states are defined separately but share a common controller and template.
I cannot for the life of me understand why these two states aren't being navigated to when I click on a list item from either of the two lists (1st-level state views).
NOTE: In the ionic playground no error is thrown in the console, but I can't quite tell what is going on in terms of state URLs. But when I test my actual app (where the problem is the same) in a browser I can see the URL changing to #/tab/tasks/xxxx or #/tab/completed/xxxx but template is not loading. Upon googling I came across several SO questions:
Ui-router URL changes, nested view not loading
In Angular ui-router nested state url changes,but template is not loading
UI-Router: URL changes, but view is not loaded
Angular Router - Url changes but view does not load
URL changes but view does not hcange
Angular UI-Router : URL changed but view isn't loaded
but the answers provided therein haven't worked for me (tried, as per the last one I listed, to add the # sign after the view name in the child states, but to no avail).
Kinda stuck, would really appreciate some input! Cheers.
Managed to get it working following this answer; I had previously tried simply appending the # character after the view name in nested states but it turns out the trick was to append #tab, where tab is the name of the top-level abstract state. I updated my fiddle on ionic playground. Cheers to you all.
I'm trying to show/hide some GeoJSON data on an overlay layer.
I've the data as an object, but not at some server.
If I use the overlay type 'geoJSON', I'm getting a Eror:
A base layer must have an url
How do I show/hide my data using the overlay show/hide?
The mixed-layers-overlays-geojson-example is not working for me because it uses remote (xyz-json) data.
Additional information: I've the data in some object that I'm intending to modify/update based on user interaction.
PS: it's probably very simple problem
Edit: I made a plunker of the situation. It shows the dynamic adding and removing of a path object and some empty functions for the geoJSON objects.
I (my collegue) found some ugly answer: accessing the leaflet layers directly.
I forked the plunker from the description and added some functions. See my functions transformGeoObjToPath and geoToLeafletLayer. In our application we use layers of type 'featureGroup' for additional stuff like selecting, but this is not in the 'solution' example
But the solution is not 'beautiful', because it accesses the leaflet directly.