Flutter Mapbox clickable cluster annotations - flutter

I am trying to use Flutter mapbox_gl package to display clustered data, support for this functionnality has been added recently as showed in this example.
When the user zooms in, I would like to make symbols clickable, I have followed this example of clickable annotations but it seems not working, basically what I did is exactly combining the two examples: adding cluster layers (symbols and circles) using the map controller through onStyleLoadedCallback property, then adding on-click callbacks in my onMapCreated property (using onSymbolTapped & onCircleTapped methods). Am I doing something wrong?

For the clickable annotations from a source, as they come from a GeojsonSource, you must use onFeatureTapped. This will give you 3 data : the id (defined in the source), the point (coordinate on the screen) and the latlng (position on the map).
This allows you to set a generic callback for both the features in the source and the clusters made with it.
The package currently does not support having more data returned in the callbacks.


How to make window centered in GTK4?

In GTK3 there was a property on the Gtk.Window class called window-position. By setting this property to Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER it was possible to tell the window to render in the center of the screen.
In GTK4 this property has been removed. How to achieve the same behavior in GTK4, i.e. how to make the main window of my application to be rendered in the center of the screen?
I checked the migration guide but I couldn't find the solution.
There is no replacement API, since it can't possibly work cross-platform, so it is broken API by definition. As such, it was removed.
For example: this is impossible to implement when running on top of a Wayland session, since the protocol doesn't allow getting/setting global coordinates. If you still want to have something similar working, you'll have to call the specific platform API (for example, X11) for those platforms that you want to support.

creating custom leaflet marker on map with idxbroker code

I created a real estate website that uses a company called idxbroker to handle the data from the mls (multiple listing service). I want to have a custom marker to populate on the map for property listings that I have personally so that they stand out when someone searches for properties. Idxbroker does this, however, the marker they provide for my personal listings has a tiny star inside of the same marker used for all listings and you wouldn't realize it unless you were looking for it. I know how to create a custom marker based on leaflet doc's, but not sure how to implement this since idxbroker hosts all this data from their server on my custom subdomain. Is there a way to inject javascript into their code so that my listings have a custom marker?general marker & marker for my listings
Are you looking to add a custom marker on a results page or on the details pages?
It might be easier to just hide the IDX map and write your own in it's place with your custom marker.
Can you provide a map code sample or a link to the page you are trying to customize?

Showing GeoJSON data on overlay

I'm trying to show/hide some GeoJSON data on an overlay layer.
I've the data as an object, but not at some server.
If I use the overlay type 'geoJSON', I'm getting a Eror:
A base layer must have an url
How do I show/hide my data using the overlay show/hide?
The mixed-layers-overlays-geojson-example is not working for me because it uses remote (xyz-json) data.
Additional information: I've the data in some object that I'm intending to modify/update based on user interaction.
PS: it's probably very simple problem
Edit: I made a plunker of the situation. It shows the dynamic adding and removing of a path object and some empty functions for the geoJSON objects.
I (my collegue) found some ugly answer: accessing the leaflet layers directly.
I forked the plunker from the description and added some functions. See my functions transformGeoObjToPath and geoToLeafletLayer. In our application we use layers of type 'featureGroup' for additional stuff like selecting, but this is not in the 'solution' example
But the solution is not 'beautiful', because it accesses the leaflet directly.

how to inspect gwt screen?

GWT screens are composed of a hierarchy of Widgets each implemented by various application classes. In order to maintain (add/change) these screens it is required to understand its structure, namely to discover which screen element is rendered by which Widget implementation.
Currently, I am trying to read the "suspected" class source while peeking at the DOM structure of the screen.
I am looking for a tool, or method, to aid with discovering which Widget class renders a specific screen element.
Such a tool would monitor the mouse position on screen and provide the class name of the hovered element (for example, in a tooltip).
Alternatively, I would be happy to find a programming method that allows adding a generic mouse event handler, most desirable to the RootPanel, further displaying the class name of currently hovered element.
Unfortunately AFAIK ,as of now there is no such tool for GWT( will be more happy if any ) .
As on browser side there is no such information available related to class files of java available since it compiled to javascript.
So , what's the fix??
Though very common and tradational.
1)Proper naming conventions
2)Proper package structure
3)Documentation etc ...
Check out the GWT-Instrumental project for an example of how this can be achieved. This is not a new project and may need to be updated to be properly useful in some cases, but seems to work with GWT 2.4 and GWT 2.5.1 projects just fine. The Inspector bookmarklet/instructions can be found at http://gwt-instrumental.googlecode.com/svn/latest/inspectorwidget/index.html.
This isn't doing exactly what you are describing, but could be modified fairly simply. What it does do is this:
When launched (or refreshed), look at every element on the page to see what widget might be references, and what css classes it has, what id it has, and what DOM events are sunk on it.
When expanded, renders a firebug-like tree of the DOM elements in the body, along with the details mentioned above
When the user hovers over a element in the tree, draws a yellow overlay on where that item is drawn on the page so you can find it.

Windows Phone 7 - Bing Maps MVVM Pushpin initialization

Does anyone have a good guideline on how to initialize a pushpin on the Bing Maps control?
My current scenario works, but is not 100% correct... let me explain the details:
When I open the page with the Bing Maps control on it, I want the user to be able to push a small button that will show his current location.
To show the current location, I'm using a Pushpin. I'm already adding the Pushpin on the control in the XAML file like this:
<map:Pushpin> x:Name="currentLocation" Location="{Binding CurrentLocation}" Content="Me" ManipulationStarted="CurrentLocationPin_ManipulationStarted" </map:Pushpin>
Now with this scenario there a some problems!
One, the pushpin is always visible! So how do I go about this? ( I know I can bind the Visibility also to a property and use a bool to visibility converter, but is this the best way to do this? )
Secondly, now I don't initialize the Location in the viewmodel... but for semantic reasons I would love to initialize the default value to Geocoordinate.Unkown ( that way I can use this to do checks when the user tries to do some manipulation before a currentlocation is set ). But when I initialize the pushpin on startup I get following error: "UIElement.Arrange(finalRect) cannot be called with Infinite or NaN values in finalRect.". So my question again :) what is a good guideline to setting up a currentlocation pushpin? ( but do mind that the users has to push a small application bar button before the currentlocation is set )
The initialization problem is due to the visibility of the Pushpin. If the initial visibility of the Pushpin is Collapsed, then it won't take part in the arrange pass, so you won't get the error.
If you're using a view model to back this view, then I don't see a problem with exposing a property from the view model that determines whether the Pushpin should be visibile or not. Yes you could use a boolean to visibility converter, but you could save some processing by actually exposing a Visibility property (which is the approach I've used).
If you're using a command to initiate showing the Pushpin from the button push (the Silverlight Windows Phone Toolkit has a behavior to enable hooking up application bar buttons to commands).