watchOS does not enter ComplicationController - swift

I want to develop a simple complication as my first watchOS project.
I've set everything up as the screenshot shows:
But When I set a breakpoint inside ComplicationController.swift, it will not be called. Therefore, my complication does not fill with any data I supply. I set a breakpoint to all implemented methods (e.g. getLocalizableSampleTemplate) in that class, but the code is just running and the complication does not fill with the supplied data.
What am I doing wrong?
My class conforms to CLKComplicationDataSource (I left all the default implementation).

It works if I add $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME). in front of the data source class inside the complication configuration.


Two Frameworks use the name for a property

SwifterSwift has a property name cornerRadius.
It's an extension to UIView.
While the DropDown framework has a property name cornerRadius.
DropDown (the class) is a subclass of UIView.
It seems like xCode doesn't know which property I'm referring to.
I only imported one framework to my file but SwifterSwift's extension still takes effect.
I modified the DropDown framework and everything worked fine but then I reverted because it's not allowed and I wouldn't know how to debug any future problems.
I also tried creating a function in an extension to somehow get around this problem.
It turns out that I can't directly access DropDown's table (which is the view that we round).
I cant remove the SwifterSwift framework because it has already been used in the project that I'm working on. Although that might be the best option.
Is there a solution to this problem ?
In Swift, namespaces are implicit and belong to target it is defined. So, for your case, the workaround would be to add the target name in the property call.
Let take example of String. It belongs to Swift target and so I can do this
let str = Swift.String("abc".characters)
Please follow the steps in this issue
Or upvote for adding prefix to all SwifterSwift extensions here

How to clean up "old" views using sap.m.routing.Router

With routing/routes defined in the manifest.json and using Router.navTo() to change the hash and the content of the target App control, I noticed that the "old" views and controllers are still hanging around and listening to events (e.g. performing binding updates for controls that are no longer visible on the stage).
I (wrongly) assumed that the router would clean these views/controls up for me - what is the recommended way doing so?
You are correct. Before calling oRouter.navTo(...) you can call unbind. To give you an example you could check here. There you can find the following line of code inside the onNavBack handler:
unbindElement() is called because previously bindElement(...) was called in the same controller. So just make sure to use bind/unbind combination before oRouter.navTo()...

Swift 1.2 drag and drop controls and views in Cocoa

I'm building one application where I need to make a simple window and be able to drag&drop files onto this window. In this app I have to then parse file path and write out all paths of dropped files in table or nice order (one under another). App doesn't need to take more than one file at once, but this might be a feature for future.
Up to now I have managed to make simple drag&drop in NSView (which I extended with custom class). App is correctly registering drag&drop events and I get all file path and I have also figured how to get file names out of those strings.
My question is: How can I move this "drag&drop" to NSTableView, as I wish to have file names in nicely in table?
I have tried to put tableview under NSView but it doesn't work and if I extend NSTableView class it just registers that there was drag&drop event but nothing else happens.
Do I have to extend other class or how to make this work? I'm implementing NSDraggingDestination protocol in custom class and using performDragOperation function.
I would like to have:
- whole app window can take drag&drop-ed files, not matter where I drop it it has to accept file and put file name into table
I'm sorry if this might sound trivial but I have just started learning swift and developing OS X apps and I'm not used to this new API and don't really know how all things works here.

iOS key logger implementation

I want to understand how to implement a key logger for iOS. And how can I avoid logging keys in my application, if there is iKeyMonitor (for example) installed on device?
After research I found that ikeyMonitor installs the following files on the device:
Of course it requires MobileSubstrate.
In keycache there are some HTML files that I can open in Safari with the URL localhost:8888.
In the plists there is only filter, it means that MobileSafe.dylib (and all hooks) will be applied only on
springboard app.
Even if I don't use the default keyboard view in my app for editing a UITextField, the keylogger still works. This means that Hooks are applied on UITextField.
After using class-dump for I didn't find any methods that can be related in UITextField's implementation. After using class-dump for MobileSafe.dylib I didn't find any implementation that can be substituted for UITextField either (maybe because it written on C), I think that I should analyze MobileSafe.dylib dynamically with gdb
How can the SpringBoard (that is in plist app have an effect on UITextField class implementation? If I use method swizzling for UITextField in the dylib for will it work in other applications too?
What is the general difference between MobileLoader and MobileHooker? At what moment will changes from MobileHooker will be applied to my system?
What should I do to hook a method from UIKit (for example UITextField methods), and change its implementation for all apps on my device?
What method for analyzing iKeyMonitor can you advise me to use?
if it uses springboard in the filter then it can only affect the springboard, to hook all applications you use UIKit as the filter(more on that in 3)
My understanding of the two is that:
MobileLoader loads your code into the running application and when this happens, functions with the constructor attribute "__attribute__((constructor))" are called. In one of these constructors, MobileHooker functions are called to replace pre-existing functions/methods in the application. As for when the changes are applied, since they are changed in constructors they should be changed before any of them are actually called.
You simply use the filter(which btw is what the keychain.dylib in iKeyMonitor uses)
class-dump does not show the hooked classes and methods of a tweak because they are not objective-c methods, instead they are functions...
The best option would be a disassembler like ida

How to bind value of UILabel to an instance variable?

I am a complete newbie to mac/objective-c. My question is: I wonder if it's possible to bind a UILabel text to a variable, while not having to manually set the text when value change.
For example, on Mac OS, when I open a new Finder window and delete a file, then the global free space in the taskbar is changing. And that value also change in all the "finder" that are open.
How can I replicate such behavior using Objective-c, either on Mac or for iPhone ? I was thinking about UILabel, but I couldn't find a way different from manually set each UILabel.
The current version of iPhone OS (3.1) does not support bindings (such as you would find in desktop Cocoa). For the time being, you will need to write the controller glue manually to keep the UI in sync with your model.
Specifically, you would add an IBAction method in your controller, and connect the UILabel to call it when the contents changes.
This question has been covered before also:
Bindings using Interface Builder (for iPhone apps)
On the Mac, you would use Key-Value Coding (KVC) and bind the label to an object controller in IB. The bindings documentation covers this in quite some detail:
You will need to research the following:
Notifications Notifications
Key Value Coding KVC
Notifications will allow you to setup up automatic notifications of changes to let's say an object (e.g. variable) who's changes you want to be cascaded throughout your program. KVC allows you to hook up data to objects and may be helpful if you're using Core Data.
I'd start with notifications first.
It is very possible and there are 2 ways to do it.
Programatically by making a UILabel in the code and simply setting the myLabel.text.text of it
Though Interface Builder where you drag and drop the UILabel where you want it and have a property in the code to hook it up to and then use that property to set the myLabel.text on it.