How to make profile as link to share - flutter

I am going to create a chat application using flutter with the firebase database, I want to add a profile sharing feature that opens a specific profile by its profile link, e.g. In Telegram, we have our own profile id and we can share it as, just of one click it opens with telegram app with that specific user profile. Then how do I do this?

Firebase Dynamic Links
Firebase Dynamic Links is the service that does what you're describing. The documentation states the following:
You create a Dynamic Link either by using the Firebase console, using
a REST API, iOS or Android Builder API, or by forming a URL by adding
Dynamic Link parameters to a domain specific to your app. These
parameters specify the links you want to open, depending on the user's
platform and whether your app is installed.
First, you will need to enable it for your Firebase project through your Firebase console.
Then, you will include its official package for Flutter called firebase_dynamic_links in your app.
You can create Dynamic Links programmatically with your app or maybe Cloud Functions or by using the Firebase console.
Use the firebase_dynamic_links package to check if a Dynamic Link was passed to it when your app opens.
You can view the analytics data to track the performance of your Dynamic Links in the Firebase console.


Flutter links then firebase write

I'm creating a shopping list app using flutter and Firebase database where users can share their own shopping list.
I'd that users can share a link where other users just tapping that link can open my app and see the shopping list shared.
So when a user tap the link automatically my app opens up and write a key value in firebase database.
How can I achieve my purpose?
I don't even know what to search in google? :s
Thank you
What you're describing is (within Firebase) achieved by the product called Firebase Dynamic Links. With these you can generate a link to any screen in your app, so that when the user clicks the link they are taken to that screen (even if they have to install the app first).
So I recommend reading the documentation on creating dynamic links and receiving dynamic links in Flutter.

How to access same firebase authentication using two different apps? + flutter

I have two different apps in same firebase (one for android and one for web). If an user triggers forgot password in my android app it will send a custom link to his mail. when he clicks that link he will be directed to my web app where he can enter the new password. But as he confirms the new password it is not getting updated in the firebase. I have tried all the methods mentioned in similar questions. Have added same google-services . Have initialized the web app with proper api. Is there any solution for this?

How to share an image from gallery with my flutter app?

Can anyone point me to a library or advice on how I can go about sharing an image from the gallery with my app using the share button? I want to have my app appear in the list of apps to share with. There are libraries such as [share] that allow you to share content from your app with other apps but it doesn't do what I am looking for.
TL:DR Coming from android,you can do this with a content provider. then using platfrom channels get it to flutter.
Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity
For example, if you build a social app that can share messages or photos with the user's friends, you should support the ACTION_SEND intent. Then, when users initiate a "share" action from another app, your app appears as an option in the chooser dialog (also known as the "disambiguation dialog")
To allow other apps to start your activity in this way, you need to add an element in your manifest file for the corresponding element.
When your app is installed on a device, the system identifies your intent filters and adds the information to an internal catalog of intents supported by all installed apps. When an app calls startActivity() or startActivityForResult(), with an implicit intent, the system finds which activity (or activities) can respond to the intent.
read more from docs
I guess you are searching for something like explained here:
You could also try this flutter package:

How to Use Firebase Dynamic Link in Facebook App Install Ad?

I'm trying to create app install ads on Facebook for an App. I would like to track installs via Dynamic Links so I can see the effectiveness of each ad/campaign for user retention & various conversion events down the funnel.
With Facebook Ads, the only option for tracking is to add a dynamic link to the ad. However, the Firebase link is not a dynamic link, but a web link, so it isn't accepted by Facebook Ads.
I'm curious if others have had this problem and if there is a solution.
I believe this may not currently be possible.
At, we have a workaround for this by inputting a backup URI scheme link into the Facebook ad. But it appears the Firebase dynamic link does not have the required App Links tags set to support this method.
You may either need to rely on the Facebook console to track these, or use a different deep link provider.

Windows 10 UAP: Share data on Facebook

Is it possible to correctly share data on Facebook post using DataRequest and DataTransferManager classes?
I am trying to create a Facebook post using DataTransferManager.DataRequested and DataTransferManager.TargetApplicationChosen handlers.
I have Facebook web page and I am providing link to it by calling dataRequest.Data.SetWebLink(facebookWebpageUri) in my DataTransferManager.TargetApplicationChosen handlers when chosen app is "facebook".
The problem is that Facebook should scrap the webpage for the data it shows in the post as it does in my Android and iOS apps but in my Windows 10 UAP it does not do this. It only shows the title and the text set by dataRequest.Data.SetText if I provide it before invoking share using DataTransferManager.ShowShareUI()
There are two type of app for sharing Interaction: one is source app, the other one is target app.
As a share source(UWP) app, we handle the source data, for your scenario, the facebook is the share target.
What we can do is dealing with the data you want to share, which we have done already. As the target app, facebook need to be able to resolve this source data, this work can not be done by the source app.
What you can try to do is:
Contact with the facebook to submit a suggestion.
Use the web api of facebook.
Try to find and use some third-party libraries of WinRT.