Charts widget is not working in Backpack 5 Pro+ Laravel 9 - laravel-backpack

Following the steps in the doc (
1-Installed the Chart Library
2- Created the Chart controller and added a chart. Can see the jason at route: "admin/charts/weekly-users"
3- Added the widget in the dashboard blade page
The Dashboard page is emitting #loadScriptOnce($path) right at the bottom of the page.....and the console is saying "Chart is not defined"

A composer update digitallyhappy/assets should fix it for you - let me know.
Background: there's a bug in spatie/laravel-permission:5.5.1 that broke other packages using Blade directives. Waiting for the PR to get merged. But we've also pushed a fix on our end, last night, that should prevent the interference. Hence my recommendation to get the latest version of digitallyhappy/assets.
Alternatively, you can lock spatie/laravel-permission to 5.5.0.


Restored Project = broken dashboard

We had some projects deleted in Azure DevOps and we restored them, however all the widgets in the dashboard are broken. Is there a way to recover them or do we have to rebuild?
The dashboard does report across 3 projects, all of which were deleted then restored.
I receive a message about a / in a project title, but the project title I see does not have a /.
I have searched the User Guide and cannot seem to find the answer on this or one that explains the error message.
enter image description here
#wadezhou Cloud service. The error message says 'Widget error 400: The query configuration is invalid or number of work items returned exceeds the size limit.' (link above) I don't believe it is due to work items because I don't believe any work items have been added (these projects are just a proof of concept) and it was working before they were deleted. I have not tried to create a new widget - I will try that and see if it works and let you know. I'm not sure to tell if it's TFVC or git? It is Agile.
Here is a screenshot of the error where it mentions the / (when I go into the query):
error detailing /
When I try to create new widgets on the dashboard one works and one doesn't:
enter image description here
From what I can tell - it seems Git is the default type, and I have not changed it from whatever default would be.

Laravel Backpack devtools add-on not working?

I'm having an issue with devtools.
I just did a clean install of Laravel followed by new backpack install. During the install when I was prompted to install paid add-ons, I went to the backpack site and purchased "backpack pro" and "devtools". Went back to installer and installed both add-ons. Everything worked as expected with no errors.
Then went to http://project.test/admin. Registered an admin account. Logged in. Then went to http://project.test/admin/devtools. App/Models/User is shown on the models screen so I clicked the generate CRUD button. It seemed like it was doing something, but I didn't see anything change.
Now on the Models screen, the "Generate button" under actions is disabled and the disabled class is present on the button in the inspector. The CRUDs link in the top navbar links to nothing (a href="#").
So now I click the "Generate All CRUDs button". It pops up the green notification which displays "CRUD generated for: " nothing, it doesn't show a CRUD name.
When I click the "See files" button on the model, it shows a list of all the files it created except the Route link and the Menu link are disabled.
I'm not sure if missing something - what do I do now?
I finally found an error. Creating a new model with migration works. However, when trying to generate a CRUD for any model, I get this error:
str_repeat(): Argument #2 ($times) must be greater than or equal to 0
It's happening in the middleware:
in the handle function on line 66. Line 66 is: return $next($request);
I've just create a new Laravel app and followed the steps to add the PRO and Devtools repo.
I did the same as you did, opened the "Models" and saw only User. I made sure I deleted the user migration before as you said that Models without migration wouldn't work.
I clicked Generate CRUD, and got the green notifications.
This is what I get when I click on See Files
Route and Menu are disabled because it's a feature we are still working on, nothing that impacts the application.
If your issue persist please open a issue report on
UPDATE: We found a situation where that str_repeat could trigger, we are working on it and will patch it ASAP. I will let you know here when we do it
UPDATE 2: It was fixed. Thanks for the report!

TYPO3 v11: Form Configuration not loading

i set up a new TYPO3 project with the new version 11.
Since I need a form on one of my pages, I wanted to configure it within the form configuration. But if I click on "create new form" everything I get is a loading window.
Has anyone encountered the same error? I went through my error logs but couldn't find any errors there.
Thank you for your help!
This is a known bug that is fixed by the two patches linked in . It will be included in the next release.

Navigation between ionic pages 3

I'm having trouble with navCtrl.push. The flow is as follows:
n pages' 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3` I can go back and forth as many times as I want, but when I click the back button I need to return on page 1.
To go to the next page I use the button click event like this:
(Click) = "quickAccess ('Page1.1')"
And to go back I add navPop to my navbar` button.
When I click on the back, you are returning parts for the pastes of pages 1.2, 1.2 and 1.3 if I have navigated 10 times between these pastes it will return the 10 times.
I'm trying to follow the following thinking when I navigate for example from page 1.1 to1.2 I should remove '1.1and so on, but I'm having this problem, how do I do this, already tried to index byView name` but none of them work.
It is important to know that there are other pages prior to PAGE 1 the flow with problem is only in this case, in the rest everything goes as expected.
I found the problem!
According to this inssue no ionic team:
An error is occurring in the structure, a solution for installing the fix via npm as reported in inssue:
npm install ionic-angular # night
So my .remove () works perfectly now.

ejGrid Hidden columns's header does not hide in syncfusion JS

I am using SyncFusion JS ejGrid in my project.
I am facing strange issue.
I am trying to hide Primary Key Colum**n in Grid. Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide.
I am also getting
"TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null" error constantly.
Please provide me a solution.
Query: Column get hide but It's **Header does not hide
This issue had been reproduced in the Essential Studio v11.4.0.26 and it can be resolved by referring the bootstrap.css before the ej.widgets.all.css in your application. It has not been reproduced in the latest version ( and hence we suggest you to upgrade to the latest version.
Please find the latest JavaScript studio from the below link.
And also specify the Essential Studio version you are using so that we can analyze your issue and provide solution as early as possible.
Query:TypeError: this.model.currentViewData is null
Please share the code you have tried.